Keep it on topic. You guys had your say to death in the “ban akuma” topic. This one is for productive conversation on dealing with him as he is now, in the game.
I haven’t played anyone particularly good with Akuma, but I’ve not yet had any trouble escaping the Demon. Most players seem to go for it when they get meter at the first opportunity, so I usually reversal out of it. Really, due to the fact that for a super it does jack damage, and he’s hard pressed to get more than one a round, I’d say try to keep him from getting an offensive foothold over you so that even if he does land the super, it won’t do enough damage to kill you.
At extreme close range his Jab DP hits 3 times and does more damage than his other dps.
Akuma seems to take a very small % of extra damage. Ken’s super did roughly 60% damage to him, and 55% to ryu.
All damage comparisons were made from ryu/akuma although it shouldn’t be any different with anyone else.
I also, decided to take Akuma for a test drive, and it seemed in alot of cases that simply trading with Akuma really is the strat for fighting him. Hell, even Ken’s fierce DP trades if you want the pretty flame, although the strong Dp is better. I found that the air fireball was really just annoying more than anything else. The only real issue with Akuma should just be hitboxes. I actually preferred his dp/tatsu shenanigans over the air fireball, since they did more damage.
Sorry if everyone already knew the stats above, and my opinion about akuma should only be viewed as someone who is not great at this game but tried to take the “win button” and was unsuccessful with him.
when ppl has to make one thread to how to deal with one char liek this it kinda means hes alil to good. i face some good ol akumas and jesus christ… i vote ban.
Of course there is going to be a thread about dealing with him…he is the only ‘new’ character in Remix. Everyone else has years and years of dealing with the other characters in the game, but since Akuma has never been allowed, no one has any experience dealing with him.
Just imagine the game without Balrog for ten years, then one day they added Balrog. Everyone would scream BROKEN, and BANHAMMER.
You make some good points in this thread, but hopefully more people will try this trap. If they can pull it off correctly I don’t see how you can escape it with certain characters.
God that shits my problem in 3rd strike. If I’m walking forward and go to throw a fireball i get an SRK (usually a fierce) and then i shake my head in shame as i get my ass comboed into oblivion.
Haha, I’m glad I’m not the only one. I never really got into anything after ST and that was one of the bigger reasons why for me… The more relaxed inputs always made the newer games feel “sloppy” to me, for lack of a better term. I was worried when I heard this was going to happy in STHD, and I do find myself struggling with it at times, but I understand the thinking behind why it was done too.
But yeah, in STHD, when I walk forward, and then try and do something like crouching forward into FB, and make sure for certain that I’m throwing that FB with a 1/2 circle motion instead of 1/4 and STILL get see a DP come out and then proceed loose advantage, that’s where the new “easier” controls get frustrating. Oh well.
I had trouble with fbs coming out as srks for a while but somehow I subconsciously got around it. I’ll try to observe what I do differently and let everyone know.
Something else I’ve found with Deejay is that short upkick can go through the air fireball with good timing, and it will always at least trade. Worth remembering in reversal situations where you can’t MGU.
Also, with Balrog, what I’ve been doing more lately is meaty low strong from max distance. The “glove” part of that move has no hittable box, so it can’t be thrown and even wakeup DPs will just pass through it. Ideally, you’ll want a charge ready when you do this - you can cancel the low strong into dash upper or punish his reversals (DP, teleport) with dash upper as well.
Been doing this with Rog for a while and although it does work, good Akumas will just stop throwing out random jab shoryus and go for crossups, fireball traps, etc etc.
I dunno if it’s just me but the Rog matchup is incredibly difficult for me.
I’ve read this thread but there isn’t much info about strategy for Fei Long players, is there any that can be provided? I’ve been able to s.HK Akuma out of his raging demon, but I am not sure what the timing was on that. The only times I’ve won was when I’ve anticipated the raging demon and got out my super before the Akuma player.
If there’s any out there other than the general Akuma strategy that the OP provided, can you post it here? (I’ve read the Fei Long thread as well)
For me it’s the opposite, i get my srks to become fireballs, especially on wakeup. It didn’t happen that much in original ST, it’s pretty infract…infacr…infrat…annoying.
Right after the startup shadows and I started moving forward, I was thrown. Yet, I got my opponent to purposefully try and throw me out of teleport afterwards, and we couldn’t recreate it?
I also think there might be a range (just outside of DP) where Akuma can do repeated jump straight up jab fireball against Ryu in the corner and he can’t get out (sans super). Happened while playing the other day. Ryu blocked the first one, and then couldn’t get out. Jump back got hit on the way up, dp got hit on the way up (no trade), and that’s basically all he has to get around them. Anyone wanna try it?
I’m pretty sure it was the super (hear the jabs whiffing, see the spark). I wait for Akuma’s super to come out because I try different things to break it (the wing is good and a flame after is great damage).
I too thought I couldn’t interrupt it but I’ve hit Akuma at least three games when the super came out, but this is when I’m about sweep distance. I may have moved back and then did the f+HK but I have broken him out of the super. I’d like to know what caused it because the black screen over and over gets tiresome. :sad:
I just want to find better approaches on tackling Akuma’s since shotos are already a tough match for Fei Long players to begin with.