I’m new to this forum i recently just got my Hori Real Arcade Pro V Hayabusa Silent (my 1st stick, YAAAAY! haha) there’s a “learning process” on using these things haha, but i’m getting the idea why others would prefer sticks over controllers.
Upon playing with it for i think around 15hrs (total) i noticed that i don’t really feel comfortable with a square restrictor, and upon watching some videos on YouTube (the ones from bossbattletim, awesome awesome videos) there’s an Octagonal Restrictor mod for the Hayabusa i was sooo happy to have read that, but after going to focus attack’s site. the shipping is just WOW haha (justifiable, but maybe i’ll wait untill i want some more items to combine the shipping fee) also the octa-restrictor that they have for Hayabusa will not fit this version because it doesn’t have any screw holes (check the pic below). So i just decided to make one. Hopefully it will work properly with it. I’m also looking forward into modding the bejesus out of this stick soon!hahaha
Bye Bye warranty!
Looks like this will be a loooooong journey for me, my skills modding drones and stuff will be helpful here so i’m sure i will do mods A LOT!haha
If the mod you’re talking about involves drilling on a Sanwa gate, don’t do that. If you need the silent joystick lever, swap in either a JLF with silent microswitches or a JLF with an optical PCB and attach an octo gate to that. You can then resell the silent Hayabusa lever.
Thank you for the informative response, i actually like the stick and the buttons i just think i’d be more comfortable with an octa-gate, since there’s no one selling an octa-gate for this particular model, i just decided to make one. It’ll be ready around an hour and a half. Will post pics later
I have the same stick so, if you want,I give you some advices on it. First, the Hayabusa Silent isn’t that good,sometimes I feel like some inputs get missed,but maybe I’m too used to a regular lever. Imo the Silent work greatly with a 2lb. spring,but that is all on your choices. With the regular square gate finding the diagonals isn’t hard,but in the Silent lever case this could be harder,because you can’t really ‘feel’ where the diagonal input is until you ride the gate himself. The octagonal gate can’t help with that. I suggest you to get the standard Hayabusa with microswitches, then if you really want giving a try get the octagonal gate for that lever.
In general the octo gate on a silent lever isn’t necessary since you don’t really need to ride the gate with the lever, the infrared light who give the inputs will register your movements pretty quick.
I’m thinking about changing the springs too but i don’t know where to start since this is my first fight stick so thanks for the advice about it, now i know where i’ll begin haha
Not sure if it’s just me, but i am really not comfortable with a square gate. Since there’s no one selling a proper octa-gate for this particular model (the Kowal Hayabusa plate isn’t compatible with this one) i decided to make one, and it really helps A LOT! i’m now liking my stick better!
Here are some pictures of what i made
Good thing about it is, it just snaps in. No screws needed!
From just looking at it I’d say you made the octogonal part too small. It should be a bit larger to be like the kowal. But if you like it…thats all that matters. How did you do this? With a 3d Printer? Good work overall tho.
It is a bit small than standard, but everything is still responsive. I also made a slightly larger version and i’ll just swap them until i find my “sweet-spot”
Hey! I was wondering how you created that Octa gate?
I’m looking into getting one myself but I also see that people aren’t making a proper model for it myself.
I would gladly buy an octa gate for the Hori Hayabusa Silent Optical stick as well. So far it is the most accurate and reliable for me versus every other stick I have tried, but I strongly prefer an octa gate to a square gate so it limits me right now. For a 3d printed design that works, I’d gladly purchase several if you don’t mind