How is SSF4AE's PC community?

With SSF4AE going for under $10 on Steam right now, I’m tempted to buy it so I can stop paying Microsoft $60 a year to occasionally enjoy a couple matches. Before I do that, I was hoping someone could speak on whether the PC has a healthy community of players. I’m concerned that I’ll buy it and won’t be able to find anyone to match up with.

There are normally a few hundred people in-game (409 at the moment). That’s plenty if you just want someone to play with (playing Arcade Mode with Fight Request set to “any skill” results in getting a match every 10-20 seconds), but may not be enough if you have specific demands (e.g. players from a certain skill level playing a certain character…)

PC is generally less trolly than Xbox. Has a fairly wide range of skill levels and the connections are often amazingly good. (Try and avoid using your wireless network though if you have your computer on wifi as it is worse for both players if one uses wifi. ALWAYS use a wired connection when you can (this goes for console too)

I’d say that the character choices tend to not be terribly varied though in my experience. Shotos are always popular online but the PC it is even more so I’d say. Though oddly I’d say that Oni is surprisingly popular, more than Evil Ryu and probably tied with Ken. Just be prepared to see A LOT of Akuma/Ryu/Cammy and… oddly… Dudley.(I had one day where I fought 6 different Dudleys over the course of only about 15matches).

Plus Mike Ross wants people to play AE on PC:

And who could say no to this face?

i got it for the pc with the sale… less ppl than ps3 but less lag and instant matches…i dont have to keep refreshing cuz i failed to join a match

AE PC Group with 62 members and growing rapidly fast.
85% are N.A. The remainder 15% are EU.
Plus there’s a designated AE PC Stream with events held every once per week. (FT5’s, Single Elimination Tournaments, etc)

you don’t have to worry about finding matches. besides playing classics on emulators there are no alternatives on pc. sfxt is still not working, for skullgirls no release date in sight and that’s it with fighting games on this platform. so every pc gamer is bound to play this game. you won’t be disappointed there are many solid and excellent players online. just message some after a match and make friend requests so you can play them in endless lobby.

Its similar to playing on console, but with typically a better connection. As far as player skill levels go, its relatively the same as console as well. In the lower ranks of PP, many players are new / “scrubby” / whatever you want to call them. That being said, Ive also played against quite a few very good players overall (Satyamdas comes to mind ).

Also, idk if its just something I noticed, but a LOT of the top 20 players for each character, dont have really high PP. For example, I played the number 5 THawk who had around 14k BP or something, yet the dude only had like 3200 PP. On console it seems like the PP levels are higher, but maybe its just something strange I noticed or coincidence or something.

I got the game 6 days ago and ive racked up about 12000+ BP total so far (split among three characters). Either way, good competition, great connections (usually), and modding is really addictive too lol.

PP levels are higher likely due to the larger player base on xbox. More players = more PP to go around. You need players with similar or higher PP to your own to gain a noticeable amount. With more players that means more high PP players to play against that are in your region.

i don’t know… no one asked this question before 1000 times

i personaly think its much more crowded than PSN … i actually almost stoped playing on psn since i got the pc version
try it you wont be disapointed

just a small comparison … i took those 2 pics with my phone on exactly the same time (ok maybe there was 1min defference))
i think this answers your question about the pc community !!! those pics were taken on 03:00 PM GTM+1


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