Hori Hayabusa Buttons

I also tried the Kuro buttons and didn’t like them. I can’t say I actively bought them (I got them with my Premium VLX), but I got interested when this Brazilian Abel player I like, Keoma, said he really liked the buttons.

I like the shape of the plunger and the sharp edges. I just didn’t like the deep travel of the plunger. If they address that problem I have with them then I might like these.

These look interesting. I’ll give them a go. I enjoy the Kuro switches in Sanwa housing. The height and sharp edges of the Kuro buttons I can do without.

my next fighstick…

^ Man that would be really slick if the new HRAP case style wasn’t so wonky. What do the japanese have against wrist support?

The wrists go on the slanted part, I don’t mind it but I prefer a big flat area like the HRAP2/3

When are matte black balltops to match?

I had a HRAP with the new layout and didn’t care for it. I also prefer the older HRAPs. Hell, I liked the button layout of the HRAP1 lol.

Those matte buttons look nice but I get the feeling it won’t end well.

When you go to the hardware store and get some 320 grit sandpaper :^)

I’ve done this. Just seems like they would make the balls match the buttons.

I’m one of the few who found the Kuros really good,I have the Silent version of them. I follow this topic about those new Hayabusa,sadly Hori don’t seems interested in sell their buttons in different colors.

I don’t mind the Kuro buttons except for the sharper plunger edges, just no reason for me to use them over all the buttons I own.

I had this weird dream last night where I got to demo these. They were insanely hard to push down; requiring more force than a GamerFinger with a Black switch. The matte texture felt terrible. The matte wore away after only a few hours, which considering that previous point, you’d think would be a good thing. But the buttons looked terrible with the worn out matte finish, and the gloss left behind felt gross.

So, here’s to hoping they don’t turn out as bad as they did in my dream lol

What, I had the same dream! These are the buttons of our dreams.

cocaine is a helluva drug

wipes white dust from my face and nose


Played with these at HEY in Aki. They’re really nice and they’ve fixed the sharp edge issue that so many people had. They were in an arcade so presumably they’ve seen a ton of use, but they had no visible signs of wear. That said I think they were recently installed judging by how the dates line up.

I wonder if they used PBT or even POM plastic instead of ABS plastic?

Still any news about these buttons?