How do you beat kim?

i’ll be making a vid tutorial everyone. just to show some of the stuff i know and some tricks. I might make it on the 31st or the 3rd week in feb. i’ll let u all know when i’m done

well if you use a fighter that has a good HK like ryu and akuma you can beat him almost easy since they always jump at you with a HP expecting you to do any move and then them hitting you…

as they jump at you with a HP or HK just roundhouse him the Hp will never enter against their roundhouse

and if you use kim its a good idea to jump in with a HP then as soon as the hit enters do his air super QCF,HCB,HK…(it work’s you just need to practice) :)Laredo style …

Do u even know wut u r talking about? Kim’s jumping hp is one of the best jumping moves in the game. Try to anti air me with ryu standing hk and kim’s jumping hp will go right through it. Or u can try to c.hp and kim will beat it with his jumping hp.

Keep’s jumping fierce doesn’t have much vertical or horizontal range. If u time it deep, a Ryu s. rh will always beat it. If you time it early, you take the risk of it whiffing and then you getting combo’ed on the ground once you land. It’s not that great of a move. It’s only good against characters who really have no way of beating it because their anti-airs are too fucked up space-control wise… this include Vega for one.

U r wrong. Kim’s jumping fierce will beat ryu or akuma’s s.roundhouse every time. if u have XBL i will show u. All u have to do is time it to hit them, ryu and akuma can’t decide when to do the s.roundhouse, they have to do it at a time to AA you. Where as kim can decide when he wants to do his j.fierce, most likely though he will do it kinda early. Anyways kim’s jumping fierce will go through ryu and akuma’s s.roundhouse and even rocks s.roundhouse every time

In the end it doesn’t matter … because a Shoto fierce SRK will beat any jumpin.

Yeah, if it’s deep.

Doesn’t matter … the invincibility on a fierce Ryu uppercut lasts long enough to:

A) hit deep and clean
B) hit early and clean because Kim’s j. fierce doesn’t have enough negative vertical range to make contact with Ryu if done early.

It does beat the uppercut as long as the invincibility is gone. Unless kim jumps directly over them, and the shotos do a jab dp

The point is the invincibility doesn’t go away because there is too much of it and too little of downward point on Kim’s j. fierce. That’s why a Sagat j. rh or a Terry j. rh or a Ryo j. rh can trade with uppercuts, and why a Kim j. fierce can’t.

LOL… the shotos don’t have invincibility for the full duration of their dp. Trust me, i have access to the frame data book. anyways it all depends on timing and it could go either way. But from my experience about 70% of the time i have gone through shoto dp’s and even sagats, the only dp’s i haven’t gone through a lot is kyo’s and ryo’s. But in the end it all depends on timing

anyways you are ignorant to not see your own characters weaknesses and have never played with someone of my rank and your kim is so predictable…
…get on my level first then chalenge me…

even in chaos ill beat you

:lol: u r a joke. I know my characters weaknesses, and u will definitely not beat me in chaos. Especially if u use Ryu. Please tell me u live in NY, if u do i’ll play u for money. $50 a game, and i’m serious. And u will definitely not beat me in cvs2 if u think ryu and akumas s.roundhouse can beat kim’s jumping fierce. Chaos is so stupid and broken, will not win a round against me guaranteed.

:lol: another thing, how do u know my kim is predictable? U have never even seen me play. ha ha. this is funny, please keep posting.

I went to the florida tournament…

ko’ed a lot of people except trent…

my team is: Kim Blanka Bison always in c groove

Team KBB

First of all, obviously, DON’T GET CORNERED.
This is the most basic tactic of fightinggames independently if you’re playing Cap vs SNK 2 or KOF 94 or Mortal Kombat.

If you’re getting cornered you’re doing something wrong obviously.
Either you’re being too defensive or you just turtleing.

Jumping at a crouching Kim is just plain stupid.
Kim has 2 million ways of countering a jumping Shotokan-player if chargeing from a crouch.

Doing a crouching Fierce Kick with any Shotokan player against a crouching Kim is downright stupid as well since the horrible recovery time and Kim will combo you to inferno.
You’d better off with crouching short here.

Kim is a very good SNK character, but not impossible to beat.
He lacks range since he doesn’t have any projectiles.
Kim has quite good offence and air-control so don’t even THINK about meeting him air-to-air.

Kim is a close-to-mid-range character but he’s a sucker against people that can master projectiles.

What you need to learn is the advantages you have as a Shotokan player and use them to Kims disadvantages.

Ken has his projectile wich is a huge advantage against a out-of-range Kim. Time your Ha-Do-Kens very well and make sure he’s either chargeing his crouch and that you are OUT OF HIS RANGE.
Kim has his standing Fierce Kick that reches far and his standing Strong. The only opportunities where you’re allowed to go closer on to him is when you’re offensive against him.

Did I forget to mention that you must not get cornered?

You need to learn to pressure him, but NEVER when he’s charging his crouch. Never air-to-air and be very careful with your Ha-Do-Kens since you’re vunerable after tossing away a projectile.
(Don’t fall for the roll-through-projetile-and-punish-trap!)

Unlike Kim, you don’t need a charge to do an anti-air move.
That leaves you to a very good advantage since a Kim player can never anticipate when you’re going to Dragon Punch him.

The Dragon Punch has good priority over anything Kim does (except his Anti-Airs - The Triple Air Kick and the Flying Slice) and there fore you should try to time weak Dragon Punches when Kim attacks you.

Kims Crecent Moon Slash (Down, Down/Back Back + Kick) is punishable if anticipated correctly. You can either Dragon Punch that or Shinryuken him to kingdom Come.

The Comet Crunch (Charge Back, Forward + Kick) is easy to countered if the first hit is blocked.
Not decent Kim-player would use this move except ina part of a combo.

One of Kims Special Moves can pass through Fireballs so you might want ot be careful with your HaDoKens when he’s at a Level 3/Maximum Level.

I think that should cover the theoretical issue.

Finally don’t forget.

oh yeah… forgot telling you that…


Ummm i would just like to say that u cannot combo into the comet cruncher unless it is off of a counter hit. Decent kim players use the comet cruncher very sparingly, trying to catch people walking forward.

Re: Re: How do you beat kim?

Actually, I have been able to connect to the Comet Cruncher, but not often.
The few times I’ve been able to do that is by random or just plain coincidence but somehow I think it is possible to cancel a crouching MK to a MK Comet Cruncher.
I’ve been able to accidently connect it to some other stuff when I accidently cross-over my opponent.

The timing for connecting it is quite weird, but it’s not impossible to do it.
I’m just not enough of a good Kim player in Cap vs SNK2.
I am a very good Kim player in classical RBFF-style and KOF, and I’m quite good with his two sons in Garou, but the timing and his specials are very changed and unfamiliar in Cap vs SNK 2.

Anyways, back to the subject.
Doing the comet cruncher offensively is just plain dumb because Kim is very vunerable between the first and second kick.
Sure you can’t do ground combos against him since he’s at a juggable state but still even a half-decent Shotokan player can punish Kim after blocking the first slide with a Shinkuu Hadoken or any other decent damageing move.

Re: Re: Re: How do you beat kim?

Like u said it happens randomly right? It only happens when u get a counter hit. Yes the can be buffered into comet cruncher, and so can, s.fierce,, c.lp, close, and s.lp but it WILL not combo unless it’s done as a COUNTER HIT.

Not true it combos from switch stance lp and it also(i guess obviously) could combo from a level 2 cancle lol. =/

Also iirc(though this isnt comboing) there is no trip guard for comet cruncher so i guess thats another use for it. lol