Hello, just got back into fighting games, been playing a lot of Honda, my character of choice during the SF2T days, and I keep getting crossed up/dragon punched to death. I’ve tried back dashing, and I can’t seem to reliably sumo smash my way out of it, I can’t seem to grab (it looks like the dragon punch variant is already in effect before I finish turning but I could be wrong), basically I get owned by cross ups with the more agile characters. Any advice? Much thanks!
Never open jump in on a shoto character (Ryu, Ken and Akuma) as you’re free in the air for an SRK and other AA options.
Practice using EX Headbutt as an anti-air option, At the moment, this is Honda’s best option against a jump-in on wake-up until AE 2012 edition comes out. When AE 2012 edition comes out, you can use L Headbutt as well to save meter. These will also auto-correct to either side if you time it correctly so this takes care of most cross-ups as well.
One of the most important things iv’e found when fighting zoners like ryu, sagat, ken etc is you have to be able to AA without charge otherwise they can just jump at you randomly for free whenever you walk forward.
Whether you use NJ HP, St Hp, jump back jab etc, if you cant on reaction AA you lose the ability to dictate the pace of the match and will most likely lose.
yeah, that’s what’s happening. my timing isn’t down yet, and so i end up just blocking and getting thrown at best…going to be practicing this for sure. For some reason I can AA better as Blanka at the moment.