I can’t ever get my E. Ryu combos in a footsie battle, like cr. lk cr. lp cr. m into tatsumaki into SRK
And when I get knockdown people sometimes focus or focus and then dash away what should I do in this situation?
You’ve already got the idea of how to hit confirm. You are confirming that your normals are not being blocked before committing to an unsafe move, such as tatsu. The best way to practice hit confirms is to set the training mode dummy to “Random Block”.
When the opponent does a hard KD into doing either a focus attack or focus backdash, the smartest thing to do is just block on wakeup. However, if you’re reasonably certain that your opponent is going to let their focus attack rip on your wakeup, do a attack-invincible reversal move on your wakeup, since all moves gain armor-break when performed as a reversal.
You can also just focus back, if the opponent lets go early you absorb it and let yours go. If he cracks you can just backdash on reaction, unless your character’s backdash is bad.
How do people get a SRK through my jab string? like I hit them twice in a row somehow the Shoryuken crushes mine jab/hadoken
If you are getting hit by SRK’s then you need to tighten up your strings, meaning that your timing is off and there is a gap in your attacks where you are no longer comboing.