Yeah, I remembered it was something like that. I could swear that, if blocking, say, Ryu’s Jump Roundhouse, he could have time to walk a half step after landing and still do Crouch Roundhouse into Fireball before you could, say, Reversal SPD him.
BUT, if you get hit by the Roundhouse, you could definitely SPD him much sooner. That’s where the take-the-hit strategy works a bit: when you think your opponent is expecting you to block. You can throw people off at time by taking hits. I remember Guiles doing this a lot in Classic. They would throw a Sonic Boom and sometimes would just take a hit and throw. It was something I saw Guiles do a lot back in the days of WW.
Also, other times when it is useful: in Hyper Fighting, Ryu and Ken could kill Balrog simply by doing a Meaty Jump Forward into Throw over and over and over and over again. It was really bizarrely hard to stop. But if Balrog took the hit, he could skew the timing by which Ryu or Ken had to Throw, which could help Balrog escape that situation.
Also, in WW to Hyper Fighting, it was even a common tactic with Zangief to mash on Jabs against a Jumping opponent. If they tried to kick late, they would lose (because Zangief is tall and his Close Jab is anti-air). This would, essentially, force the opponent to attack easrly and open himself up to a counter Reversal SPD. So taking the hit and throwing worked well there as well.
NOW, having said all that much, I can’t remember the last time I saw anyone try taht tactic in Super Turbo. YES, you can use it, still, but it IS a horrible tactic now. In WW, it made sense for Guile to do so because most people had to attack early in WW to make sure they beat out Guile’s, say, Counter Stand Roundhouse, Jumping Roundhouse, or Standing Forward Kick. So since you knew people would attack early, taking the hit and throwing made sense.
In Hyper, Balrog could take the hit all he wanted. But clever Ryus and Kens would expect it and combo you, killing you faster than you would have if you just tried to Reversal Throw all day. Plus, in Super Turbo, it’s moot because Balrog has a Reversal. So who needs to take a hit anymore?
And in the last Zangief example, the Lariat does make that strategy rather pointless. Also, in Super Turbo, for the most part, people have gotten so accustomed to Zangief that, really, how many people jump at him? If they are jumping at him, they are asking to die anyhow. Only in very specific situations is it a good idea to Jump at Zangief.
So while I will argue that it was a popular tactic of old, it’s just something not used anymore. And it will rarely benefit you anymore, especially given that almost every character has an anti-air special move now. It’s just not worth the risk/reward factor. I can only see a very few specific times where it might be okay, such as a wake-up anti-air Stand Jab with Bison where, if you get hit, you pray you can Throw them. But that’s the thing: it’s still a prayer, and you never want to base any tactics on prayers.
So in Cam’s defense, it is not unheard of to take the hit and throw. But at the same time, I don’t think it’s really ever practical to use it anymore in Super Turbo.