You are failing to take the main problem with macros into account. Macros will not use any execution time, which means you will have a far better ability to do reaction-based DPs and piledrivers than you would without them. By the time you realize that you can do one of these moves, you still have to input them, which will always be slower than using a macro for it.
Moves don’t have long motions to make them “hard to do”, but to make them take longer time to perform.
thats why you simply dont play competitive pc games because some douches like to hack the game or create lag fests. Just dont play pc, ignore these people, and let them forever wallow in their filth to suck ball’s the size of pam anderson’s boobs.
By the same logic, why not devolve everything in the game to single button presses?
Tech skill is part of the game, just as mind games are. Macros remove half the game.
This also allows exceptionally difficult combos (Balrog’s Dash Upper loops) to be done on a whim.
We’ve all seen combo videos featuring ridiculous combos that are never used in real matches because they’re prohibitively difficult and need slowed inputs and macros just to perform. Macros bring a level of BS to the game that realistically shouldn’t be there except by the exceptional few.
well put. I agree 100%. Macros are complete BS and the people who don’t see it this way well…YJDK.
Look at 2D fighter for example. Macros runied the community.
I just don’t get how you can come to a dedicated fighting game forum and have the balls and stupidity to say something like this about Macros. This is beyond retarded.
I was owning a ryu scrub, so bad that i relaxed and taunt a couple of times and just attacked him with jumping hp and standing hk… to give him some room… it was fun while i lead in life…
…suddenly he did a c.lp c.lp xx lp shoryu FADC ultra and killed me with that. I couldn’t believe it.
In the third round he did the same after a mk crossup, but he didn’t kill me because i somehow blocked it all… but he lp shoryu FADC ultra anyway, wich i just kkk and then ex barcelona him. Then i killed him with my bloody high claw.
That guy was really bad, jumped a lot and i got behind his jumps with a lot… he couln’t stop barcelona… but he did some “insane” combos. Then i remembered this thread.
Could it be that some scrub PC players just use an automated keystroke program to pull off lp shoryu FADC ultra or some pre-defined combos ???
Now i’m paranoid and i can’t help thinking that every Laggy Zangief use this kind of trick to grab flawlesly
Tbh, this kind of thing will always happen - like PC couterstrike wall hack etc. End of the day it only takes an avoid this player to get them out of your life.
I play the game on my PC, with a hori EX2 fighting stick (for my xbox 360) and I don’t even bind 3xP etc. I prefer to react and work my game manually from the 6 basic buttons. Yeah, I will win and lose fights, but macro/lag people come along and if they win, I just get on with it and fight the next fight. End of the day, I am always getting better and learning new depths to the game. They are just sitting stagnant and being predictable with what they do.
I still wouldn’t say you HATE someone for it. Hate is something very personal. And I wouldn’t want a bus to fall on his legs either lol
It’s lame, no question man, but you can say that without getting REALLY offensive :'D
Lol and the visual of a double decker bus falling on OPs legs. In all seriousness though the very idea of any type of macros being in anyway shape or form condoned on SRK is asinine to me.
WHAT UP MAN!!! Great to see you posting for once! lol.
See you friday, Blue Dragon for real.
and ya, players using Macros are beyond lame. Its like, way to give up before you’ve ever even tried. They should just take a running jump. all of em’.
same thing I have, I don’t have an Xbox but bought the Hori Blazeblue Fight Stick for Xbox to use on my PC, just downloaded the Games for Windows Controllers driver and was good to go.
I love this stick.
the best part about it is that its made in Japan, where as the SF4TE stick uses high quality “original” parts, but i’m quite certain its assembled in China
I know this has nothing to do with Vega but Tezen, you do realize that the sf4 arcade cabinets use Sanwa parts which are what comes in the TE. Hori uses its own brand of buttons. Im failing to see your correlation there.
and I’m sure the buttons and stick are Sanwa, but they have people in a factory in China plugging everything together, and the box itself im sure comes from China, i’ve never held it but it looks like cheap light-weight garbage with sanwa buttons and stick, I’ve seen videos of people playing with it and it looks just like a hollow empty lightweight cheap plastic wobbly box
the Hori is heavy as hell, very solid, Japanese engineered and manufactured, 100% Japanese by a Japanese company
i dunno man i have played on those blast city cabs or wutever ther called…japanese imports anyway…and my SE stick feels more solid…i have tried the TE SE HRAP3 and the real cabs and i think the TE feels the best