I’ve had this shit happen against king aures. Is that a good enough name drop?
-trolls suck-
I’ve had this shit happen against king aures. Is that a good enough name drop?
-trolls suck-
Just played the guy again, Kant. I had no issues with anyone today, but this guy and his ryu had the damn rollback on clutch moments when i was gonna punish his dp.
u need to consider the ping, anything bettween 100ms-150ms has certain situation with rollbacks, anything higher to 150ms u cant really be sure of what u seein ur screen it actually happened(grabs) becuz once the game its sync’d, the situation chages against u, there is just too much delay to keep with the game flow to be reliable
I have played vs Kant n always we have a high ping: 200ms
yeah, same guy. I noticed it with him too. it was pretty lulz.
I haven’t been playing long, but it happens only with this guy (and I play with a bit of people in the 200s) in a way that gives him the advantage almost every time and again it is not just normal lag during the game, cause i don’t remember getting any then: Only during ambiguous moments that are life or death. Maybe it’s just a fluke … I just won’t play him and the other guy anymore.
Well, at least I’m glad YOU know who it is. I guess the rest of us will just have to suffer the same fate you used to go through when we run into him.
I heard from Nostradamusss that when you move the ggpo window, while the mouse button is hold, the game will lag. Someone should test this.
I don’t know the other guys name, i just added him to ignore. I only played him once for a few games. I only remembered Kant, because he was in the room yesterday and I didn’t notice I had him on ignore and requested a game from him, faced the same lagg issues and when i left that game i looked closer and noticed that yeah I had him on ignore from the previous games, lol. Something fishy …
Interesting, I had the same experience with Kant the other day. I ended up telling him GGs cuz it was too laggy to play. I didn’t think anything of it because the guy did have decent skills, and usually good players don’t stoop to retarded shit. To be fair, his ping was over 200 I think. I don’t want to start a witch hunt so I’ll just rack it up to lag. Besides, his ping is way to high for me to ever play him anyways.
But King Aures, I do remember specifically raging on him about the funny timing of the lag spikes. I think I remember quit mid game and calling him a donkey fucking fagot in the lobby. I think it was something like that. I might have said goat, not quite sure.
If you are playing, yeah moving the window or clickng off of the window has an effect
-trolls suck-
This was a common tactic in the MvC room to troll. Basically, if someone got stuck in an infinite, you could drag the GGPO windows and the emulation would pause for your side. When you stopped, GGPO has to resync and causes lag.
LoL @ people doing this in ST.
I definitely have to do it!
Sounds like a legit tournament tactic!
I fought against King Aures sim and didn’t notice this lag issue and we had madd clutch moments, most of which I luckily came out on top of ftw.
Well I had the opposite.
Also, his honda uses turbo.
-trolls suck-
I played vs King Aures n let me tell u, he has a very laggy connection, seems he opened certain ports only, so u can connect to him, but some port not open which makes the game very very choppy, I had to make sure to use block strings vs him otherwise I got huge rollbacks n him taking the advantage
I can never see his ping, Im sure some of his ports r not correct, or maybe he is playing wireless, pretty much he is unaware of all these issues vs him
Last time I played him, he lagged me everytime I safe jumped him or did meaty ticks. So… Out came magic o gief. Then lulz ensued.
Well, comes to happen King Aures does use turbo, here 1 screenshot of it:
Late to the party bro. I input watched him weeks ago. I’m just not good at the take a pic upload it thing.
-trolls suck-