If your laptop has sata disks, you need to patch the CD and burn it again in order to install XP, cos it does not have sata drivers. There are guides on how to do it on the net.
It is pointless to go full screen at 1080p with a 384 x 224 game. Go 800 x 600 and play in a window, it should be good enough. Not all monitors support high refresh rates at higher resolutions.
Finally, laptops are known to have a whole lot of hardware issues. For instance, they are not recommended for real-time applications due to hardware weirdness.
Edit: if you have firewall, turn off any stupid “intelligent scan” or the like. Those love to screw gaming connections.
Anyway, here goes my ggpofba.ini:
// FB Alpha v0.2.96.74 --- Main Config File
// Don't edit this file manually unless you know what you're doing
// FB Alpha will restore default settings when this file is deleted
// The application version this file was saved from
nIniVersion 0x029674
// --- emulation --------------------------------------------------------------
// If non-zero, use A68K for MC68000 emulation
bBurnUseASMCPUEmulation 1
// --- Video ------------------------------------------------------------------
// The display mode to use for fullscreen
nVidWidth 640
nVidHeight 480
nVidDepth 16
// Specify the refresh rate, 0 = default (changing this will not work with many video cards)
nVidRefresh 0
// If non-zero, use the same fullscreen resolution as the original arcade game
bVidArcaderes 0
// If non-zero, do not rotate the graphics for vertical games
nVidRotationAdjust 0
// The preset resolutions appearing in the menu
VidPreset[0].nWidth 400
VidPreset[0].nHeight 300
VidPreset[1].nWidth 640
VidPreset[1].nHeight 480
VidPreset[2].nWidth 1024
VidPreset[2].nHeight 768
VidPreset[3].nWidth 1280
VidPreset[3].nHeight 960
// Full-screen size (0 = use display mode variables)
nScreenSize 0
// Initial window size (0 = autosize)
nWindowSize 0
// Window position
nWindowPosX 14
nWindowPosY 4
// If non-zero, perform gamma correction
bDoGamma 0
// If non-zero, use the video hardware to correct gamma
bVidUseHardwareGamma 1
// If non-zero, don't fall back on software gamma correction
bHardwareGammaOnly 1
// Gamma to correct with
nGamma 1.250000
// If non-zero, allow stretching of the image to any size
bVidFullStretch 0
// If non-zero, stretch the image to the largest size preserving aspect ratio
bVidCorrectAspect 1
// If non-zero, try to use a triple buffer in fullscreen
bVidTripleBuffer 0
// If non-zero, try to synchronise blits with the display
bVidVSync 0
// Transfer method: 0 = blit from system memory / use driver/DirectX texture management;
// 1 = copy to a video memory surface, then use bltfast();
// -1 = autodetect for DirectDraw, equals 1 for Direct3D
nVidTransferMethod -1
// If non-zero, draw scanlines to simulate a low-res monitor
bVidScanlines 0
// Maximum scanline intensity
nVidScanIntensity 12566463
// If non-zero, rotate scanlines and RGB effects for rotated games
bVidScanRotate 1
// The selected blitter module
nVidSelect 0
// Options for the blitter modules
nVidBlitterOpt[0] 0
nVidBlitterOpt[1] 0
nVidBlitterOpt[2] 0
nVidBlitterOpt[3] 0
// The aspect ratio of the monitor
nVidScrnAspectX 4
nVidScrnAspectY 3
// If non-zero, force all games to use a 60Hz refresh rate
bForce60Hz 1
// If non-zero, skip frames when needed to keep the emulation running at full speed
bAlwaysDrawFrames 0
// If non-zero, use a placeholder image when no game is loaded
bVidUsePlaceholder 1
// The filename of the placeholder image to use (empty filename = use built-in)
// --- DirectDraw blitter module settings -------------------------------------
// If non-zero, draw scanlines at 50% intensity
bVidScanHalf 1
// --- Direct3D 7 blitter module settings -------------------------------------
// If non-zero, use bi-linear filtering to display the image
bVidBilinear 1
// If non-zero, simulate slow phosphors (feedback)
bVidScanDelay 0
// If non-zero, use bi-linear filtering for the scanlines
bVidScanBilinear 1
// Feedback amount for slow phosphor simulation
nVidFeedbackIntensity 64
// Oversaturation amount for slow phosphor simulation
nVidFeedbackOverSaturation 0
// Angle at wich the emulated screen is tilted (in radians)
fVidScreenAngle 0.174533
// Angle of the sphere segment used for the 3D screen (in radians)
fVidScreenCurvature 0.698132
// If non-zero, force 16 bit emulation even in 32-bit screenmodes
bVidForce16bit 1
// --- DirectX Graphics 9 blitter module settings -----------------------------
// The filter parameters for the cubic filter
dVidCubicB 0.000000
dVidCubicC 0.500000
// --- Sound ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sample rate
nAudSampleRate 22050
// Number of frames in sound buffer (= sound lag)
nAudSegCount 6
// DSP module to use for sound enhancement: 0 = none, 1 = low-pass filter
nAudDSPModule 0
// The order of PCM/ADPCM interpolation
nInterpolation 1
// The order of FM interpolation
nFMInterpolation 0
// --- UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filename of the active UI translation template
// 1 = display pause/record/replay/kaillera icons in the upper right corner of the display
nVidSDisplayStatus 1
// Minimum height (in pixels) of the font used for the Kaillera chat function (used for arcade resolution)
nMinChatFontSize 12
// Maximum height (in pixels) of the font used for the Kaillera chat function (used for 1280x960 or higher).
nMaxChatFontSize 36
// Make the menu modeless
bModelessMenu 0
// Minimum length of time to display the splash screen (in milliseconds)
nSplashTime 1500
// If non-zero, load and save all ram (the state)
bDrvSaveAll 0
// The thread priority for the application. Do *NOT* edit this manually
nAppThreadPriority 0
// If non-zero, process keyboard input even when the application loses focus
bAlwaysProcessKeyboardInput 0
// If non-zero, pause when the application loses focus
bAutoPause 1
// If non-zero, save the inputs for each game
bSaveInputs 1
// --- Load Game Dialog -------------------------------------------------------
// Load game dialog options
nLoadMenuShowX 65536
// The paths to search for rom zips (include trailing backslash)
szAppRomPaths[7] roms\
// --- ggpo settings ---------------------------------------------------------
nLatencySmoothing 1
// --- miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------
// Player default controls, number is the index of the configuration in the input dialog
nPlayerDefaultControls[0] 0
nPlayerDefaultControls[1] 1
nPlayerDefaultControls[2] 2
nPlayerDefaultControls[3] 3