How do I get better at controlling space with footsies? (video)

Wow how is it that one year into the game people like dragonboy were already at this level? Yet I am 5 years in and dont have the same skill he did back in 2009.

Watch all replays if you got time. Thanks

First video:
1:24 you missed three whiff-punish opportunities against Gief’s roundhouse.
2:54 more whiff-punish opportunities. If you’re not sure of your spacing, just fireball to claim that spot.
Biggest problems were missed whiff-punishes if I haven’t made that clear enough.

I don’t really have a comment on the second one… the Gief looked really poor…

General things:
You don’t seem to by trying to control a particular space, like you’re just moving to throw your opponent off, but not using your space to control your opponent’s options. You see Dragon Boy control space with fireball, low forward and step-kick? He’s picking a particular spot for his opponent to walk into. You give your opponent too much breathing room to walk forward. You need to make your opponent afraid of advancing with placed normal’s. Get them to walk back into the corner or antsy enough to do stupid things like jumping and overextending themselves. Dragon Boy is intentionally trying to make Ken seem vulnerable to pokes, making his opponent want to attack, giving DB opportunities to retaliate. At 0:33 when he shuts down Gief’s options and brings him closer to the corner, he intentionally is spacing himself where he can poke them with step-kicks and low forwards while still being in range to anti-air. When he sense’s their fear, he takes the initiative by walking. The most important tip for footsies is walking. Walking changes the the advantages of each attack. Not only walking, but he has the life lead, meaning he can minimize his risks and force his opponent to take risks instead. You see him giving up space afterwards, but he’s still claiming a zone that Gief is scared to enter. This zone is where he is controlling, something I didn’t see in your match.

When you move, focus on pokes when you walk forward (low forward, step-kick, fireball) and focus on whiff punishes when walking backwards (low forward, sweep, far roundhouse, fireball, step-kick). The move you use depends on thezone you’re trying to control. When trying to figure out the zone, ask yourself, what are you trying to counter, or what are you trying to force your opponent to do so you can punish him for it? You dance around this zone and poke when you see them move closer and whiff-punish as you move backwards. When the opponent isn’t trying to play footsies, either get them into the corner so you can mix them up, or force them to by making them want to poke you so you can punish. The neutral is a lot more crazy than this, but this is a good starting foundation.

I’m assuming DB got to this level in a year because fighting game fundamentals tend to carry over. He probably has had experience from some other game to develop a neutral game strategy.


I highly recommend watching high level old school Street Fighter’s to improve fundamentally. SFII spacing/zoning. Alpha 3 and Third Strike for footsies. Alpha 2 for zoning and footsies. CvS2 works for footsies too, but it’ll help more with developing a game plan in neutral.


Alpha 2

Alpha 3

Third Strike


Not a Ken match, but it’s my Yang against my friend’s Oni. I want you to pay attention to the space where my friend uses Oni’s stand short and step-kick. He’s really good at picking spots to control. For footsies, focus on my Yang and why there are certain instances I walk forwards waaayy more than backwards. He’s controlling a spot, like a wall, I’m controlling a zone, think of it as a moving wall that will hurt if you walk into this zone.

Really solid stuff joutai I seriously appreciate it bro.