How can I seriously FUCK UP Blanka?

This guy kicks my ass every. Single. Time. THe guy I play against just runs all day with the dashing KKK move, then suddenly jumps in with the ridiculous j.HK that beats anything I got.

I need to take this retarded animal down NOW.

learn your characters anti-airs, failing that either roll/parry/JD. practice in training mode if you’ve got it. HAHAHA look at me give advice that I don’t follow. I suck at everything.

You can’t! :sad:

He’s unstoppable. Sorry!

Easy solution, use normals that act as AA and keep getting him with blocked jabs to wear his guard down.

I think evil sagat said it all…lol

.50 cals oughta do it:rofl:

low crush his lows, AA his jumps, cross him up, find out what you have to beat his c hp, what you have to punish blocked slide, hit every blocked ball as hard as you can, jab every lp ball in attempt, poke him back, and whatever you do, don’t try to beat his lightning and don’t press anything after he’s done chipping you

blanka is top tier yeah, but he’s not unbeatable, just harder to beat than most, but you can beat him with mastery of basics and good reflexes

is it RC Blanka or no RC Blanka? RC Blanka is much harder to fight.

Answer. C-Sagat. =D

Depends on the character.

assuming by your name you use K Hibiki.

you have many options there… its hibiki man.
low jump mp from tie to time. poke him
you can easily punish his blanka balls

you have JD counter.

hit him until he falls down

if he gets back up, you obviously didn’t hit him enough/hard enough, so hit him again

then hit him some more while he’s on the floor, taunt him some, then kick him again

blanka should now be stand still, and any button you press will probably hit him

…either that or you’d be behind bars for assault charges =P

or hospitalized, if the dude is bigger than you

paint the shit out of him

This is UN-logical, dude.

Hibiki s.hp kill any Blanka jump in attack… unless the Blanka active CC/JD/Parry at the moment u do s.hp…