How do you get your girlfriend to play 3S?

If anything most “gamer girls” say they play video games just to get attention. Either that or they’re eating their controller half the time

That picture is disgusting, it reeks of pandering.

With a carboard box balanced on a stick.

lol any little lady can throw balls into a basket

While I agree with your post, sorry to say but I’m only liking it because your name and avatar put a smile on my face.

D-don’t think I actually like y-your post or anything, b-baka!


lets have more simpsons references on this forum

My XBOX avatar guy is Mr. Burns.
I’d give Snrub the city’s money.
Made him in the Sims once too. He went to work in a hummer.

Lickin’ a wiimote would be more to the point. WII now comes in STANDARD BLACK.

I know someone who would appreciate that Wii in Black…

I like a girl who is cool with bacterium

This dude knows the deal. :sunglasses:

thats the joke

To answer the question of the thread…i teach her how to hold back…

the thread is about 3s.
not cumming.

The two are the same to me when I win.

Single atm, but I’m not gonna impose any girl to play a video game I like. I would dump a girl if she coerced me to watch Sex in the City or read Harry Potter. There are a lot of girls that feel the same way about playing video games in general.

I especially hate it when girls or girlfriends say shit like “Hey this is really pretty. huh?”, with emphasis on the huh. When they say shit this way, it literally means SAY YES OR WE WILL DISCUSS/ARGUE WHY IT IS OR ISN’T CUTE UNTIL YOU GIVE IN.

OH GOD you don’t know how many non-cute things I’ve had to say are cute. OH GOD. Sometimes in front of other people. OH GOD!

You need to half / halve this post and put the other half in the pertinent video thread sir. But then. Your other Hugo match was the coolest Hugo what. this one was me trying footsies for no reason… need to go mexican on this Hugo & his non reactive gameplans - rewatch. wow that round 1 was bad by me, gimmick supreme, guacamole. Near comeback regardless.

Other game had to be on 3 GGPO delay and 3 frames behind laggy TV though for half this shit to work.