How do you defeat Vega

I’m a ken player and i dont know how to punish his flying barcelona attack and i completely dont know how to defend against his izuna drop can someone help?

focus attacks are your friend, and for his izuna drop just try to move far enough out of range.

my buddy use to main vega once he saw i could focus everything he mixed in more izuna drops its a guessing game at that point, but dash, focus, or try and “air to air” him with kens heavy kick i believe

I’ve had some success against that wall shenanigan by buffering from down back to down forward as he goes into the air and pressing medium punch as he lands on top of you. It autocorrects the dp usually.

Always use MP DP, it has most invincibility and the best angle to hit Vega if you’re going for that tactic.

Otherwise, focus helps.

If he jumps off the wall in front of you you can try to go into the air and hit him but if he jumps off the wall behind you that never works. You can also try quickly changing your position so he misses via dashing either way.

Oh Vega, comrade, he is very annoying. I hate how all the Vega players just spam his flying claw move or his slide kick(does he and Bison both have one?)

Anway, if I were Ken, comrade, I would punish him with a shoryuke when he does his Barcelona attack.