Hori joystick 6 pinos

Alguem sabe como faço para trocar um joystick de 5 pinos por um de 6 pinos da hori?

Google translate to the rescue, but I don’t trust it translating the other way. :slight_smile:

5-pin joysticks have 4 directional signals and 1 common ground signal.
6-pin joysticks have 4 directional signals, 1 common ground signal and 1 Vcc/power signal.

You’ll need to pull a Vcc line from somewhere on the PCB in your arcade stick, and re-crimp a new pin header (or solder directly) to connect to the 6-pin Hori.

freedomgundam thank you so much for answering my topic! how will i identify each of the 6 pins which i have to solder?

gnd i found i don’t know where is vcc !?

Looks like it’s here, since this looks like the USB cable:

The VCC point will connect to the red wire of the USB cable.

thank you so much freedomgundam i will test!