How much is an EX bar worth?

I know this is arbitrary really (and a bit nerdy), but I was wondering if there was a general consensus on what would be a good pay-off damage-wise for using up an EX bar, maybe like at least 20-25 added damage to a normal combo? e.g. crLP x2 EX RJ instead of just a regular ol’ Rising Jaguar. And what about for FADCs? Getting a hard knockdown? I would imagine that would be considered worth the bar. Obviously if it’s going to finish the round/game then just blow it.

About 7 American dollars.

Hey man, this is Muy Thai, keep on topic. $7=290.60 Thai Baht

+17 frame advantage and be very difficult to anti-air.


I’ll burn 2 bars with blanka for positional advantage and 0 extra damage at times, and i throw away decapre meter like it’s water, but for other characters their meter economy is different where you can’t bet on potentials and have to bet on things that are guaranteed.

It’s incredibly context dependent but here is a post I made on meter economy with Decapre. I view the Abel match as a match where you want to get guaranteed damage on every hit.

I use ex lunge with Yun when i have trouble getting in…

Heavily depends on alot of factors, positioning, potential setup, extra damage, extra properties such as juggle potential/strike or projectile invincibility etc
Just simply fact letting the opponent be aware that you have an ex bar ready will make them less likely to use certain moves as you now have a counter to them.

I don’t like how strong EX moves are in SF4, but only because it makes most supers useless. Also, 1 bar isn’t hard to get at all so having an EX move being exponentially better than the non-EX version doesn’t sit well with me unless it is a necessary or smart design decision (EX DP having full invincibility from frame 1 while non-EX DP has none.)

bout $3.50

250 points of meter

Depends the character and how you wish to play. Whenever I use Gouken I save all meter for EX tatsu, palm, and kongo. I don’t FADC or use super. If I use Rolento I use it any time I need EX knives or EX delta raid. What is it worth? Better to ask what its NOT worth, and the answer is scaled combos.

I personally think using it for damage should be saved for when you need that extra damage close to the end of their life (given you feel it could kill or leave your opponent with life set for chip damage. I think with Adon (given I am just an observer rather than an Adon player), you should reserve some bars for FADC > Ultra 2. If you use U1, then maybe it’s viable to use the meter for damage. Not sure if you can combo into Ultra 1 or not.

Also with Adon, EX jaguar kick is important for both positioning and quickly beating low attacks. I think it also can pass through fireballs… not entirely sure. Plus, if you should ever wake up rising jaguar, 2 bars to FADC backwards will help.

I am an Evil Ryu player. With meter, it depends on the match up really. For example, I will use a good amount of EX firballs against Guile for both positioning and to punish advances for him to backfist. There’s a lot of things that you can consider, but I guess it depends on the situation.

The first two are worth everything, and the last four are almost worthless.

Some good answers in here guys. I can see it’s very fluid, character, match up and situationally dependent.

about 3 fiddy

for a char like cody I have no problem ripping bar on ex zonks and EX rock frame traps as his super is horrible. FADC into ex CU are the only other use as they do massive stun so if I have 3 bars Im looking to burn it and if I have 1 bar im down to use it. 2 bars or 4 bars is meh

when I play evil ryu I like to always have 2 bars for FADC’s so any bar over 2 bars is disposable when Im under 2 bars its precious.

think about what you char can do with 1, 2, 3, and 4 bars. if you can open a world of pain with 2 bars and your super sucks and 3 bars isnt that special. 2 bars is your sweet spot.

If you have amazing 1 bar ex specials and FADCs arn’t that important and your super is mediocre [ie cammy] 1 bar is your sweetspot]

Once you pass your sweet spot EX bars are much less important. Before you reach your sweet spot, EX bars are everything.

Da fuq would you go to an EX bar for? They’re an EX for a reason.

har har.

But did you mean they’re an ex **bar **for a reason? Come on man?!?!

Yeah EX Jag kick is fireball invincible and you can combo into Jaguar Sleepover but you won’t get full connects. RJ FADC U1. You can actually FADC back and get it when U2 will miss if you dash back then forward iirc. Might be character specific. I know you didn’t ask but have the info anyway!

With honda I generally want at least an extra 75 damage but will take 50. I didnt use ex hhs that much in the past but am starting to use it more, my rule is 2 ex hhs in one combo max and don’t go below 1 bar so you at least have 1 ex headbutt for aa.