How do you approach the Guile Mirror?

Hi all. Maybe this doesn’t deserve a new thread but I just wanted to pick your brains for the Guile Mirror match. It feels so much different from any other matchup. Any general strategies? What happens when you’re down on life? My current approach is just sonic boom all day and only use after boom when in range but I find myself being pressured to the corner all the time due to being too passive.

I think it’s very, very hard to overcome a life deficit in a Guile mirror. Often when I play one it simply comes down to who is more stubborn, or who makes the first mistake and gets hit with a boom. I don’t think guile has great tools to approach Guile, (even if you knee after boom, your opponent is also free to move after his boom) so it’s really important to get ahead and get comfortable on it.

I think it’s important to asses the risk/reward in this mirror. Sure guile has amazing anti air’s, but they do 70-80 damage usually (note cr. fierce and flashkick AA usually hit for 80), and a simple jump in with Guile nets you 330. I’m not saying jump like an idiot, but the aggressive Guile just usually wins this matchup because guile’s aggression does way more damage than his defense.

Guile is ass at opening up himself and exploiting his own weakness in general.

Personally I think the key here is your SB endurance and being able to constantly and correctly re position yourself so you can AA should they risk a jump in.

You need to play a very long SB game, longer than you might think. Don’t waste EX bars in the boom game either. Fire normal versions, and if they EX boom, fire one to absorb one hit of your opponents’ EX and then FA the second. You can build quite a lot of meter that way and have a better overall comeback chance.

Playing the mid screen game you might as well toss a coin, especially if your opponent has a strong boom game and baits your ass into a jump in.

In terms of footsies
Cr mk - loses to st, lk, cr, lk sobat and step kick.

Only problem is, you’re succeptible to an FK if you’re in lk/sobat range, or SB if you’re in step kick…

In terms of standing AAs:
St fierce tends to trade a lot, GHK wins a lot but getting the right timing is difficult, st mk tags most of Guiles jump ins and is very good at keeping Guile at an optimal space in general, and st. Mp is particularly useful if they try and go for deep jump in hard kicks.

Crouching AAs
Crouch fierce stops 90% of Guiles x-ups (including on wake up but you need to hit it very early otherwise it will miss) and will also tag his hard jump ins IF your fist hits the hurtbox near his front OR the hurtbox on his butt.

It has a tendency to get crushed by jump in light punch though.

Crouching medium punch can tag poorly times jump in hard kicks or when your crouching fierce attempt would get CH by their jump in.

FKs go without saying. They also wreck overheads and UDK.

Thanks for the feedback, I know the post is a little old now. Thought I’d mention that is pretty gdlk after boom as it beats almost everything the other Guile presses if both of you boom at the same time and Guile’s that habitually use backfist or will find themselves getting stuffed alot. I played a mirror money match vs Humanbomb’s Guile just for fun (I barely lost lol) and basically I was coming out on top of almost everything except for his tick throw game which is where HB’s offense experience and mind games comes in to play. UDK is damn scary lol.