How to deal with Akuma

Only the RH flamekick of Fei Long can counter a RD? Dont think I can do it that fast, I always try going psychic with the normal ones when I feel one coming. Doesn’t seem to work. Though I threw him out of one once, tho.
The RD is really crap, some Akuma players can only win by exploiting that thing. They get it all the time anyway by Fireballing/DP’ing Fei to hell.

Akuma really looks like a character who has it all, no trade offs. Yesterday out of 20 ranked matches 10 were Akuma (then 5 were Honda, which is added injury as a Fei player :wink: )

Anyone how many frames he is hittable at the end?

Bump because this thread is ridiculously useful and people will still play Akuma online.

I’m disappointed that EVO banned him because we won’t have pro players’ data/results to figure out what to do about Akuma. Barring that, this is the best, concentrated source of info on how to deal with Akuma there is out there. Also this thread really shouldn’t fall back as far as the 10th or 15th page in this section if you ask me. It took me hours to find it, even with the search functions because I couldn’t remember the title or the username of the thread starter (but I sure will now - UltraDavid is my hero!).

Plus there are still gaps to fill! There’s almost no Fei Long info!

I wish online Akuma was banned. : ( Good Akuma players make me want to rage quit. But I don’t, because that would be more dishonorable than tick throws. :lol: Seriously, though, I don’t like meterless unblockables (maybe they’re not unblockables but for some reason I have a hard time blocking them).

Agreed. Mad props to UltraDavid both for his work here on Akuma and his past work with Q.

i don’t think that is right. when you hold down two buttons to charge the TAP; the input is actually all three buttons so hitting forward does nothing. in classic mode yes; but in remix mode no.

can we change this to “why we should ban akuma” thread?

Nooo, the point of this thread is to nut up to dealing with him, which is in direct opposition to that thread. :smiley:

Akuma is already banned

how about we change it to a “i hate akuma” thread?

no really; good thread. i didn’t know the fierce headbutt beat the RD on wakeup and have yet to try it. with rog; i try and bait the jab dp and counter with the jab rush. two things i find that most akuma players i come across are most surprised by is a high level TAP and standing fierce after pressure attacks. for some reason they like to eat these and i like to give them to them.

with zang; low rh after knockdown. this will give you a litmus test of how good he is. if he gets hit; dp wakeup timing is off and you can pressure with more. if he blocks; low forward into running bear will get him the next time around. if he successfully dp’s your leg; you’re in for a long night. best bet if his wakeup dp is good; let it whiff and then do what you do. i tend to try and banish or low rh again to stay within range and keep pressuring. most scrub akumas have problems against jumping strong too.

with sim. cheese. lots and lots of cheese. cheese so much that they ragequit. i do try to bait a fb battle and then flame when they think they can hurricane kick. other than that my sim tactics don’t really change specifically for akuma other than the extra cheese.

take all of this with a grain of salt since the community on psn is much smaller than xbx.


KKnight, you may want to try it first before you dispute it. Afro Legends isn’t considered one of the best Boxer players in the nation for nothing.

i did. he’s right about the small window of being able to use the forward. you can get two of them out before the short and rh becomes a three button input. after that; hitting forward does nothing but by then you have a higher level TAP input than you would have had in classic mode. this is actually a buff for balrog that i didn’t know about and i misunderstood afro’s last sentence about the window. my bad.


I hate to dig up a dead thread, but I gotta vent somewhere, and this is the best place I could think of. I hate Akuma so much. I just played against this one guy and whenever he would lose to one of my charcters, he would just pick Akuma until I changed characters. It was the most frustrating thing ever. A correctly positioned air fireball shuts down so many options for so many characters that for the most part, I had to wait for him to make a HUGE mistake to do any damage. To be clear, I’m not blaming Sirlin for anything. I might have done the same thing. But holy cow is he a beast. Scrubs can get away with all sorts of crap with Akuma. There are so many things that make it difficult to fight Akuma I feel like quitting whenever I come up against anyone that picks Akuma. (but that would bring me down to their level) Argggghhh


Hopefully I’ll feel better in the morning.

Dude I’m with you on that. I wouldn’t mind seeing his srks vulnerable and it would be interesting to take out his blue fireball so that he only has air fireball and red fireball.

However, it doesn’t seem likely he will ever get patched. I especially hate those RD setups.

Yeah, too many people would complain if they outright removed or banned Akuma now, even if only in ranked matches. I don’t see it happening in the near future, but a tweak patch would be wonderful. Raging Demon having the same vulnerability as the teleport (and no blockstun bug), same soft spot on the head as Ryu during dragon punches, and smaller blue fireballs (air and ground) would be nice for starters.

I played Blanka one time and this guy just did the jab dragon over and over. The invincibility on it made my counters work <20% of the time. Every cr. kick I would do would somehow get caught in the SRK. Like wtf.

As a boxer player, his SRK’s don’t bug me as much as his air fireball does. I swear if he gets one air fireball out, he can just keep doing it and there’s nothing boxer can do to get in from a distance. But yeah, Akuma’s SRK is a ton of stupidness. Basically if you accidentally find yourself too close to Akuma after a knock down, YOU have to guess whether he’s going to SRK or throw. I just wish people would stop playing him altogether. If you want to play a shoto, just go play Ryu or Ken. Sheesh.

The real game breaker is the air fireball since it seems to defy a lot of the basic SFII stuff (e.g. dragon punch when the opponent jumps in at you). Also annoying when his s cleanly beats my dragon punch.

One pattern I notice from a lot of Akuma players is that after each match in the selection screen they move around to fool you into thinking they’re going to pick someone else but it’s Akuma every time.

I hate how akuma players are starting to trickle down into player matches. They even rage quit in player matches sometimes.