In tournament videos, it seems top players don’t really worry about being catched in grabs: after being hit a couple of times they always escape the grab.
I’ve always known the method to escape a grab consists in fast mashing random buttons but I wonder if there is some kind of specific technique.
No there is no sequnce, (good question though) just mash and wiggle the joystick like hell. If you have a charage character and want to keep you ducking charage wiggle between d/f & d/b.
There are a few posts on that in the Wiki thread… or was it the SF in the House thread, either way they are there!
You don’t have to use mk, but if you can do it, more power to you. I just piano all 5 fingers on those buttons, or just piano the 3 punches and wiggle the stick. On avg. i get out in 2 hits, but sometimes i get hit by a 3rd. If i catch it fast enough i can escape after 1 hit. AFAIK it doesn’t matter which type of grab you get hit by. Main thing is to mash fast and as much as possible lol.
Well here is some tips on how to escape that are what my brother alex wolfe used to do the akuma escape from dizzy, it applies to grab type moves as well
i begin in downright then swing across to up left and i press all 6 buttons in a swipe motion from left to right while moving the stick downright to up
left as fast as possible.
a new technique i use which i created before 2007 evo for charge characters is i do that for 1 second then i begin charging and continue the button pressing, this allows me to escape a ‘yoga noogie’ for example with only 4 noogies and fully charged. the button pressing after i begin charging is irrelevent and can be stopped but i do it to keep my opponent thinking im still flailing.
the timing is so precise on the above technique you mess up youll take 6 noogies or so.
Honestly the damage difference between 2, 4, and 6 noogies isn’t that high. IMO it’s worth taking a bit more to keep your charge, especially against Ken if he’s playing tick mindgames with you. It depends on the character though…with Dic you’re much better off just mashing out.
When I play charging characters I do the same: fast joystick moves and rapid button mashing for a second, then I give up and I keep the down back direction in order to build the charge and be ready to try a reversal when the grab is over.
Anyway I’m still convinced there must be some exact technique that allows to immediately escape a grab.
Maybe a button sequence that changes according to the type of grab or maybe something else.
In the japanese hardcore gamers videos, the usual champions managed to escape a grab after one or two hits nullifying annoying thick throw/grab techniques.
Muteki consistently escape annoying Sim’s grab after the first hit (max the second one).
Now we are talking about two of the most technical player in the world with perfect timings and super human reflexes, but perhaps there is something more than speed, some technique they master that we don’t know.
I have some theory I would like to test about mashing out of multi-hit grabs, but I would need to be able to record frame-by-frame inputs and I have no idea on how to do that :sad:
Tap right really fast while mashing buttons. Dunno. Works for me.
On a related note… why does Rog’s headbutt throw go on FOR FUCKING EVER sometimes??? Randomly when I’m Guile I’ll just resign to charging and the bastard will headbutt me like 10 times. What’s the maximun amount of hits/damage that throw can do?
I spent about 5 hours one night doing nothing but practicing escaping grabs and dizzy.
It’s based off of two things: how fast you react, and how quickly and specifically how you mash. You have to react within 5 (13 on wiki) frames (this is from my exp.) in order to get started. If you react too slowly it takes longer to recover (it actually gives your opp. more “time” [frame advantage] due to the fact that in a regular throw your opp. would have thrown you).
I tried for hours trying to see how many consecutive hits I could score on a dummy with speed on 4. Here’s the link to the post:
The reason that using dn/awy,n,u/twds is better than b to f, or any other variation (especially 360, you could use that but why go in a circle when you can make a straight line) is because the CPU
counts that motion (the diagonal mash) as if you pressed “Up+Dn+Twd+Awy” (it’s counting the number of input commands other than neutral, which technically you don’t have to hit but it wouldn’t make any sense not to). The directional input speed is MUCH more important than the mashing/piano input. The faster you perform the motion you’ll notice your character in dizzy will move back and forth much faster b/c again its like hitting all “4 directions.” [If you just mash attack buttons your character won’t hardly move at all]. The game engine wants you to move from the neutral state (throws or dizzy).
The only reason I can testify to this is because I discovered it on my own while doing knee bash with ken. I could get 9 hits but it was very difficult [I was using b to f technique]. I started to try the diagonal mash and things became much easier. I got up to 12 hits (I’d could do 10-11 hits on %80 of the attempts)! I tried with other characters to confirm.
Now, for the mashing I’m still debating which is right. I can do 12 hits with ONLY using Foward (I do this by timing the fowards with each corner/angle). I’ve used piano/mashing and done the same. For escaping holds I would recommend piano/mashing, but for dealing damage I stick with Foward+timing inputs.
It is possible to escape throws in 1 hit, experienced 2 hits, very easy 3 hits; if you get hit more than three times you probably didn’t react in the 13 frame limit. Same with dizzy (obviously depends on type of dizzy); you’ll actually see your character move back and forth very quickly if you’re doing it correctly