Horrible connection or no players


Half a year ago i played ssf4 recently and it worked fine for me, i found players in ranked games and some in endless battle mode, not many but it was ok (i am from germany and bought ssf4 via steam). So today i wanted to start again playing and i think now its updated as usf4. But i cannot find any players online anymore in ranked nor in endless battle, i only found two guys today, one from canada an the other from japan with very bad connection. my question is why? nothing changed on my connection, it should be ok, so maybe i missed an update or something is bugged? i appreciate any kind of help, thanks !

Check if you have the last version of the game (update 1.04 iirc). If it’s not this, the online on pc is maybe dead I really don’t know.

Well… If you don’t know, don’t say it…
Anyways, the community is not dead.
Everytime I play there are always about 1000+ people playing: https://steamdb.info/app/45760/history/

I think that you still have ONLY SSF4, and not Ultra SF…
Have you ever BOUGHT/PAYED FOR USF4???
Maybe if you had searched on Steam, once your game is on Steam…
Check this thread: http://steamcommunity.com/app/45760/discussions/0/34094415758294227/

No, i havent bought the usf4 dlc. Thanks for the info, maybe i have to buy it so i can connecnt better to other players!

That’s the reason. Even though your game is theoretically called Ultra Street Fighter 4 for managing reasons, you still only own Super until you buy the Ultra upgrade, while the bunch of people is playing Ultra already.

PS: The online got worse since they left Games For Windows Live, though, so don’t expect it to be as good as the old times, anyways.

it worked! yes i made the experience of lags and frozen screens, and i NEVER found someone playing a tournament or team battle, thats sad only ranked and endless battle works fine to me. and i am glad you can play training mode while beeing in the ranked queue.


And I’m done.