Hori HP2-263 help

Hi All,

I just got this Suggoi Arcana Hearts 2 Hori stick (looks like a HRAP design) as an early gift from one of my friends but after taking it apart it seems the button are not moddable :confused:

There is a large PCB which is soddered underneath the buttons. Has anyone had any experience modding this to use sanwa buttons?

its probably just like modding the t5 stick.

Yes, it is same as HORI Tekken 5 Stick.

Desolder Buttons from PCB.
Grind Tabs of Button Holes.
Put Sanwa Buttons in.
Solder back to PCB.

Different is the opening of Case.
With Tekken 5, have to unscrew from button.
With the Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2, can open from top with Allen Wrench.

Yeah, thanks for the info, I will probably not do anything with it till next year, I have a busy few months ahead of me. Although this stick is kind of a tease since it was easy to open from the top only to find it was not easily moddable to swap the buttons :confused:

I’m getting this stick in real soon the Arcana Hearts 2 Joystick. Just wondering though do I have to wire it to the PCB or can I stick it in the same way the Hori buttons were in?


Putting in Sanwa or Seimitsu Buttons would not be like the Hori Buttons.
The Sanwa and Seimitsu use Tabs, the Hori use Pins to go in PCB.
The Sanwa and Seimitsu Tabs not fit into the holes in PCB.

So to make connection to PCB, you will solder wire to PCB and to Buttons.

Or you can do this:


Thanks for the info.

OK so this is what I plan on doing.

Both Sanwa Push Buttons tips --> Solder --> Wire --> Solder --> Two holes in PCB

Rinse repeat for all 8 buttons.