I’ve developed a really solid ground game with Ryu, but sometimes I can’t deal with people who constantly jump at me and have really good mix ups and just put me in a constant vortex.
This is a pretty general post, for constantly jumping people you have anti-airs e.g. cr.HP, Shory, quick jump attack, use whichever you find easiest to react with. Shory is obviously the best one to get used to because it yields the best return damage wise, for certain setups that make your Shory whiff use cr.HP but beware its slow to start up so you must be quick to react.
As for mixups its all educated guesses, study their patterns and make a guess, it makes it easier when you know all of the setups so then you know the exact percentages on a certain move escaping/beating the mixup.
When someone is putting you into a mixup, the first thing you need to do is figure out what your options are. Like, you can do anything you want. There’s hundreds of things you could try to get out of the mixup. Really, though, you need to figure out the 2 or 3 options that actually work.
Like kunai vortex. You could try and dp her, or jump out, or I dunno, whatever. You really only have a couple good options, though. FADC on wakeup, block, block crossup. Anything else you try, you’ll get punished for.
Say it is seth, and the blocking is very confusing, you can use cr.mk/cst.mk to duck the kick. THis works for akuma too. But the dangerous part about this is that option selects can still hit you
This works to duck certain unblockables as well
how is the escape tatsu performed ? example when your pressured into a corner
Patched in Arcade Edition.
The only break away aerial-tatsu left is semi-decent and if you are in a corner, you ‘will not’ get away with it…
The only way is to gimmick your way into getting a grab/shoryuken/Heavy kick tatsuing out of the situation when your opponent is too occupied to stop your tatsu.
So the only tatsu you can really use for no meter that gets you out is the ground one now, but hey it works and its good.