How important is the music in your fg's?

LOL Crazy Taxi was the shit, i remember playing it on the arcade and on Dreamcast, hella fun times, Crazy Taxi 2 also, but chill music is usually the best way to go when it comes to most games

truth. I love the music in that game.
I like the music for WakuWaku7 too.

I guess the thing I like about the 3s OST is that you could put some of the tunes on at a party and no one would bat an eyelash. You could probably do that with GG as well. The music also fits the general vibe of the game which is true for SS and GG as well but not so much with many other games.

And I actually like the 3s OST better than 2I for the most part. I don’t like the sounds they used on some of the songs, though I do have to say that some of the 2I arrangements (Dudley’s in particular) are better IMO.

The music is often what makes me want to play the game even more. I get hyped when I am playing on my favorite stage. I think the only game I played recently where I was not that into the music was Tekken 6, the visuals made up for it. Though, BR added two stages I really like and so I get more hyped about that game now. I absolutely loved the music in ST, especially when the life goes down to critical. When SFIV came around, I hated the music. I gave it sometime and it’s just ok overall. Then again, I like music in Arcana Heart games which a lot of people think is sucky.

Really important for me, I cant stand SFIV music. Always have my Ipod playing. Yet when I play SF2 or 3s I always have that playing.


Music definitely plays a big part in the overall gaming experience for me. Sagat’s stage in STHD is my favorite, it’s very mellow and relaxing.

I like to have some good tunes in-game but it’s not hard to just turn down the bkg music in Options.

MvC2 did not have good music to me, but thanks to playing it so friggin’ much I catch myself humming along half the time.

I never expect good music in a fighting game. However, when there IS good music, I think to myself “Gee, why would I want to play anything else?”

I can’t really think of anything good though because that T6BR yodel stage won’t get out of my head.

Awesome music is a very nice thing to have in a FG but if it’s bad it still won’t ruin the fun of the game for me.
It’s too bad that the regular music in SF4 sucks and you can’t hear the good remixes of the classics in VS mode, and that AH2 music is boring from what I heard so far, and I’m gonna play that game a lot in the upcoming months.

This may also have to do with the fact that I rap also but awesome music in my FG’s are so important. 3S has incredible music, as does Tekken 2,T3,T5DR, GG,KOF94-98,2000,2002,03,XI,KI, AND many others.

Arashi no Sax anyone?


You’re damn right they are.

Sure in fighting games the gameplay is what matters most, but I have to say that the music, stages, and overall theme of the game is pretty important to me. And yes, the entire sf4 soundtrack is WEAK. I don’t know what they were going for but they should’ve followed TvC’s lead in terms of music.

When it comes to fighting game sequels I wish they would keep all the music and stages and just build on it rather than starting everything over from scratch. Melty Blood is the perfect example. You could go out and play Actress Again and still enjoy tracks from the first title. (For Crimson Air FTW)

But yeah, when a fighting game has great music its like the icing on the icing!


I like the music too. The only problem is “Take ya for a ride”, and that’s only because they made the lyrics too repetitive.

I prefer my custom marvel mixes more, though; but should I ever play MvC2 on a cabinet or on a legit disc, I have nothing to complain about. All personal preference of course…:china:

I love the SF IV soundtrack, especially the tunes they play in lobby. I guess I’m like totally the opposite of everyone here–I can’t fucking stand Guilty Gear’s music (love the game though.)

Agree. Case in point: Marvel vs Capcom 2. Great game, TERRIBLE music.

However, good music makes me want to play a game even more. I’m sure that I wouldn’t have played KI2 as much if that music wasn’t so god damn badass.

I usually turn the music off in all the fighting games I play. I like to fight in silence.

Sure, gameplay is what matters, and I wouldn’t not play a game just because the music sucks, or play a game I don’t like because I like the music…but it is definitely a plus to the whole experience. What’s your guys fav fg musics (lets turn this into a list thread)? Mine are KOF2000, XvSF, 2I, Alpha 2, and Tekken 4.