How do you beat kim?

Tru i 4got about comboing it from switch stance. Yeah, that’s possible becuase the switch stance lp give the hit stun of a fierce iirc.

Aight i’m a little bored so i’ll post some tips about fighting the top tiers.

Fighting Blanka:

Personally i like this match up a lot. Blanka cannot duck under many of kim’s pokes so this is a definite plus. Your main pokes in this match is s.fierce and s.short. Try to do some extended block strings on blanka if possible, especially if u r in n-groove or any of the other running grooves. Do running c.shorts, mixed with s.shorts. The typical block string i like to do against blanka is crossup roundhouse,,, a few running, walking, walking, s.fierce. This really works down blanka’s guard, and most likely you’ll score some counter hits from the walking’s or from the s.fierce. One way to mix this up is do 2 running’s,, s.roundhouse (hold) press fierce. After this i usually get a counter hit off of the switch stance fierce, and if it’s blocked u r pretty much safe.

Other block strings:
close, s.fierce (1 hit) xxxd,d+hk (hold hk) press lp xxx qcb+k
walking’s, s.fierce,,, qcb+mk - Mix up* -,c.lpxxxd,d+hk - Mix up*-

  • The mix ups i usually do are roll then another block string into, c.lp, qcb+lk/mk, roll throw, roll, 2 walking’s, dash throw (dash grooves)

some things to watch out for is RC electricity, you could try rc qcb+lk to knock him out of it or on wakeup u can do rc stomp into super. If your opponent doesn’t do RC electricity then c.fierce will be the AA of choice for blanka, if u jump in make sure u do it with j.fierce, it’ll beat blanka c.fierce cleanly.
Against a jumping blanka u should use as your AA or jump back mk. Try not to battle blanka in the air is jump straight up fierce has TOO much priority.
Crossup blanka when u can. Your mission is to wear down his guard and poke him until he has about 1/2 of his life left. Once u get him down to this point, u just rush him the fuck down and wait for him to make a mistake, then BAM!! hit 'em with a super.

Random note: can beat blanka’s c.fierce if timed right, and so can his can beat blanka’s slide, iirc

Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you beat kim?

Ah! That explains a whole lot! :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile:

good shit cali…don’t forget you can throw blanka out of his Electricity if he’s close enough. Also i’ve out poked blankas standing mp and ducking hp with ducking mk.

How do you do that?

you live in cali and you don’t know how to RC? that’s crazy!

I don’t typically see people RC’ing specials with shorts or jabs, since you need those buttons for the roll. If you can do it, then you know something that I don’t.

people do it all the time, all u have to do is double tap the button. It’s not too hard if u practice.

I’m almost strictly K groove, so I never put much effort into perfecting RC. I guess that was the information that I didn’t know. I feel so foolish and worthless now…

whats the best groove to use KIM in??

the best grooves for kim are: C/N/A/P&K/ S

C - is #1 since his lvl 2 supers are too damn good, rc’s and his dash

N - gives him rushdown, small hop, rc’s

A - rc’s, easy customs, he’s a really good battery

I think it goes like C/A/N/K/P&S

C gets the slight advantage cuz of his infinite.

A is really good cuz he doesn’t need supers to win.

N is good but i don’t like not being able to tiger knee

Hmmm i can see how A&N can interchange. He is an excellent battery for A-groove but he has all the tools for rushdown in N-groove. 95% of the time i play him in N-groove, since i like to abuse his short hop roundhouse, and running c.shorts are too good.

yea that stuff is too good. like i said this is just my preference. no doubt that Kim is good in all grooves though. i need to finish getting those vids from you too cali

Aight i’m gonna post some random shit.

  • tiger knee air qcf+k is too good. I made the best comeback of my life with this move. It setups counter hits, does not gives kim frame advantage, gains meter fast.

-after a knock down just walk up and do a c.mkxxxqcb+k, this works a lot more than it should.

  • also after a knock down do walk up whiff s.jab, sweep. I stole this one off of arturo

  • against sagat, always, and i sat ALWAYS be ready to do your lvl 3 super. set this up by dancing right out side of his s.fierce range.

  • abuse and against charaters that duck his far s.fierce

  •, close s.fiercexxxd,d+k is good against all character, but should be your main weapon against people who duck his far s.fierce

  • Random qcb+mk or lk are good against people who are walking back and forth, even though i said u shouldn’t (refer to the first page). BUT do not do random qcb+HK, unless u have a lvl 3 or lvl 2 or u r in P/k groove.

  • Abuse kims roll

I respect that you know a lot of this game and have a lot of wins, but I don’t think this is correct. If it gives a frame advantage, then he couldn’t be thrown when he lands. Zangief can throw him after a blocked qcf+k pretty well. So I can’t say it’s a frame advantage. It’s unnerving though, because it looks like an overhead and you have the voice actor going apeshit over GISHOUKYACKU GISHOUKYAKU GISHOUKYAKU HAKIKYAKU GISHOUKYAKU etc.

Nah u just didn’t read the post correctly. I said if u **TIGER KNEE ** the move, then he gets frame advantage. If u jump and then do the move normally he can get thrown. Tiger kneeing it and jumping then doing it makes it completely different.

lol…no… just NO.

Tiger kneeing the move does not give it frame advantage plz, come on now. Kim is at the distadvantage PERIOD. If you were at a advantage you would not be able to tiger knee hishou kyaku and then throw would you? Nope you can throw them in the first place beacuse YOU are at the disadvantage.

Tiger kneeing the move makes no difference other then its just faster thus harder for a opponent to react to. If gives you no real difference in frames.(and if it did it wouldnt be enough to combo off of)If it did give advantage you sure as hell would see it way more as well you could combo after it etc most likely…

Anyway no just no lol… shakes head lol

Oh and why would you do duck k, stand fierce, when duck p, stand fierce is a acctual combo? Shrug seems kinda pointless.

lol…no… just NO.


Damn, i sure was.

Anyways, FS is right. No frame advantage after TK qcf+k. I thought there was frame advantage since i never got hit out of, never. I was doing it all the time at the CTF tourney on sat. and no one caught me, i even did it against arturo’s rolento, fucking rolento with the best jab in the game:lol: . Anyways yeah i was wrong and i’ll fix it.