How do you do survival mode (hard/hell) with R. Mika?

I just don’t know what to do. I really want her last 4 colors but this sucks. She just doesn’t have anything to abuse CPU’s with (no good cross up, no invincible moves, worse range on her moves then most of the cast) and CPUs just cheat her grabs and stuff.

I understand maximising my health and defense ups and using fight request to restart bad matches, but I just keep losing fights. And tips?

This is all that i did

This guyon r/StreetFighter found an exploit with blocked Passion Press into Passion Rope Throw.

I’m not seeing it work do you have a link to an explenation or video showing it?

I don’t know why this question gets asked. Shit is easy as hell

The exploit is that if you do a passion press into rope throw the cpu thinks you are throwing.

Some CPU will jump ANY throw attempt automatically, because the cpu is mean. However they jump the pp which lets you do a (or possibly s.hp, I haven’t tested yet) to punish and repeat

Oh thats funny. Thank you

[quote=“S-Laughter, post:6, topic:179000”]

The exploit is that if you do a passion press into rope throw the cpu thinks you are throwing.

Some CPU will jump ANY throw attempt automatically, because the cpu is mean. However they jump the pp which lets you do a (or possibly s.hp, I haven’t tested yet) to punish and repeat


That’s not survival though it doesn’t work.

Tried this in hard survival doesn’t work, possibly patched? Meanwhile it looks like more survival to unlock colors for dlc outfits.

Given the youtube comments, it appears its Ken specific.

It isn’t Ken specific, but it does not work on every opponent.

It seems there are some fights where the AI will not allow you to grab it. Any grab attempt will be met with a jump or back dash. On these AI this loop works perfectly.