They are short. Here are some tips.
After you do your j.MP j.HP j.HK, do MK HP HP xx LP napalm shot, LP MP HP HP xx LP napalm shot, LK LK MP HP HP xx LP napalm shot xx Super
If hitting the MK after the j.HK is too tough for you, just do… j.HK, LK LK MP HP HP xx LP Napalm Shot, LP MP HP HP xx LP napalm shot xx Super. It’s one repetition shorter, because you use up your LKs early, so it’s advisable to just practice the j.HK, s.MK link, but it works if you need it.
(And of course you can leave the super off the end of the combo if you want to)
Thanks! I will try this.
How is this one?
i think its impractical because it starts with a mk and also damage is garbage compared to other bread and butters. But as far as style, solid 8/10
#1 Which one, the OP’s or mine?
#2 Neither one starts with an MK so uh?
#3 If you’re talking about mine and think the damage is garbage, I’d be extremely curious to see what you came up with … yesterday?
I stand corrected, I was incorrect. Solid combo.