use j.:d:+:hk: as a low jump.
here’s some flowchart:
beedrill > (opponent mashes jabs) > beedrill
beedrill > (opponent mashes something else) > counterhit s.:mp: > fireball?
beedrill > (you are close and feel sexy) > c.:lk: > c.:hp: > darkness illusion
beedrill > (opponent does nothing) > dashup > command throw
(opponent expects beedrill) > cross up :mk: > (hits) > combo
(opponent expects beedrill) > cross up :mk: > (blocked) > command throw
(opponent expects beedrill) > cross up :mk: > (blocked) > beedrill
so thats flowchart c-morrigan. of course you can get more advanced and bait counterhit setups, walk up setups, all sorts of other things.
i used to think c-morrigan was completely unplayable, but her drill makes her basically a low jump character on c-groove. the dash is useful for dashup > command throw after making them scared of counter hit setups after the drill. her seemingly useless jump is useful after creating a baseline expectaction of drills. this will allow you to land some crossups.
shes not nearly as good as n-morrigan, but still quite playable. imo she can be fun and is really useful if you are a flowcharty kind of player. in addition to the above flowchart, just walk around and do s.:mp: as well.
also, the drill command can be done with faster or slower timing to get it going at different heights. i havent really figured out how to make that useful really, but it may play in to some timing mixups.