How to teach a sf noob cvs2

nice advices

it’s so amazing that their jump-ins usually can’t be punish, or they are doing crossups or it’s like Mai’s that eats all anti-airs.

I guess I’m totally unlucky. When I’m prepared to punish with uppercut, they don’t jump; when I try to poke, they jump; when I jump they don’t try to poke; when I try to punish, they throw me =(

I noticed how they usually react to some facts here:
-punish a mistake -> throw
-blocked anything -> jump (yes, they jump to avoid anything, I guess they only think about throwing/avoid being threw)

there’s only 1 good player, like the ones that you see in videos, and he’s the only one I usually win. The others are like that, and I usually lose

Sorry, but all? I know for a fact, for example, that Rocks s.HK owns her j.HK
I don’t recall but I’ve fought Mai’s with Nako before and her d.HP owns it just fine. It’s probably the angle.

So far as crossups go, there’s a lot of things you can do to get out, but that really depends on your character.

Geese/Rock for example d.HP/d.MP respectively, or raging storm/rising tacooooo

Akuma’s got d.HP, ironically enough close s.HK, his dp’s when done “crossup” style. Athough you can argue that the close s.HK is meant for more random crossup attempts, d.HP or dp’s for guaranteed “ambiguous” ones following a nice setup.

Sounds like you’re a little slow on reaction if you try to punish and they throw you… Everything else sounds like they’re actually good (because they seem to be in control.

If you’re in control of the match, the other guy’s basically reacting to what you do.
You have to change that and take initiative because while it’s definitely possible to win out as a turtle not every person is built to think, much less respond that way. Control usually comes in the form of an effective gameplan, which you can fully implement once you fully understand and execute your defenses.

I’d almost believe they are good except for your previous post and…

I stopped reading at punish a mistake->throw.
There’s so much more damage in combos, that you only throw when they get to blocking. Punishing a mistake means they’re open enough for a combo. Throwing is the easy (albeit the “wrong”) way to go about punishing unless you’re throwing into the corner or have good setups following such as Sak, Kyo, Geese, Hibiki, whatever.

Think on this,
They really can’t cross you up if you control your space and you are quick to anti-air them (unless maybe you’re up against Rolento…), although if they set it up say with Ken, Sak that’s different. That means they had the initiative, got in, and set their jumping MK (or whatever it is) up perfectly off their B&B’s (or Sak’s throw). Learn to control your space, everything about your characters’ pokes like BoswerLK said.
If u use characters with a dp at all, here’s a little tidbit:
If they’re crossing you up, and you’re down, facing right
:r: :d:(They pass over u here) :db:+:p:
That’s your basic “anti-crossup” dp+P
:db: instead of :df:

double tap to option select throw and tech throw.

it’s just like they are playing KOF, trusting in some mixups, luring and count on luck

now I ordered my T5 10th Anniversary Stick, and I’m gonna upgrade it, maybe my stick is so old that it’s starting to fail (yes, it’s waaaay old)

As somewhat of a CvS2 noob myself (I have my inputs down and know the game mechanics, but I’m not good versus humans), I’ve always wondered how the top tier teams were formed. I started watching high-level vids from the start and just used the same teams from the videos rather than trying to make my own teams. As a result, I never learned the importance of team formation and groove selection. Yes, I know the simple things such as Sakura is probably most effective in A-Groove. But I don’t understand why Cammy is usually used in K and P grooves. Or why some people use K-Cammy/Blanka/Sagat together rather than K-Kyo/Blanka/Sagat.

My main point is that noobs should understand what goes into forming a team even if they choose to use a top tier one. In my opinion, this will make them more effective players.

Its according to what the characters have available to them in those grooves.
K - Cammy gets small jump, easy meter building + massive damage, run, etc.
That combined with all the stuff she has, range, a crazy fierce, etc., and she becomes deadly.

I can’t fight scrubs, and I play on live.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought it mostly had to do with her getting a guard break for the super.

I wasn’t really asking for an answer since this isn’t a Q&A thread. I was just suggesting something that scrubs should learn about. But do you think I could PM you some other questions that I have?

too lazy to double tap…wasted calories…you know, like pressing the back button so I could quote you directly =P

if they throw you when you try to punish, you’re doing it way too slow, attack earlier, if you didn’t know, a low can not knock someone out of the air, so if they’re landing from an uppercut or something and you don’t wanna accidentally make them flip out of the air, do a c mk -> special or something

mixups are your best friend when it comes to offense, actually =P

if they’re trying to jump away from your poke string, that’s really easy to deal with, in fact, most of the time I’m hoping my opponent tries something like that, the solution is simple, end the string with a mid/high normal instead of a low (example, with geese, end with st hp/hk instead of c hk, blanka c hp instead of c hk…etc), once you smack them for 1300 a few times, they’ll sit still, then you can get your own mixups in

anti-airing should be second nature, you shouldn’t need to prepare yourself for it, and, if you’re getting ready, you’re probably telegraphing it, if they’re jumping your pokes, you’re telegraphing them too much probably, or they’re just reacting to you moving, so just whiff some lights, if they jump, you’ll have an eternity to choose which anti air to make them cry with, you don’t even need to whiff lights, you can do the tokido and just spaz (that is, rapidly move your joystick from db -> b -> db -> b…really fast), if nothing else, it’ll stun them with the WTF effect =P

just about every jump in in the game can be anti-aired by almost everyone, you just gotta know what anti air to use and when to press it

a generic cross up anti air is super jump backwards hp

a perfect tiger uppercut stops anything with it’s 1 invincible hitting frame

kyo…hp uppercut usually works, if it doesn’t, use c hp I think? I don’t really use him…don’t remember…

cammy, st hk for far jump ins, otherwise cannon spike

always do uppercuts as late as possible, the ideal way to do them is semi early f, then slowly -> d -> df -> wait 5 frames or so -> hp, that way, it comes out while you’re crouching and are able to hit it as deep as humanly possible without getting hit, if you’re standing while trying to uppercut, you might get kicked in the head cuz it’s sticking out

iori, c hp everything, screw his uppercut, close st hp/hk for crossups or on top jump ins

ryu, completely invincible dp and dp super, st hk for far away jump ins, c hp if you can’t dp fast enough, there is no excuse for being unable to anti air with ryu =P

bison…well, his anti airs suck, far st hp, c hp, rc psycho crusher, j mps…all suck

sakura, c hp everything, screw her dp

…I have no idea for athena =P

honda, st hp or lp headbutt everything

yamazaki, c hp or st mp or super

rolento, st lp and standing mp I think? also jump forward lp

I’m too lazy to list pokes…but use high pokes more if you want them to stop jumping, and you should almost always start a poke string with a light, stick to mediums if they’re reacting to your hards…and don’t forget to spaz out

I almost expect to hear people growling over this point soon however much I’m inclined to agree lol
He has nothing to stop shit that’s directly above him outside Psycho Crushers, and even then if you’re crossing him up the chances are he’ll loose his charge.

Well more or less her d.HP when properly positioned beats everything but nicely angled low jumps will likely beat it due to positioning issues of course, then there’s her dp+MP or her stupid good lvl 1 SCB to lvl 3 SCB.

the best bison can do for on top and cross ups (which at high level play, are just about every jump in…), the best he can hope for is to early roll away, teleport away, or psycho crusher away…

not quite the best way to discourage them from jumping

unless he turns on his paint the wall cc of course =P

Bison with no meter isn’t too bad to jump at but with meter its just so dangerous since one double strong means you are dead, so it kinda balances out. with Kyo is a good anti-air, better than d.hp, I think.

rolento can’t punish a close jump-in, well, I RC hop backwards with lp, it works sometimes

where can I get a frame list?

in the character’s individual forums (or wikis for the ones that are already done), under moveset/attributes

before cvs2 I’d never really played a fighting game seriously before, I’m not real good or anything but I got the hang of how it worksfor the most part

Of course im pretty sure ther is some guy/girl out there that has never played a sf game before let alone 2-d fighter that could come in and become a bonafide natural at it, right? Btw Obot man you think alot about stuff. Doesn’t that ever strain you out. guess i been readin your blog ^^

How exactly do have 4 bars of meter? Or do you have to use S groove or something?

My fault, I should’ve said “usage of Athena’s lvl 1 SCB through her lvl 3 SCB.”

I didn’t mean lvl 1 SCB xx whatever to lvl 3 SCB

If I were playing S as my main team it’d be lvl 3 SCB to lvl 1 if anything, not that it combos.

S aside, N-Groove does see play, and with commonly seen characters like Chun it’s not unheard of to land a lvl 3, and split second later land a lvl 1. Doesn’t combo, but mixups following her landing the super and ending up in the corner are quite strong, and like I said it’s only a split second.
Rugal can combo lvl 3’s into lvl 1’s
Terry can. Who else?

Now sure I play S from time to time. It’s fun pretending that there’s some sort of dramatic fight sequence goin on like in a movie and my little quasi-avater-like character on screen is getting pissed/psyched, or to have that “Matrix” like dodge shit going on. Dodging entire double-cyclones or raging storms or wakeup blanka electricities is fun.

Everyone just remember… It takes a hell of a lot of hard work, practice and dedication to be a scrub at CvS2. It takes even more of the above to be good!