Horizon: Zero Dawn Yggrit returns but Jon Snow is dead

E3 Trailer:


IGN Rewind :


Game looks good. This is one of the few games at the show that greatly peaked my interest. Though I must admit I am a big junkie for giant robots and giant monsters.

I want to know your thought process on selecting this thread title.

This is the best new IP of E3. Greatly interested in hunting robo dinos.

Fucking dickhead, why the GOT spoiler?.. Mods please change the title or delete this thread.

Seriously. Why the fuck did you think it would be a good idea to spoil shit that has nothing to do with the game?


Main toon looks like Yggrit.

Its been 2 days, give it the fuck up! Not to mention the ending was spoiled long before the show aired.

You are a sorry excuse for a human being. If I ever saw you in the street I would beat the shit out of you and no one would care because you literally add nothing of value to society.

You are the living embodiment of what everyone hates about this world.

I can’t believe this but I’m in agreement with Ramrod.

For real, people that use Toon to describe a character that is in anything but Who Framed Roger Rabbit deserve a swift backhand.

Jon Snow dies?

Unlike you people here have jobs and lives that may prevent then from doing certain things until later.


Your boy here just took the spoil game to the final level. How do you respond?