okay thanks.
yeah, ill prolly use that sealing method he showed, so it’s nice a smooth.
Yeah using this method doesn’t add gloss. All you need for that is high gloss paint. This method is simpy to make it mirror flat, but you can just use high gloss paint and it will be very glossy, and it can definitely look good without making it a mirror finish. Personally I would invest in a high quality spray gun if you think you will get use out of it in the future on other projects. Those do a much better job than a rattle can, whether you will be sanding it smooth or just leaving it as is.
Awesome thread. Hopefully I didn’t miss the answer to this if it was asked already, but how long should I wait after applying the final clear coat before starting the final sanding/buffing/swirl removing process? I know the it’s suggested to wait 30 days before adding wax after all is said and done, but what about after the final clear coat?
can some of you who have done this painting method post up your results?
This finish looks amazing.
Props man.
I haven’t taken any pics of the first coat but here is one I’m working on that follows this method. I’ll post another shortly
what If I don’t have a buffer? will this work on poplar wood?
I would think this is easier with poplar since you won’t have to worry about sealing edges like mdf. I’m using this guide, but on my poplar case. Tonight I’ll be doing the final sanding with 1200 grit, and then onto the rubbing compound. Hopefully I can finish it off tonight and post some pics.
Of course you have a buffer. It’s called your hand and a terry cloth.
Looks like a great start!
Thanks Digital, I’m on day three of the first color coat so I’ll have another pic posted tonight
Man are those corners a bitch:sweat:
Yes they are for sure. My recommendation on corners would be to not touch them in any way when sanding until they are the only thing left to sand. Then proceed with extreme caution.
I finally got back to work on my stick. I put the 2nd coat of primer on last week and sanded it this week. It took a little more effort than last time and didn’t cut through also the corners don’t seem to hate me as much as everyone else’s do maybe because they’re more rounded? gonna put first colour coat on monday will probably post a pic or 2 and ask for help when it all goes wrong.
here’s the first coat before wetsanding, the second color coat goes on tonight.
Should I use filler primer as well? I’m using poplar wood. Since I’m planning on painting my box ‘mirror white’ and I have a high gloss white spray paint, should I go out there and purchase a lacquer as well?
so as far as materials go…
I’m gonna get myself a 400, 600, 100, 1500 grit sand paper
filler primer (what color should I get if I’m painting white?)
high gloss white spray paint
clear coat
lots of terry cloths
rubbing compound
scratch remover?
Also, from what I gather, you put the clear coat after we finish sanding the second color coat?
All looking like great progress so far.
100 is a bit useless for what you’re doing. Once you get the first coat of primer on you won’t be using anything more coarse than 400. If you can get some 2000 also that would help, but if not 1500 should be ok.
Personally I would get filler primer, but it’s not as important with poplar as it is with MDF so if you don’t get it don’t worry about it. Clear coat is the last layer you’re correct. Also there is no set number of layers for any given step. You just keep going until it’s sufficient. For example if you cut through the second coat of paint and go to the primer you need another coat. So it just depends on how good your coats/sanding are. In general put on 2 color coats as a minimum. Also yes you put on the clear after sanding the last color coat. It’s the same for every coat. You never put on any additional coat of anything until the last one is sanded.
I wouldn’t need spackle, right?
No sir, for poplar you should be fine as long as all of your joints are snug.
Plans changed and I put my first colour coat on today! It went mostly well, the only problem is it didn’t occur to me that the supports are made with blocks of mdf which are obviously cut. I forgot to seal the cut edges and they absorbed paint. Mostly it was a success though with the main body of the case coming out pretty well. See pics:

Nice job, didn’t spackle the corners enough though.
Also, be careful of MDF supports and screws. I believe they can split the MDF even with a pilot hole.
It’s all good with the supports, I wont be drilling (or screwing) into them at all.