Hori Hayabusa Buttons

@aszyd , curious about which silencer pads you used for these buttons and if the presses felt mushy. I currently have some Sanwa silencers from some OSBF(s)'s and some FocusAttack ones also. don’t think the focus attack type will fit due to the shape of them though.


I decided to try different silencer pads I had laying around. Original Sanwa ones wont fit so I had to use one’s I bought from FocusAttack.com (don’t remember the brand name off the top of my head)


Had to cut the tabs off as you can see, they are a perfect fit.


I have the FA silencer pads. I was able to get them to fit without cutting the tabs, just had to rotate them a little.

Nice thanks for the link.

Interesting, still waiting for another look at them after months of use because of matte finish, then eventually get some of them.

its not really a finish, its how the plastic is textured.

best i can compare them to is old IBM keyboard key caps, where the keys have a rough matte texture that lasts a long time. another comparable texture is the rough matte texture on a PS4 console.

when people see these buttons in pictures they probably think of a matte ‘finish’ like those found on Razer mice or keyboards. Those actually do wear out after some time and is nothing like these buttons.

Daaamn! Buttons already sold out! I do wonder if they will have some at NorCal Regionals.

I bought 8, hopefully I didn’t get them too late… still haven’t got shipping confirmation.

Supposedly they got a restock for more today.

I’m curious about how in the world they’re getting those buttons… :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like they’re almost out of the restock, I couldn’t even order 8. I haven’t seen Hori selling any separate buttons or joysticks on their US store for a while. Maybe they’re selling that stuff through other stores like AS now.

They definitely have some friends at Hori to get the hookup like that. Maybe if they sell well, Hori will go back to doing boxed accessories. I need a couple 24mm 'Busa buttons, I only have 8 30s.

the matte look is definitely something different. i too am curious how long they will hold up long term

I was fortunate enough to get ahold 6 of these from ArcadeShock. I’m certainly impressed with them, they look and feel great. They are pretty low profile when compared to other buttons especially when you look at them from a level view. The texture is very similar to their hayabusa joystick dust washers, it isn’t so much a finish but just the way they come out of the mold? Unfortunately for me however, these feel just like sanwa buttons which I’m not a huge fan of. Thankfully I was able to swap my seimitsu ps15 switches into them, now I couldn’t be more satisfied.

its a pretty nice button. didnt know you could use the switches from ps15 seimitsu, thats even better for people who prefer those to those found in sanwa or the stock hori ones.


threw 6 of these into a sega virtua stick highgrade and they match perfectly, the buttons feel just like the top panel, its pretty cool. wish I could black out the top 4 yellow buttons without painting them… like buy some different ones in black.




Really infatuated with the buttons after having played on a friend’s VLX. Any news on when/if ArcadeShock will get them back in stock? I’m really hoping HORI starts selling these soon so I can build a custom stick without having to gut an HRAP 4 Kai.

i love hori. always have. it’s good to see them hear feedback from the fgc community and continually improve their products. wonder if they’re going to stick with the matte texture button, call me a traditionalist, but i’ll be waiting for a more traditional button.

Iplaywinner review : iplaywinner.com/news/2016/4/8/review-hori-hayabusa-buttons.html

purchased these buttons from ArcadeShock about a week ago. Just sold them in the outlet. They’re not bad, but I agree with MrEwnt in that they feel cheap. They are loud and have a great sound; if you like that, but I’m sticking with my Sanwa OBSFS. Also, although I’m usually a fan of matte colors the way it was done on these buttons was not to my liking. They’re not really “textured”, but just look like they are.

They do have a texture feel to me, i find the performance very very good, compared to my TE stick, i actually think i prefer them over Sanwa now.