How the "F" do you cancel Supers in Super Turbo?!

I can cancel normal moves into supers easy in the Alpha series and the Three series but it is nearly impossible to do them in Super Turbo.

How would you do it? Please.

Thank you.

Check the Wiki Bro! :karate:

Canceling into supers is for the birds. Its all about those jump in supers.

Remember ST you can not cancel 100% of the time its a system glitch that allows you to do that it was never part of the programming. Just like (Roll Canceling ) in CvS2 but the more you pratice at it the more you’ll understand it use ken with the C/lk into his super that the easiest one to get off

I did it a couple of times after reading how to do it on wikipedia.

But when I do it, it does not show up on the combo points system. For example with Ryu’s super fireball which is five hits, if I cancel crouching short to super fireball it only shows up as five hits. Who knows maybe I’m doing it wrong still.

Its not a smooth combo like in the Alpha series or Three series. I think the Super Turbo Super combo freeze stops it from going into the point system even if it still connects.

With Ryu is it possible to do a crouching forward into a super fireball?

Its so hard to pull that off man! If I could do that as easy as I can do it in the other games super turbo will be even more fun (even though its really fun now)!

I have yet to do.

That’s the easiest move to combo into a super with Ryu imo. See the Ryu thread:

Dude… See wiki…

The easiest combos into supers are Ken’s :qcf::r::df::d:+MP, :d::df:+punch, Cammy’s :qcf::r::df::d:+MK, :d::df:+Kick, and Ryu’s c.LP x2, :qcf::qcf:+LP (a standing jab will automatically come out before the Super, doesn’t work against certain characters in some situations.)

Man I like how you fools don’t even answer him. The closest was scaryice.

The wiki sucks when it comes to this answer.

The best answer is that you cannot do an attack and buffer it into super. You have to blend the super motion with the attack. for example:

Down, Down/Toward, Toward, Down+Low Forward, Down/Toward, Toward+Punch with ryu will do low forward into super. You cannot do Low forward QCFx2+p and get the super to combo.

STOP trying to do low shortx2 or low jab into super - it’s too fucking hard and not worth it. just get the basics down first. ESPECIALLY with Ryu. It’s only a ‘real’ thing with Ken and a few others.

For charge characters - you have to blend the motion also. For example with balrog - it’s pretty easy to do this:

charge down/back and do low jab x2 then toward on the joystick, push the controller to back for standing jab, then toward+punch for the super come out.

Bison is the same way if you wanna do low strong into super: charge down back, toward, back, and as you go to toward - low strong+kick

There are a few easy links into super: ken can do low strong link into super, so can balrog. Just push low strong and do the command for super.

Just focus on the basics then you can put it all together later.

Derek Daniels

Omni I love ya man! But this is from the wiki. Did you even read it? :wink: NKI wrote it. How is this a poor anser? I am genuinely curious! I though it answered his question very well.

*"In old school Street Fighter (in the pre-Alpha games), you can not cancel chain combos. If you chain two cr.Shorts, you can not cancel the second one. Using kara canceling however, you can get around this limitation. This is called chain canceling (“renda canceling”, in Japanese).

The best example is probably the most practical example: Ken’s cr.Short->cr.Short xx super. The input is D Short, D Short, D/F, F, D, D/F, F Short any punch. So in order to do TWO cr.Shorts into super, you actually need to hit the Short button THREE times. That st.Short on the end is being kara canceled into the super, which is why you never see it. Also note that you must go all the way to towards (even though Ken’s super motion only requires you to go to down/towards). This is because for chain canceling, you must switch from crouching to standing (or from standing to crouching). Because you started with cr.Shorts, you have to end with a st.Short.

The reason why chain canceling is so incredibly good is because you can hit confirm (wait to see if it hits or not). If the shorts are blocked, go for a throw or a DP. If the shorts connect, just continue the combo into super."*

I <3 you as well.

I did read it and the reason why I think it’s a poor answer is because it doesn’t cover the basics. It starts off talking about crazy ass short short super but it never talks about low forward into super. It just throws a lot of information out and if you don’t know what is being said - it’s pretty damn hard to follow. Talks about chain cancelling and kara cancelling and going from low to high and blah blah.

It’s a good answer on how to do short short super once you understand ST - it’s a poor answer on how to just do hit into super.

Like if I asked you how to combo into super with Dhalsim in ST and you gave me this as an answer I would be even more confused.

Does that make sense?

Derek Daniels

Yep! I just wanted to know from what perspective you where coming from! :china:
