How do you beat Cammy

Cammy is just WAY too good. Is she top tier or something.

Anyway, Cammy is too hard to beat and all my moves get beat by Cannon Spike or Spiral Arrow.

Plz. help!


Try to focus attack at the right moment and keep her at mid-range. Use safe jump step up on her wake up. She is tough to anti air from the ground so do not be afraid to attempt hell attack and Headstomp if she jumps alot, if you see her in the air try to focus attack her spiral arrow. If your reaction is good, Ultra anti air her when she jumps.

Cammy is probably one of the best characters in the game but as much as I’m loath to admit this, she’s actually pretty legit in Ultra thanks to the nerf’s she got. She now actually takes a bit of skill to use correctly unlike her previous incarnations.

I do feel its the match up is a solid 6:4 to Cammy, but it isn’t Bison’s worst match up by a long shot. Bare in mind some times Cammy will run a train on you, and she can win by a huge margin and she has quite good comeback capability, you can see huge health leads disappear quickly and you you will feel like you have to work extremely hard for every win against her. Its the nature of the characters and don’t get too down with yourself if she steam rolls you in some rounds.

Lets begin.

Quick notes, Cammy has no unusual hurt box quirks. All combo’s work as expected on her. She has slightly less health than Bison at 950 compared to his 1,000. Both have 950 stun rating. Her Level 1 FA dash forward leaves her at -2, most of her FADC cancels leave are at -1 with the exception of normal Cannon Spikes which is -5.

Ground game.

The ground game is close enough but Bison may have a slight advantage on the ground, due to the superior range of S.MK to any of Cammy’s pokes, but don’t sleep on Cammy’s footsies, she matches Bison in terms of forward walk speed and her back walk is actually quicker than his, both her dashes cover more range than his do as well. Cammy will try to weave in out and of LK.SK range so she can whiff punish LK.SK. Her primary tools here are C.MK xx Spiral. Its fast and has decent range although Bison’s S,MK out ranges it.
Her C.MK has an usually high hitbox which means Bison’s Scissor Kicks won’t go over it like they do other crouching normals. Buffered to Spiral Arrow, you can expect to be counter hit and take the full combo. The trick here is too try and space LK.SK or MK.SK to only hit on the second hit, the second hit is airborne, so if she does buffer C.MK to Spiral you get air reset and can punish the Spiral. Also look for Cammy to focus attack at the range LK.SK only hits once, use a harder strength SK or EX.PC to counter this. Another thing to note is that if you space MK.SK to hit only once Cammy has nothing fast enough or with enough reach to punish it on block.

Cammy’s will occasionally throw out raw Spiral Arrow in the neutral game, its very unsafe on block unless spaced at maximum range, a bit like Bison’s slide, but the pay off for her is higher as it can lead to her okizeme game. If you suspect they might chance a raw Spiral Arrow, focus attack is your answer, as spiral arrow only hits twice up close. Cammy’s S.HK is also a solid poke, but if you block it at close range you can punish with S.MK (I recommend plinking it) as its -6 on block. Her sweep is also unsafe at -8 but it won’t be used much. Finally her Cl.HK is -11 on block and -7 on hit so its very punishable, again Cammy will almost never use this but I’ve seen it being used by accident on occasion and its good to know its highly punishable.

If you see Spin Knuckle being used, S.HK the sucker on reactions as its got a really slow start up. Again its a poor move that won’t often be used against you. It does break armor though and if you do block it, Cammy will gain the momentum as its +3 on block.

If you succeed in pushing Cammy to the corner and force her to block a LK.SK you can stick out a C.LK and have a 50/50 chance, Cammy’s C.LK was nerfed to 4 frame start up in Ultra and her 3 frame C.LP does not seem to be reliable option for her to counter Bison when he does C.LK as it lacks range. Bison’s standard pressure tactics in the corner apply here with all the same pro’s and con’s as in most other match ups.

Air Game.
This is where this match up starts getting dicey. First of all quite literally nearly every button Cammy has is an anti air, Cl.HK, S.HK, Cl.MP, Cl.HP, S.MK, I’ve even seen S.HP anti air and Cl.LP will swat down cross ups, thats before we even get to Cannon Spike!. If you stick to the ground for 95% of the time Cammy might forget you can actually jump at her and you can chance a jump in to test the waters once every blue moon, but any Cammy worth her salt will anti air you without issue. I know Headpress/Devils Reverse mix up is a day one gimmick buts it even less useful in this match up as Cannon Strike has such range it will stuff both without Cammy having to think. Of course S.HK in footsies will coincidentally catch the start up of some of her jumps when lady luck is on your side, but your susceptible to C.MK if you use it a lot.

On the other side of the coin, anti airing Cammy is extremely difficult thanks her Cannon Strikes, the normal Cannon Strike can be anti aired but in my opinion its too difficult to do consistently so my recommendation is try walk back out of the range and whiff punish it as she lands with S.LK xx SK, as it has more recovery on landing than standard jumps.

Cammy can get wise to you walking back out of range of her Dive Kick and start using J.HK which has deceptively large range. This move you can anti air with S.HK and C.HP with correcting timing and spacing, be on the look out for this mix up.

Now take a look at this chart Decapre dive kick chart.
[](Decapre’s Cannon Strike & Spiral Arrow - Hit & block advantage charts
Its not quite the same for Cammy I’m just using it as a reference, but if you do block Cannon Strike from head height, you should be able to punish it on block and from shoulder height should at least you reverse momentum as she will be minus on block. Anything below that and Cammy’s got the momentum.

Ex.Cannon Strike is never anti air-able, don’t even try. Its also pretty much always safe on block and gives her momentum, its pretty damn hard to avoid too. You going have to suck up the pressure in this case.

If Cammy is sloppy and doing both normal and Ex.Cannon Strikes from very high up, you can focus crumple them, this is unlikely to happen but keep it in your pocket anyway.

Her hooligan combination is another LOL move that should never be hitting you with. Crouch and she can’t grab you, mashing C.LP will stuff her slide. She has a new gimmick in Ultra where she can dive kick off it. You will probably only ever see it off the EX.Hooligan Combination as it tracks to your position. If you think its coming EX.PC through it. Something to be aware of but don’t expect to see her do it much.

Air to air
Cammy does not have amazing priority in the air, but the issue in this match up is the difference in jump arcs between the two characters is substantial making hitting her in the air quite difficult. Nevertheless if Cammy is going ham, constantly jumping and disrespecting you enough not to even bother attempting to mask her dive kicks, you should be able to land a hell attack juggle or use J.HP as early as possible as a counter to her dive kick. Obviously she will stuff these moves if she uses normal jumps or her air throw. So Cammy’s goal is to mask her jump ins and dive kicks because you do have some options here. This is why Cammy will have to spend at least part of the match on the ground where you its much more even, but expect her to be airborne alot.

Bison Okizeme game and pressure.
Bison has some good s*** in this match up
Slide FADC backwards, J.HP(or any jumping move) is a safe jump against Cammy as she gets up 1 frame slower than most of the cast. Its effectively an automatic safe jump, super easy to do.
Forward throw, whiff C.LK, any jump is a safe jump. 1 frame window, very difficult to time.
Back throw, whiff C.MK, any jump is a safe jump, 1 frame window very difficult to time (but at least you can plink C.MK)

Her DP is very unsafe on block. You can do anything here including a raw ultra punish. Don’t do a reversal Ultra 1 but delay it slightly to get all hits of the Ultra.

If Cammy DP’s FADC forward she is -5, practice the punish. If she opts for FADC backdash she is -9 and complete safe mid screen but she can be punished if she does it in the corner.
He EX.DP is -1 after FADC forward and -5 after FADC backwards.

If you think Cammy will back dash on wake up, OS with S.MK as S.HK will whiff on her.

Fake safe jump set up.

The classic anti DP set up works similar on Cammy. You can use J.MK and J.HK as well. Experienced Cammy’s can forward dash or crouch out if you use J.HP or J.HK but not J.MK. Previously if you did this set up Cammy could DP and sail away to the other side of the screen at most risking a slide or poke punish. This is no longer the case. If you have 3 bars, jump after her and use J.HP, C.HP Ex.RFA for a big punish, or try this new cool punish shown at 5.18 in this video :slight_smile:

Unblockable 1

Cammy can dash forward or crouch to avoid this.

Unblockable 2

Works on Cammy, Cammy can DP this.

If Cammy does delayed wake up for any of the above, you could use S.LK to try to account for the 11 frame delay but you will need to be very precise.

Never try to Headpress her or Devil Reverse her on wake up, Cannon Spike beats both clean.

Of soft knock down apply stand Bison tactics, SK pressure, tick throws, frame traps and baits.

Cammy Okizeme and pressure.
Cammy’s strongest point.
Lets just look at non cross up jump in attacks first. If you have no meter just block, her OS spiral arrow will chase down back dash and teleport.
If you have meter mix up teleport and EX.PC, until she has Ultra 1 stocked. He OS Cannon Spike will beat all 4 Ex.Reversals clean but will get punished by teleport. While Ex.PC will beat her OS. Spiral Arrow. Its a 50/50 guess at this point.
If she pressuring you with jabs on wake up as you get up mid screen, you can try focus back dashing to prevent an OS from triggering. You can also chance the oh so dirty option of normal devils reverse as a reversal which has no low hurtbox and even if hit is instantly airborne she you end up just being reset.

Once she’s got ultra Bison’s reversal become extremely risky. She can stop gambling with OS’s because she can punish EX.PC on block and react to our slower teleports. If you have 3 bars to burn FADC EX.PC or EX.SK is the only safe option assuming you have back charge. You can gamble on empty EX.DR or EX.DR escape, but she can chase them down with U1 or Spiral arrow. Once pushed to the corner EX.DR is extremely risky as well.

Often one of Cammy’s best way of getting pressure is getting a knockdown after combing into spiral arrow. This leave’s Cammy in perfect position to do a cross up J.LK or late dive kick that doesn’t cross up. Most Bison players recommend never quick standing in this situation, normal wake up and your in a less ambiguous situation but its hardly what you could call favorable. If you do quick stand I have discovered an OS for Bison if you have meter. Input Half circle forward +3P or 3K. If Cammy crosses you up you get auto correct teleport, is she dives kicks you will get either EX.PC or EX.SK. The 3P will give you EX.PC which is safe if she blocks it until she has Ultra but, you don’t teleport full screen away only mid screen if she does a cross up and can be punished.
If you use 3K you will get Ex.SK which she may be able to block if she dives kick early enough and then punish it, but is she goes for a cross up you will teleport to the other side of the screen making a punish very difficult for her (but not impossible!).

Sometimes if you know its a dive kick thats not a cross up, you can use normal devils reverse to take a hit and get reset in the air to get out of pressure.

Cammy can also user meaty Hooligan Combo throw on your wake up as, as even if you hold crouch the game considers you standing for a frame after holding down and you will get thrown. To counter this set up, use an EX.Reversal or hit crouch jab on the frame you get up up to instantly crouch and avoid the game registering you as standing.

Cammy has a lot of options in general to pressure you.
Watch these videos to understand her options in general.

She has lots of unblockables too, alot of which work on Bison.

When Cammy is in close pressuring, you need to keep an eye on her meter. She has solid frame traps without meter regardless, but the threat of EX.Cannon Strike open up a whole new world for her in terms of dealing with crouch tech. Without you can try just block, mash OS tech or slow os tech to counter her frame traps or tick throws. When she has no meter, keep in mind her throw range is below average. So once she gets pushed back a bit you don’t need to try to tech throws.

EX.TKCS is an extremely dangerous tool Cammy has in her arsenal to blow up crouch tech. Its safe from reversals but EX.PC can get you out until she has Ultra 1. If you have absolute balls of steel you can make a read with S.LK to counter it and stuff its start up if you see if coming but the trick is to see it coming. When Cammy’s up in your face, the odds are not in your favor, all you can do here is use your experience and try to make a read. EX.TKCS comes out so low and fast another favorite gimmick of Cammy is whiffing it just before you wake up and then going for a throw. Remember eating a throw is probably the lesser of two evils, but you need to have experience in whats coming next. I recommend the videos above.

Match up experience is key. I recommend watching sets between Alioune and Gagapa if you want to see the match up high level. There is several sets up on youtube between them. They are not from Ultra but 99% of it applies to Ultra anyway.

Hope this helps.

Make it shorter.


He posts all that to attempt to help you get better and that’s all you give him in return? Clown.

Great post Azza. Great info.

And Zangief: That’s what it takes to get better in a matchup, you have to cover everything that might come up. Making it shorter would make it worse.

Also - You’re pretty new here so let me give you a bit of advice: Most of the Bison mains posting here have been playing the game for a long long time and are pretty good so we come here to fine tune our game and get a little better each time. You posting about Akuma or Cammy being “Nooby” or whatever helps no one and you just come across as childish.

Please keep all your questions in the Q&A thread at the top and listen to what other people say to you when they’re trying to help.

Here some high level play from Ultra of the match up.
No 5 ranked Cammy in Japanese Arcades vs the the No 9 ranked Dictator.

I read your little thing because I was bored.

So one day, I fight a Cammy and your little tips help.


I saw your thread about me. Why do you think I’m a troublemaker?

Wow mate, that is not a way to show appreciation, learn how to appreciate people trying to help you out.

Erase her lifebar before she erases yours

Obvious troll.