How to reverse missed combos?


I’am not able to reverse a missed combo.

i.e. Ryu is crossing me up with a and tries to combo it into two c.shorts. (but the two shorts get blocked). Can someone tell me when I have to input the upercut command? ( I don’t need the exact frame. Just a hint when to do it.)

what character are you playing? I just mash 360 and all the punch buttons. That gets me out of all my troubles. Every time. All the time. 60% of the time.

O.Ryu and N.Guile.

ryu, just mash DP, guile is hard. I would just block with guile. Since guiles moves require charge, there is no way to know when and even if the other guy is going to drop his combo.

just pick up gief or hawk. you can just mash spd to get out of any situation. its great, I live by it.

but wait …
whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ? :rofl:

you know we love you Mike
but this line of yours is almost better than Oldschool BR’s damdai math about Xmania 3 ~


I had to do it.

I’d recommend starting the uppercut motion as soon as you block the first, and learn to piano the punch buttons to land a higher chance of executing a reversal DP. Do the uppercut motion on whatever side the opponent hits you. So if you get knocked down on P1 side, the opponent does a cross-up behind you, execute the uppercut as if you had switched sides, and are now on P2.

For Guile, your best option is just to block. Technically there is a way to block a high attack and go into a flash kick, but it’s highly situational, and requires that your opponent hit you with a light attack low to the ground, and that they’ll miss the follow-up attack chain.

Oh, cmom! And I didn’t remove damdai alone: the empty lines were deleted too! :wonder:

There’s that standing hitstun while charging down trick that Kurahashi, Muteki and I use.

[URL=‘’]Nah, of course I don’t use it!

Oh, cmom! And I didn’t remove damdai alone: the empty lines were deleted too! :wonder:

There’s that standing hitstun while charging down trick that Kurahashi, Muteki and I use.

[URL=‘’]Nah, of course I don’t use it!

That’s what I was referring to, but it’s extremely difficult to pull off, and only a handful of people in the whole world actually use it effectively in play.

One would be surprised at how many charge character players use it in Japan. This includes characters such as Guile, Dee Jay, Boxer, Claw and Chun, wich are all good characters (damn, ST is good!). I could list Muteki, Kurahashi, Shiki, Tsunoppi, Kotata Shoten, Tsuji, Tamashima, Ito, Seki, Keishin, etc.

im a big teaser . i only kid ~ :angel:

Do you have a video of the trick youre referring to? And how does that work? Sounds like charging down right after getting hit…

And thats just normal. Not difficult so its probablynot what im thinking about