A) How long did it take you to finish 480 missions in Ultimate Marvel verus Capcom 3?
B) How long did it take you to get 6th rank or higher online?
Feeling pretty frustrated, and I’m wondering if its just me. Trying to see where I stand.
Yesterday it took me 3 hours to do Phoenix mission #8, today it took me 2 hours to do Phoenix #9.
…I did all 380 missions in Vanilla Marvel Versus Capcom 3, but it took me somewhere between 100-200 hours of repeat trying.
After getting my butt handed to me a few times online, against amateur ranks, it seems like I’ll regress from a 9th Ranger to a Fighter. During all of vanilla Marvel Vs Cacpom 3 I never made it past a 9th rank, no matter how hard I tried, and I stopped after 200 wins.
I’m trying to figure out if other people have the same problem. Its frustrating as hell to do some of these missions. I read somewhere that Vesper says he only considers these missions a difficulty of 3 out of 10. >_<
So how are other people doing? Are they finding it a breeze or do they kind of feel like I do, where I sometimes want to pick up my TV and throw it out the window. Thank you.