Those who say to move to a less densely populated spot are missing a key factor: jobs. It’s not secret high paying jobs are congregating in coastal cities. Depending on your industry, the only way to even advance is to stay in said cities. Those cities have becoming oppressingly expensive. There are methods to calm down the cost of living (building taller buildings, putting more buildings under rent regulation, etc) but politicians as well as NIMBY assholes are trying everything they can to keep prices high.
If jobs spread out again or government finally decides enough is enough we’ll finally fix it, but I don’t see any of that happening soon.
I was making $6.50/hr when I was working in school. Couldn’t even float an apartment on my own, fam. Shit was wrong.
Everyone with a job should be able to afford to live on their own. There is no room in this world for low-wage work. As a matter of fact, it would be nice if everyone made close to the same amount of money, regardless of their occupation, merit, or experience.
I was part of a company that paid much more than the competitors. They paid more because it was such a horrible place to work at and had trouble retaining people across all departments. The products designed, manufactured, and sold had significantly longer lead time and higher price. The lead time and price had very little to do with the salaries.
If automation helps streamline your processes, then yes you should automate. The point is, is that companies need to evolve and paying the janitor an extra few hundreds dollars per month in the context of millions of dollars isn’t a viable excuse.
Commie talk. The more value you are to society the better you get to live. Lets look at all the money in circulation in the US as a big pie. If ones skill is only flippin burgers and working a deep fryer. Yeah that person is gonna struggle. Because what that person does means little to society’s benefit. Thus the piece of the pie he gets is crumbs. Where as say a mechanic, electrician, plumber etc. Are of much more value to society. Thus we get a decent slice of the pie that we can live off of. People need to develop skills that make them valuable so they can get money.
Although I do agree with the statement of “there’s no room in this world for low wage work”. So with that said jobs at places like McDonald’s or fast food joints in general can fuck off. They are of no real value to society. That work force could be put to better use in other fields that need the man power that will pay them more.
that’s no guarantee bro. And the trade off between blue and white work now in days requires trade workers to defer family and relationships until their late 30’s and or early 40’s until they have the connections and capital to start their own business.
he is being obtuse and sarcastic on the everybody gets paid equally part.
@bb_hoody, the whole idea that if you are worth more to society you get paid more is some stupid shit. That’s not true. Your value to a company boils down to how much money you can generate for them, and how efficiently you can do it. Actual skill has nothing to do with anything. Very few jobs in this world can be called professions let alone pay their worth in skill. If what you think right now was real, teachers would be paid well. But they aren’t, and its not like they do any better in the private sector. Professors make jack shit compared to money makers such as football coaches or administrators who can find ways to make money for the school. Skill and value is a poor indicator of how much money somebody will make.
Minimum wage is a neccesary evil for people who can’t just pick up and leave to another state. It means that we as taxpayers pay less in taxes and can have more tax money go to programs that actually would help people.
Minium wage is and never was intended for
kids who think they can make it out on their own have a functional existance
graduates with 50k debt
support a family because your job was shipped to china/mexico/canada/taiwan/insert pos 3rd world asian country here
Minimum wage does have to be fixed to accommodate the reality that is the last group
The thing is you want to just get out there and make money
Might as well see a job in a field you think you might want to be in
Honestly these things should be worked out at a younger age. Then you have the rest of your life to get there. Being in immense debt and living outside your means just sounds bad.
Or you could “move out” then get into some stuff.
But really giving the advice of “lol work for yourself” just does not work with these bums who still think they can make a living playing sfiv, sleeping on friend’s couches, and ditching the bill at a dinner…triforce…
You sound like myself when I was in high school. And now I’m going to tell you, respectfully, and anyone else who cares, what I wish someone had told me. Your line of thinking is a trap, and no, there isn’t much more for you to do than work your ass off for money to buy shit you can never play with. Save your money. FUN IS ONLY FUN WHEN YOU CAN AFFORD IT. Fun will always be there. SAVE YOUR MONEY, and work to get more of it. Life is about work, work, wisdom, and work. The more work you do, the more money you can save; the more money you can save, the more fun you can have in your spare time. Work hard; Play smart.
Enjoy your spare time by planning fun things to do by yourself, go places, have you ever realized how many cool places you probably have never been where you live? Go work out, and if you have your head on straight, think about dating, and planning fun things to do together. Then go back to work and SAVE YOUR MONEY. MAKING MONEY ISN’T ABOUT FUN. MAKING MONEY IS ABOUT SAVING IT AND NOT SPENDING TOO MUCH OF IT. Don’t let jerks at your job stop you from making and SAVING MONEY.
Be optimistic. There is no majestic secret that you have not figured out about life, that if only you weren’t wasting your life working you would discover. People have spent thousands of years wondering that and all we have are endless books on philosophy. Read them in your spare time if it interests you. If you weren’t working, what else would you be doing, solving the secrets to quantum physics? Quantum physicists aren’t even doing that. Would you be solving world hunger? No. No one can. So go to work and SAVE YOUR MONEY. Give to a worthy charity sometimes if you want your money to have meaning.
That said, money is not everything in life. This is another mental trap. If I just had all the money in the world, all my problems would go away. No they wouldn’t. Being rich and famous shouldn’t be anyone’s goal in life. Fortune and fame will not make you happy, and each comes with an enormous amount of responsibility that most people can’t handle.
Go to work. Do your job well. Go read great novels, and read about successful people. Have a plan for your life. Don’t get discouraged. Value your very close friends. Life is not passing you by when you’re working to make money. You decide how awesome your life can be by planning, taking some risks, and living it.
It’s funny because the n the news when you hear, oh the economy is fine, the economy my added x amount of jobs. Most of those jobs are poverty level jobs, morons. Then the morons on
Wall Street, follow like sheep and also say that the economy is good. In reality the economy now is the same as in 2008/2009