Sup all.
I decided to start this thread after coming across this one. The point I want to raise is that the main reason the general gaming populace does not appreciate fighting games is because of the terrible quality of basically all fighting game reviews ever. I am not saying that if the reviews were better EVERYONE would be playing fighting games – after all, no gaming genre could ever possibly appeal to everyone – what I am saying is that most people would at least RESPECT them, as well as the effort that goes into designing them and playing them at a high level. And with more respect and less misinformation around, eventually more people would come to play these games the way they are designed to be played, leading to more and more widespread competition, and less need to travel halfway around the globe to find it.
Now I have tried doing something about this on my website. I have reviewed a few fighting games myself in great depth, and asked for people from this forum (HeartNana and DarkGeese) to help me out. Here’s what we’ve done so far:
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum by Dark Geese
The King of Fighters XI by Dark Geese and me
Arcana Heart by me, with much help from HeartNana
Jingi Storm: The Arcade by me
Hokuto no Ken by me
Now I know this may sound arrogant or whatever, but seriously, as far as I know these are the best fighting game reviews around, irrespective of whether someone agrees with them on a specific point or not. The main thing is that they respect the genre, they understand it, and they are capable of looking past graphics and animu (while still taking them into account!), and delivering some worthwhile insight into each game.
Now as much as I’d love to play fighting games all day and keep reviewing every fighter that comes out, the fact of the matter is that this is not practically possible given the rate at which new fighters are coming out these days. There’s just no way I could keep up, and if I tried I’d necessarily end up writing the same kind of vague, worthless, waffling reviews you get on 1UP, Lamespot, etc. Besides, I don’t live in Japan any more and it’s currently impossible for me to get any kind of competition in a fighting game at the moment, making it extremely hard if not impossible to acquire some real insight into these games.
So why don’t YOU guys try your hand at reviewing? How hard can it be to sit down for a couple of hours and put together your thoughts on a game which you know very well? Look at Dark Geese’s NGBC review: a simple, direct, no-nonsense exposition of his thoughts on the game. I would love to have such reviews on my site for Arcana Heart 2, Battle Fantasia, Accent Core, the new Smash Brothers (lol, yeah, I know), and even stuff like Big Bang Beat, Akatsuki Blitzkampf, etc., or even older games like Waku Waku 7 or Fighter’s History. It’s not like any of these games have received any worthwhile reviews yet – or as if they ever will if no one here decides to do something about it.
Isn’t it a bit of a shame that so many great (and not-so-great, but still worth looking into) games have never been reviewed with anything close to the level of consideration that went into making them? I, at any rate, certainly think it is.
Anyways. Besides Dark Geese and HeartNana, I have tried contacting a couple other people on this board in the past (one guy for Accent Core and another for Battle Fantasia) and they both refused. Too busy or whatever. So I am hoping this thread will be more effective in putting me in touch with a few more people to help out with reviews.
So give it a go. Post a review in this thread and let’s talk about it. Don’t try to use fancy words or whatever and make yourself seem silly – the point is not to impress people with your literary skills but with your insight into the mechanics of the game and the genre. Grammar/syntax/spelling errors I can easily fix.
If any solid reviews end up coming out of this thread I’ll add a header image, some screens, perhaps even a couple of high-level videos, and add it to my review archive alongside the other reviews linked above. So how about it?