How many people here have a Kanzenshuu Account



I had a planet namek account back in the day fuck kanzenshuu

Damb now theres a throwback

Shoutout to temple of trunks and b-chans homepage too while were at it

Also was the shit.

Also I only heard about Planet Namek prior to this thread. Never made an account.

One-punch man is on Squirrel Girl level.

I don’t think Goten and Trunks are old enough to fall under the yaoi category.

Holy shit I didn’t need to Google Translate this sentence 6 times to make sense of it. Kudos, HAX.

He is a feggit

But somehow Craig and Tweek does?

One-Punch Man, Goku, Superman triple threat match Death Battle with Faulconer music would be GDLK

just when i thought u were cool…

Superman wins, deal with it

In the Japanese dub of South Park, Tweek and Craig are “18”.


Or more likely, Matt and Trey don’t want to introduce Nintenyearolds to the wonderful worlds of shota and loli. Yaoi is age appropriate tho.

He’s an alpha commando?

then that means he’s a bitch wiggeracist scrub 4 chan shitposter loser gamerXcry too

Half the time, it’s just people telling Tyrone to shut up.

So basically just like most of GD.

I’m still cool. Not quite as cool as based Schemmel but I’m almost there :coffee:

one punch man got people in here crying