where can i get mdf, and what’s the general cost for an average piece…i’m planning on making a stick from scratch. also, did you guys use a dremel to cut the holes into the MDF…i’m sure you guys used a template for the holes no? can someone PM me…i’m really anxious to start this project already.
Slagcoin has everything you need as far as layouts and knowing what tools you need. For making holes you need a power drill and a 30mm bit (24 mm bit too if you’re using 24 mm buttons). Ideally you want a forstner bit but you get away with using a spade bit. As for pricing and availability of different woods, I can’t help since I’m not from the states and don’t know your stores.
glad to see this thread going strong and helping people out. Digital worked real hard putting it together and i remember in the beginning when people were mad at him because it takes a long time. Great thread digital :tup:
Since i’ll be painting my box white, I’m using a white Primer I got from Home Depot. In fact, I just realized all the materials (except for the paint) should be purchased at your local auto parts dealer. I went to autozone, and I purchased a 1000, and a 2000 grit sand paper.
Anyways, I must’ve used up 3/4 of the primer spray can for my box! I just wanna make sure everything is enough and even. Maybe I’m a little too primer happy… (btw, I’m using poplar)
So if im not going for a mirror finish, and more of a high gloss finish, what steps can i cut out of this process?
Like the wetsanding, and the buffing process?
also, when you’re moving up in grits from like 600 to 800 do you put a new coat of paint on in between? or just keep sanding until you get to the highest grit you have?
I think if you’re not looking for a mirror finish you can probably skip all the sanding and buffing after the first coat of color is on. Now that I’ve put my first coat of color on I was almost tempted to stop where I am now and call it quits since it does look really nice already.
instead of spackling, can I use wood filler? I couldn’t find spacking. Where in home depot would I find it?
how many cans of paint do you guys use?? I’m almost done with my white gloss spray paint, (half way) and i’m only on my first coat! Also, don’t use the color you are painting with. Otherwise, you can’t tell which is the primer, and which is the paint! lesson learned!
Also, during the “first” color wet sanding portion, what grit should i use?
Just wanted to say awesome tutorial Digital, your hard work and attention to detail is very much appreciated!
Wood filler should work fine.
For all color coats use 400 in between coats. You only go higher when there are no more coats of paint (either clear or color) going on.
Thanks man. The only part I regret is not taking more pics of the last few steps from different angles, but yeah I’m definitely not going through all this again just to get those.
sorry if this is a dumb question, but the high solids filler primer is an automotive primer, correct?
okay here’s the progress after sanding down the primer. (Yes i used white primer!)
i see the crevices where the wood joins together… is that going to be a problem? should I have used spackle to seal it?
So you only spackle/wood fill the edges of the wood, not the entire box? I’m using red oak, not MDF, so i’m assuming I just spackle/wood fill the edges?
Since your still in the primer stage I suggest that you Spackle over any imperfections on the wood/box. That way you can make sure that your surface is nice and flat for paint and clear coat.
Remember Primer is cheaper than paint and also easier to touch up. Do it right the first time so that you dont have to go back to previous steps.
after the first coat of paint, it doesn’t look too bad… I’m on my second day of waiting… tomorrow’s the sanding day!!! Also, I’ve noticed that since I had it on card board, I would need to move it so it doesn’t dry up with some sort of paper underneath it!
here’s a picture showing off the imperfection of this corner. This is after the first coat of paint.
another full shot after the first coat of paint.
last shot! Of course, this was done 3 days ago… I’ve already wet sanded the first coat, and applied the second coat! Gonna hit up the wet sanding again tomorrow, and then, it’s clear coat time!!!
Got the sanding and primer down now:

Priming took longer than I anticipated. After sealing the edges I thought I had sanded them down well enough. Once I put that first coat of primer down, I saw that wasn’t nearly the case! I had to go back and cut another hole in the case for the USB adapter anyway, so I wasn’t too upset. I used 220 and 400 grit 3M flexible finish paper, which was perfect for the rounded edges. I was able to sand them down without cutting thru the paint. I wish they had some of that for wetsanding…
I’ve got 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 wetsanding paper ready to go once I get the lacquer down, which should start today.
Its best to paint your object, so that it’s elevated above whatever its resting.
Like say have it sitting on some blocks of wood resting on the inside nubs.
This way so that you can easily paint all the sides and rotate the piece with out worrying its going to touch anything.