How to beat hugo with ZANGIEF?

Hey guys im pretty new at USF4, just wondering how do you play against hugo? I know the match is 5-5 but i just can’t seem to beat hugo. What should I or shouldn’t be doing in this match up?

Hugo can outpoke Zangief simply with low medium punch
This is fucking annoying and I dont know what I can do against this poke

Become numba one!

I usually just stand back and try to counter poke his stuff since most of it is really slow.

Same here, footsie wise it is not that bad if you keep your patience, however I’m having trouble when Hugo mix up his footsie game with dash forward lp.SPD, his dash is reallllly fast for a grappler, and his lp.SPD range is about the same as Gief’s. And once Hugo had the life lead, and a bar to spend, the whole matchup became a lot harder. Plus it is not safe back dash against Hugo, dat damn ex.DP will beat you everytime; I think it’s probably better to just play a neutral game, don’t try to play your knowdown gimmicks on Hugo as he has more options than us.

Anyway tried to study some online vid for this match up, none is that helpful so far(Itabash played like shit, and Snakeye’s vid is a bit out dated)

Far works sometimes. Try to focus his pokes and claps. DON’T jump from a distance when he has meter, don’t do a lot of empty gh, he can spd those.
I think cr.lp OS works as a whiff punish for his st. and and his cr.lp, not sure though, Gotta hit the lab

Hi, this is my first time posting.

In Hugo vs. gief, if it’s not online, I feel that gief dominates the matchup. Zangief can “win with one button” more or less, that being his st. Roundhouse. Learn how to react to whiff by Hugo with roundhouse. This move already does plenty of damage, but tack on counter hit damage too? Hugo’s that like to whiff buttons all the time will see their health vanish.

As for Hugo’s that know just the right range to jump in on gief and avoid AA lariats, once again gief’s standing roundhouse shines in this matchup.

Zangief basically turns into sagat for this matchup. Roundhouse everything with extreme prejudice.
As for Hugo dash ups, always keep am eye on when he’s thinking about going for it and avoid it.

If zangief can deal heavy damage in neutral and gain a life lead, this opens up more opportunity for him to use his own mixups without worrying about Hugo’s simply due to the fact that he will have more life to wager with.

absolutely NOT
Hugo can simply spam his crmp without thinking and owns zangief
hugo crmp beats anything from gief

Hugo wins this mu imo. I felt it was even but not after the patch. It feels terrible for Gief now.

no different
gief from old patch was also fucked by hugo crmp

Are you serious… beats EVERYTHING?

Ugh, I need to tell my friend this and experience the actual matchup then.the online Hugos I’ve met never use that button either, they just press every other button and whiff the garbage that gief can counter.

Shouldn’t the matchup be somewhat better in this current patch since ending with lp gh gives gief a solid combo route that doesn’t end with Hugo next to him so gief is not forced to always play 50/50 after getting damage in?

And what about utilizing focus? Hugo doesn’t have a reliably fast armor breaker outside of ex lariat and his

hugo crmp is the death button to gief
ask your fd to junk crmp against you, you will know what hopeless is

focus attack against hugo crmp? sorry snd fuck capcom, focus attack whiff crouching character including hugo

The ONLY solution is whiff punishing with, but the reward is too low and you need very good reaction and focus to whiff punish and just get a little damage

normally hugo crmp beats everying on ground

gief is free for hugo I think
At least 7:3 matchup for hugo
Even worse than hawk matchup

Well I’m only speaking from my own experiences. Pre patch it felt way better. Then Gief got worse and I know Hugo got better and now it seems like all of Hugos buttons eat up Giefs. Its like they all got way more priority now or something. And I used to play one of the best Hugos in the states, not some online churning scrub. I think this mu is bad now but that’s just me.

lmao at cr.MP being a death button for gief, 2 minutes in training mode and I already found 2 easy as fuck whiff punishes in st.MK and st.LK. It’s not even remotely close to being a death button.

All of Gief’s death buttons have something in common, they are diagonal buttons that have a small hurtbox, difficult to reach with lights, that also function both as a footsie button and as an AA, look at Sagat’s, Hawk’s and Chun’s st.HK’s for actual death buttons. Here? just whiff punish that shit it’s not a terrifying button or anything.

In my point of view, whiff punishing always to be a counter-death button tools in theory;
but quite hard to perform stability in real match.
You can whiff punish death buttons easily in training mode because you set the dummy junking those death button repeatly.

In real match, your opponents throw out death buttons randomly, your ONLY soultion is whiff punishing, which needs extreme high reaction for just a little damage.

Death button beats Zangiefs everthing only except whiff punishing
Death button can be thown out without concentration, but just randomly to be effective death poke (make it not guessable), or just dont whiff!
While gief needs damn god like reaction for whiff punishing random death button
How about the reward? Sorry, just a damage

Don’t you think your solution are very limited?

Even snakeeyez fucked by sagat S.HK

If you think whiff punishing is unreliable then you don’t know what you’re talking about. Easy as that. Gief’s buttons aren’t made to stuff pokes or things like that most of the time, their best use is to whiff punish normals. Hugo’s cr.MP has 29 active frames, it’s not some godly reaction to be in the spacing you should already be at playing this matchup, see the cr.MP and press st.MK to do 90 damage compared to his 110.

Sagat’s st.HK wrecks Gief’s buttons, can’t be reliably whiff punished with Gief’s buttons, works as an AA and it has 2 hits so breaks focus. If you think Hugo’s cr.MP is remotely in the same league then you have to train more.

Just have to respect it, and either fight outside of its range, or well inside its range where it is too slow to compete against Zangief’s 4 frame lights + far MP. Crouching MK is a good repositioning tool that you can use against those crouch-able “death buttons”

Depends on the counter you want to use. If your counter is UNSAFE on whiff, you have to whiff confirm. Things like Far HK, EXGH, LPGH, Far HP, Far crouch HK etc.

But if you stick with the safer stuff like standing LP, standing LK, crouching LP, crouching LK, Far MP, Far MK, L1 FA. Then even if you miss the whiff punish, your still ok. If they press buttons they open themselves to risk. With the safe whiff punishing stuff, you either block because you are in range, you hit them, or you whiff and nothing happens.

If your standing in the zone where the “death button” is effective, again, you have to RESPECT it. If your upclose or even inside half of its range, it no longer becomes an issue, because it is too slow to remain effective. Unless you are in the corner, its hard to make the poke connect all the time, as they have SLOWER start-up, and you can walk back to make it whiff. And doing the poke too close, puts it at risk against other attacks that are faster.

I think snake eyes was off his game. Getting impatient and on tilt.

I don’t think Capcom thinks it’s a problem. That is what the light attack o/s is for. Allows for counter poke prediction, fast reaction, and your way to get in and do damage. Jab o/s is part of the match-up, so gotta start using it. If you don’t use all the tools, you shouldn’t complain when you handicap yourself.