Crazy there’s no such thread already. Watching horrible, hideous cosplay is too funny. Post your stuff here.

Crazy there’s no such thread already. Watching horrible, hideous cosplay is too funny. Post your stuff here.
That Balrog cosplayer own, wtf are you talking about?
There’s a cross-dresser with a mustache in between “Ken” and “Blanka”. Also, does Zangief have a tail?
Holy shit that first Chun Li pic, dude’s a fucking toothpick.
How is that horrible that’s the best thing I have ever seen oh my god
I think there’s something wrong with the pictures in the OP. All I see is fucking awesome cosplay.
Yeah that one was quite good. Still I think cosplay in general is kinda ugly. Even sometimes when it’s good lol.
it’s one of those things where you need either a banging hot chick or a sick full body suit to really pull it off imo
Look at that group of men who clearly all enjoy a healthy sex life.
hahaha, special mention to Morrigan, Cammy and Sakura !