How to update street fighter 4 arcade edition to ultra on a disc

Just recently i bought Street fighter 4 arcade edition on a disc. I was wondering if i can update that to ultra? I really dont want to have to buy a downloadable version of arcade edition just so i can play ultra. Thank you.

I bought it for ps3 btw

Yes…you can get the digital upgrade to Ultra SF4 using Arcade Edition as a base.

Why didn’t you just buy a boxed copy of Ultra instead? That is a thing you know. It also came out like last year. Pretty sure you arent saving money buying AE+DLC

Does that mean i can upgrade even if my copy is a cd? And btw i only bought ae because of a n order problem.

Just purchase the 15 dollar ultra digital upgrade. It will upgrade your cd even if it was the super street fighter 4 disc (the previous iteration)

Yes…you can.

But where do i get the upgrade? I can find the upgrade on my the psn website on the computer but when i try to get it on my ps3 it only has the stabdalone street fighter 4 ultra.!/en-us/ultra-street-fighter-iv/cid=UP0102-BLUS30453_00-SSF400DLC000USF4

google and searching the psn store for “ultra street fighter” were arduous tasks that took me a combined 40 seconds.

to OP’s credit, since the psn store was updated to an actual app on the ps3, navigation in the new store is quite bad and not as easy as it used to be. It’s not as easy as googling it on your pc and getting the web based store.

@wiivan use the link veserius gave you to add it to your cart (sign in to your psn account on the site) and then log in on your ps3 and it should be in your cart if you are having troubling finding it straight from the ps3

It all works now! Thanks a ton for the help.