How do you exit a game in hdr

how do i get out of a player match in hdr? do i always have to drop out of a playing game to get out?

Well for the split second you’re in the lobby of the room you can press the B button and then choose “leave lobby”, or the long way which is pressing the Xbox button on the middle of the controller and choosing to go back to your dashboard.

what about when your in the winner seat. it doesnt give me a leave option

It does, you just have to act fast. Plus, like military said, you can use the dashboard button.

your right i gotta act real fast. everyone starts the game on me so i cant leave

Rage quit :slight_smile: I’M KIDDING! Just be really fast, or exit through the dashboard. I always plan ahead when I’m going to leave because of this lol.

Just sign out/sign in on the dashboard.