How can I leave my home town with no money?

That dude is going to get raped by Nintendo. He has no idea what he’s doing.

Nintendo is no longer nice with C&D.

You wanna be sure to swallow the whole thing.

You mean the guy with the Smash Mod, so true.

The truth is you should get advice from another website because some are giving you the most stupid advice on the planet. Not all, just some.
What you should do is target a city. After you decide where you want to go, start contacting businesses in that area to see if they are hiring. Once you find out that they are, talking to them about interviewing and how long it will take for them to make a decision. See if you can borrow money, use your savings, then go. Plan a budget in the process then go.

This thread is 6 fucking years old, you really think dude is still looking for advice?

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Emulate the auto industry, and say goodbye to you very own Detroit.