Hori pad fight commander pro 3 Died


i’ve only had it for a few months, and i play very aggressive but this is inexcusable. prior to it dying, i posted a really lukewarm review of it in a thread here. basically, the dpad felt like shit from day one, but i learned to work around it. but now, it’s just dead.

i opened up the piece of shit, and discovered the cheapest looking piece of dpad contacts i’ve ever seen on a pad. i’ve torn apart a saturn pad, a n64 pad, a ps1 pad, a 6 button genesis pad, and some shitty knock-off pads, and the hori plastic dpad contact is utter shit. all of the little contacts were either torn off or hanging on by a thread. like i said, i had a few sega saturn contacts lying around because my saturn pad died too, but that was an old pad from the 90’s!.

if hori had just used quality plastic for the dpad, and longer contacts it would have been much a better piece of hardware. maybe it would have bumped he price from $34.99 to $40.00 or $45.00, but so be it. as it stands now, i’m pretty much giving up buying pads because companies don’t put the same quality in them that they used to. the original sega 6 button pads (made in Japan!) are the most durable pads ever made, imo. next thing i buy will be a stick.

I’ve been using this pad for few weeks now and i actually really like the pad feeling. But it doesn’t surprise me to hear the low quality piece. I bought it on amazon i needed to get it replaced after a week because the triangle button and r1 button were getting stucked. Luckily amazon has a 1 month guaranty and the new one works perfect ( for now).
My only problem is that i want to know how to make it work for xbox 360. I thought it would be compatible since its usb port. but it isnt