Honda tech not alot of people know about thread!

If a Bison zigzags over you after the headstomp, won’t cs.HK go the wrong way?

I’ll have to test it in training some more, but it seems like even if he ends up behind you the will still connect. if you do it too late, you might get the first hit (30 damage) instead of the full 125, but i’ve seen it do 100 too. I’ve gotten it to trade a couple of times, but i think I was doing the late.

Honda’s EX Headbutt xx EXFA lvl 1 is a true blockstring.

You need to charge it a couple of frames for it to work as a frametrap and score a counterhit crumple.
Important stuff to know imo.

something I myself use almost 100% of the time is if I oicho my opponent and put myself in the corner I n.j. fierce and wiggle out, most cases if they dp or teleport out it autocorrects them back into the corner giving me corner control again and free punishes. If the opponent has caught onto this tactic best to tech as you land, if they do nothing I go with cr. short cr. j xx exhhs or w/e you prefer. It works a lot and I dont see a lot of Hondas using it >.>

The opponent has around 13+ frames to do anything and punish you. Usually it gets punished with a throw or a sweep, it’s why no one uses it.

you can tech the throws, and Ive never been swept out of it lol. 9/10 times they will dp or just wait and tech.

Yes, the throws can be teched, but there’s no way you can get 9/10 times away with it against average or competent players.
I mean, 13+ frames is a lot of time to punish you.

i saw mike ross do it a long time ago - its a trick to make DPs whiff. i have been blown up for it many times. if they delay wakeup at least you are only -2 now lol

it is pretty useful midscreen as a 1 time gimmick to scare thme out of DPing you

another one i learend from here is fwd throw dash dash nj fp float back, will beat almost all DPs. used it in a money match vs a dudley with like 50+ guys wathcing once one of the hypest moments of my sf career lol people went buck

^I’m not sure that midscreen oicho > NJ fierce will let you cross over midscreen. I usually get that setup off of cross up or anti air buttslams. It can be really ambiguous sometimes - I often catch people with cr. mk xx hands or an oicho afterwards.

But yea - that set up is good to use sometimes (see vid at the 7:08 mark) - I missed my hands, but that woulda been confirmed into cr. mk xx headbutt!!

Honda’s U1 needs 30frames travel time to hit an opponent who’s on the other side of the screen.

Vs fireball character: use focus to absorb the fireball and then cancel with front dash then cr. weak punch. If u use focus attack then back dash to cancel the fireball, sometimes ryu with do the second fireball, it is time to jump in with a combo. Jump in is very dangerous vs those character with fadc ultra.

Croach weak punch, straight jump hp and lp are the soul of honda, some honda do not have hhs still can use these 3 weapons to beat good players. those are the safest move for honda. This guy works for Sf4 AE, 2012 and usf4.
The full screen is 7 body distance, The starting screen is 5 body distance
when opponent get close, try not to jump, using focus front dash orchit throw for 3 body distance
closer than 3 body distance, I suggest to use croach weak punch and headbutt to keep charge

only stand weak punch on block then perform headbutt is safe

Use of downward hard kick

You can force your opponent to the wall or within coach weak punch position, croach weak punch hit the air and then downward hard kick, you can do it while opponent is croaching

Jump medium punch close mp cancel into down forward strong kick

Make use of croach medium kick to increase the damage

some characters eat Honda jump kick while they are croaching, u can use croach medium kick to increase the damage

For some characters which has excellent air to air

You have to train to have good defence
once they jump, back dash and then focus backdash
If you still in recovery, focus back dash, back dash

For ryu air hit your back tastu, focus dash front
usually u will not eat any hit and you will go to the other side

HHS to extended HHS

5 punch input before first 4 hits

HHS into ex HHS combo or HHS into HHS

5 punches between 4th hits to 7 hits
You can press 4 times hard kick and then press lpmphplk three times

Fierce hhs into Fierce hhs only use for combo with super

It is good to do for standing cammy for hhs into ex hhs combo

All ryu

croach weak punch strong hard kick
1 time strong headbutt in 1 match. Ryu croach or walk back and front is your chance
when ryu do focus or croach weak punch on hit, u can do headbutt
croach hard kick then jump hard kick
new ryu u can dash and then stand hard punch like bison block jump method, dont let him jump at your back u must beat ryu before he land in the ground
ex headbutt
c ryu, u can sumo splash

Time for ultra 1

  1. When they do fireball
    You can use stand weak punch, stand hard kick to bait
  2. When they knock you down and do a back jump
  3. When they jump in the corner, no need to think about this
  4. dhalisim, seth, bison invisible

Time for ultra 2

When they do close special, you should practice the stand block ultra 2, I really don’t know why most top Honda does not have this. It is for all kinds of block including close dive kick. Only dive kick to the back can catch for cammy. All ex dive for cammy can catch. Jagar kick, green hands, abel, guy flash kick and close larit, machine gun blow etc.
All kinds of safe jump.

Block on 1 then 321321 ppp
Block on 3 then 123123 ppp

Dive kick on head and go to another side

block on 1 then input 321321 ppp
block on 3 then input 123123 ppp
once step on your head, u need to input immediately

stand block and then ultra 2…0…1…30i10._JAaIfPvX4Y&ei=UP1nXYTeDYLmhwOdtZO4CQ&bih=678&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=inv#imgrc=yx5_yonOrNCQyM

Dive kick to the corner

You can use delay ex sumo splash

Ultra 2 combo

It must at close distance. The 5 hits cannot combo for far distance
croach weak punch > hhs (3 hits) > press level 1 focus
Total 5 hits, opponent will fall and you can do ultra 2
You can count 1 2 by heart to cancel hhs by press mp mk and count another 1 2 to release the level 1 focus attack
even in sf4, ae, 2012 version, it works

Counter attack

All the counter can add a ex headbutt. Always keep the charge and see and abnormal action.

Stand hard kick

vs ryu, Ken, oni, sakura, akuma, guoken, guide release ball is the time to do stand hard kick.
if ryu does not release ball, you dont start to kick him

Diagonal jump

5 characters distance use jump hp or mp. ie. The starting distance. It is good to keep all the time with this distance vs ryu
actually it is very good vs projectile characters
4 characters distance use jump hk or mp
3 characters distance use jump mk or mp
jump mp close can beat ryu close stand hk sid dhalism close hk to hit their head for the hit box.
jump mk is for ambiguous block front or back only. then croach lplk to prevent throw
jump hk is good vs tall characters such as seth and sagat.
Those characters know to use stand hard kick to beat you, you can use jump lp for 5 characters distances
Less than 3 characters distance are not encourage to jump, you can use croach weak to move back 1 distance or use normal only
2.5 characters, you can jump vs zangief, guide or dhalisim to beat their hitbox or their head.

vs ryu, there is a distance which can counter hit with shroyuken. That is a good jumping distance vs ryu when doing fireball release. You can use the starting 99 seconds distance and then walk back 1 character distance to count to jump

Jump front

When characters want to jump to your back
jump front hit box is the smallest
When opponent does a long recovery normal or dash forward

jump back prefer press hard kick or weak kick

Diagonal jump for shroyuken character

  1. Sagat, Ryu and evil Evil ryu are shroyuken are stright up, you can use far jump
  2. Ken, oni, seth shroyuken are diagonal up, you can use close jump
  3. Ryu walks front for 5 characters is the time for you to jump hard kick. walk front is hard to do shroyuken

Store air during diagonal jump

diagonal jump move back immediately

Dive kick for non wake up

Back dash and then strong hard punch
Jump back hard kick
Jump front
Far dive kick use medium sumo splash or weak headbutt

Dive kick or ibuki air flying weapons for wakeup

You can only focus front dash for yun dive kick to your back or block

Close dive kick jump to your back

Jump back weak punch or weak kick

Far dive kick hit your front

Jump front weak punch or weak kick

Croach hard kick

Hit nothing
It can bait the opponent jumps to you, u can do antiair when opponent jump to you

On block
You can jump or jesus chop, any headbutt

Striaght jump

It is for setting best distance which benefits for you to play normal using stright jump hp, u can use jesus chop after landing
4 to 5 characters distance or more than 5 characters distances
Prevent ryu hard kick or punch
straight jump hk can beat stand hk
usually, stright jump hp or lp is for opponents jump towards us only.

Within 4 character distances, honda can sit down block wait your opponent attack 1st and focus cancel into orchit throw or croach weak punch. For those ryu likes to use croach medium kick, you can stand lk or medium headbutt. Your stand hk cen only do in 2 scenario. 1. croach weak punch on block or hit 2. ryu starts to press button on the ground.
3. when characters walk towards you.
For those know to use focus attack, you can only use 1 or croach weak punch into ex hhs.

After knock down the character in the corner-
1313 ie. wphpwphp can do hhs immediately

Focus attack absorb hit

successful, u can use dash front into orchit throw
cannot absorb hit, just croach weak punch

Focus attack absorb fireball

more than 5 characters distance focus back dash
3 characters distance, Honda uses croach block
ryu croach hard kick distance is Ryu ex fireball position. No focus attack.
2 characters distance front dash croach weak punch
less than 2.5 Characters distances, try to press croach weak punch
2.5 characters distance can do weak headbutt

All stand hard punch counter can combo with ex headbutt

HHS combo

HHS connect to ex HHS then add a stand hard kick, opponent will dizzy.
fo ex hhs input method
123>23weak kick>23weak kick

This guide will not talk about safe jump or HHS combos. Increase damage for combo will uplift your Honda to another level.

Ex hhs into croach weak punch hhs is worth for you to push characters to the wall, once you push your character to the wall, you will have advantage such as vs Sagat and Fireball characters.

Vs Ken jump

When Ken is walking back, you can jump. other shroyuken character cannot jump

Vs Fei

When Fei is walking to the front, you can jump

Air jump

The distance that you jump in without hit by their anti air or able to block their special moves after landing and u are able to press your croach weak punch distance to attack. This need to practice more. as it can bait their meter or give them damage.
For eg. ryu stand hard kick, ryu cannot hit you and you dont need to press any button. Ryu is unable to shroyuken as his shroyuken is very stright go upward.
dhalisim close stand hard kick, rose stand hard punch.
For those sagat know how to move one step to shroyuken are not effective

For those straight up shroyuken such as ryu evil ryu and sagat, u can back dash in the corner to escape their damage

opponent Wakeup with early jump

Opponent with has chance to do stand punch, and you can use croach weak kick to start your attack after landing

Close jump to opponent back during opponent wakeup
It can bait your opponent to do shroyuken with a wrong direction(you can watch Terry vs Diago evil ryu movie)

Knock characters down in corner

lphplphp can release hhs
dont do it for sagat or shroyuken character

Bait ultra

Jump back
press stand hard kick for far distance
press croach weak punch for medium distance
Usually those punch or kick hit nothing
move 1414 or 3636 to store air, that is up down up down up down.

Counter hit plus additional headbutt

3:17 jesus chop counter into headbutt

Honda techniques

  1. 100 percent combos when opponent on hit

  2. seldom or no jump for shroyuken type characters especially in close distance croach weak punch distance

  3. Close distance with opponent use stright jump weak punch or jump back weak punch

  4. Far distance with opponent use jump hard punch

  5. use of croach weak punch and seldom use stand hard kick, if u miss it, you will lose a combo of blood for opponents jump in

  6. use of weak punch has enough time for you to do stright jump hard punch or other stuff. also it will not make your opponent out of your attack favorable area.

  7. let opponent to attack 1st and use croach weak punch to attack him

  8. when you jump in and opponent on block
    you can either sit down do nothing to wait for their mistakes or use croach weak punch to keep honda at close distance, dont use hard kick or hard punch to make your opponent away easily

  9. waste a lot of time to walk away and jump away, you will have high probability to win the match

  10. Try to play with your croach weak punch distance. No jump in this distance.

  11. press lplkmpmk and backdash, it can prevent frame trap and throw

  12. focus attack cancel orchit throw or stand weak punch croach weak.punch hhs or just croach weak punch 3 times then medium sumo splash

  13. After forcing opponents to corner, keep yourself in croach weak punch distance, ready to do ex sumo splash or st. jump punch. Trap your opponent into jail.

  14. know how to use different jump to beat different jump in attack and know how to trade
    for eg. when ryu jump medium kick, honda use what kinds of jump can get him more blood.
    Diagonal jump front hard kick can beat cammy dive kick
    Adon use jump weak kick, u can also use weak punch or kick and see the result, if u use hard punch or kick, adon weak kick will beat u.
    You can test it with your partner and remember it

  15. After orchit throw, honda goes to corner
    if the opponent does not know focus or front dash, u can do weak sumo splash to change positions, after that he jump, u jump
    if the opponent does not know, u can front dash immediately to push your opponent away without doing anything, I think no one like close to honda.

  16. For those opponents like to use focus attack to trap your normal, you can use croach weak punch ex hhs. it is because the start up frame is very fast for ex hhs, they will eat whole set of ex and u can push your opponent into the corner
    croach weak punch cancel into ex headbutt also work when Ryu is forcing you into wall and u have charge
    crouch weak punch cancel into ex sumo splash is also ok because the action is fast in close distance
    but croach weak punch into medium sumo splash has some risks

  17. vs non shoyuken type opponents jump in u can focus attack cancel and then do normal throw.

  18. When you vs players with strong normal throw and combine of weak punch.
    you can press lpmphplk 4 buttons to release throw. You will get 1 more frame for release throw. 1st 3 hits, u can croach block. the 4th hit, u can stand block

  19. For using normal buttons, u should let opponent start the punch 1st and you use croach weak punch to hit him back. If you vs character with good focus attack like evil ryu. Remember all your hits cannot touch his focus attack area, you can only touch his hands or legs only when they attack.

when characters are walking in to you, you can use stand hard kick. dont hit your opponent when opponent is standing (not moving)

  1. Opponents using corner jump weak kick, u can use jump back weak kick, croach weak kick weak punch into hhs or ex heabutt or normal throw.

  2. Opponents do not start the attack, honda just walk towards and backwards. Dont press anything

  3. Bait ultra. 13stand weak kick or hard kick(hit nothing) 13 lpmphp
    When ryu press croach medium kick
    or Hhs (hit nothing) to hit the air then ready to ultra vs fireball characters or bison physocrusher

  4. For those characters with very good normal to anti air such as cody stand lp, dhalisim stand hard kick, you can do an empty jump to his face. You need to calculate the distance accurately without hit by them. You can use jump weak kick, your hit box suddenly smaller and your opponent will press anti button earlier and u will have more chances to go to his front to hit them

  5. For some characters after honda jump in, they like to use back dash or claw will use rotation to the back, you can use straight jump hp

  6. Wakeup sumo splash is welcome to do as it is amour breaks.
    blocked sumo, you can use Straight jump hp or lp or back dash, ex headbutt, u can use orchit throw if the characters do not press weak punch

  7. Ken, ryu, akuma and evil ryu shroyuken in corner, u can use backdash to escape for last blood

  8. after blocking jump weak kick at the corner, I suggest to use jump weak kick to go out of corner immediately. It is to avoid block the position wrongly

  9. You can do headbutt when opponent is coaching, pressing medium/high kinds of punch or kick and jump in and falling down from air to ground

When ryu uses jump back hard kick, you have to delay your headbutt to hit him before go to ground

  1. Those opponents normal with long time recovery can use orchit throw to catch. for eg. akuma croach hard kick, rose stand hard kick

  2. orchit throw.
    when opponent falling down or jump to your back without hitting you.
    abel roll
    after blocking 3 times weak punch.
    jump mk to his back
    St jump hp and falling down
    Diagonal jump hit them and falling down

  3. normal throw
    when u use jump weak punch or jump medium kick
    mainly use for vs abel

  4. when you do croach weak punch hhs successfully, you can do ex headbutt or croach weak punch hhs, if your opponent knows that, they will not jump away, it is time to do dash forward medium orchit throw

  5. The good distances to jump When you select the characters, you can count 5 sf4 characters distances, it is around 5.5 level bar. It is a good distance to jump for jump medium punch

  6. When you vs fireball characters, you walk very close, if they do fireball move your stright jump hp to forward then orchit throw

  7. After croach medium punch, the medium punch does not require to hit anything. you can stand hp or hk. if you see they use stand hard punch likes oni, you can ex headbutt

  8. 5 characters in select characters or 5 super level bar distance is the best distance to jump. Medium punch is the 1st choice as opponents need to have recovery time

  9. usage of stand weak kick
    It can beat ryu croach medium kick and croach weak punch. You can focus dash in and then stand right kick then croach weak punch twice.

When some ken or akuma uses early jump to your back, u can use it to beat them

front air tastu(stand weak kick or medium kick)

  1. delay weak sumo splash, it is for opponent using dive kick and jump weak kick to your back to use. It will be killed by os

  2. stand weak punch can use for antiair dive kick, dhaslim jump back hard punch etc
    croach weak punch is the trap opponent not to jump
    front air tastu

  3. Stand medium punch is good if you can link with croach weak punch cancel into headbutt. r ex headbutt. Kuriso always use this.
    lorddvd likes to jump medium kick stand medium punch into forward downward hard kick. Play with claw to use when you hit him and use medium punch into hhs to chase his dash backward.

  4. Focus attack
    use for focus dash in 95 percent absorb fireball to option select
    Actually it is not good for beat normal because poor hit box.
    Dhalisim long hands (far to use) close for focus dash only
    Fei dash punch
    Ken and Abel step kick
    Oni stand hard punch and sumo splash punch

  5. ultra 2 can beat all safe jump

  6. Beat air tastu
    1st stand when you see ryu start air tastu, move to croach block position and then ex headbutt
    you must stand and then croach to ensure 100 percent hit them
    4164 or 6346 pp input to fo headbutt

  7. jump mk, stand mp, croach weak punch headbutt

  8. jump mk, stand mp,
    croach weak punch into hhs dash front into lp orchit throw

  9. jump mp, stand mp, weak punch into ex hhs
    case 1 ex hhs on hit, move 3636 to bait shroyuken. if opponent jumps, honda diagonal jumps hk immediately. ready for ex headbutt to beat shroyuken and move 3636 again.
    3636 looks like orchit throw.

  10. If ex hhs on block, ready to do ex sumo splash usually for straight jump or ex headbutt

  11. When opponent is dizzy, you can use jump medium kick stand medium punch cancel into
    hhs croach weak punch into headbutt

  12. For hhs distance, opponent jump, you can jump hk to the front

  13. For close distance stright jump, you can use stand close hp. If close hp counter double kill each other, you can use ex headbutt immediately for 2 hits. If close hp is on hit, you cannot add one more hit
    when you press close hp, remember to press hp twice immediately, because sometimes it cannot release

  14. medium punch cancel into hhs 22323

  15. All close hp both hit each other can combo with ex headbutt

  16. striaght jump hp move back, need to croach for 1 seconds for trap air. stright jump mp lp can trap air faster, sometimes you can do headbutt when opponent jumps in especially for straight jump mp.

  17. normal throw stand hk diagonal jump mk
    back throw stand mp diagonal jump hk
    normal throw stright jump hp can move front or back then jump mk or jump hk to set ambiguous jump

  18. The distance blocked weak headbutt by opponent is the distance for ex 28k for ryu fireball and any jump.


close distance, when dhalisim jump, u use jesus chop
dhalisim invisible come to u, u can jump back hp
You need to block and find a good time during his fireball.
weak headbutt beat stand weak punch.
medium headbutt beat croach hard punch
weak headbutt beat jump back hard punch
ex headbutt can beat his attack
walk front and block his punch can gain meter for ex
once knock you down, Honda can do sumo splash immediately

You can jump mp for 3 characters distance usually hk sumo splash and hit him stand weak punch twice can do jump mp
You can use st. jump hp at the far distance and wait for dhalism walk to your sumo splash distance
When he walks, you jump in. When he jump up, you dash forward. Do orchit throw, until dhalisim get close in the sumo splash hk distance. ex sumo splash can get in easily. You can use jesus chop when he jumps Then do sumo splash hk immediately. Neutral jump hp press back, it will hit his leg. Remain ex headbutt to beat his normal. U can use bighawk97 method, Kuriso youtube
jump front hk, mp, lp, no need to cross up dhalisim

All successful jump in, you can press focus attack after the landing immediately.

weak sweep in the floor uses headbutt to trade

For full screen, dualism uses croach hard punch, u can use croach hard punch or croach hard kick.
once u knock him down, u can jump
For close distance, u can use croach weak punch,
When dhalisim uses stand weak kick then jump back hard punch, u can use ex headbutt if u have charge
or weak headbutt then jump in without press button and wait for dhalism action, u can use normal throw or orchit throw. If he invisible to back, honda use jump back kick. If he invisible front, u can use front dash

u can listen to his yoga, then immediately strong headbutt to


weak punch can win. let him attack 1st.


stand block his flip kick, it can use croach weak punch hhs
claim down to play
Dont go to the corner, his combo damage a lot.
It sometimes jumps to the wall go to your back, you can press the buttons without release vs guy for the delay ultra
Jesus chop can beat elbow dash


air jump far fireball, u can dash front or weak headbutt croach weak punch hhs
air jump close fireball, u can jump mp to attack him
land fireball only jump at far distance
ex headbutt
croach medium punch can orchit or ex 28k if akuma jump
zero jump in far distance for fireball. only jump in very close distance if u need

He jumps you jump(no fireball is released), far distance use jump back hard kick, close distance use jump weak punch or weak kick
use sumo splash to beat his close jump fireball
use strong headbutt to beat his multiple kick for far distance
if get close, use croach weak punch to play.
if u are knocked down, you can use backdash to escape his air backward tastu.
If you are close to corner, Do a ultra to beat his air hit back tastu
After you jump in for his block,don’t fo anything. just sit
When he do ground fireball, dont jump for far and medium distance.
When he do far air fireball, try to do strong headbutt
When he do close air fireball, you can stright jump hp or ex sumo splash
Try to walk in to play. walk towards akuma

akuma multi kick on block, croach weak punch strong headbutt

His ex hundred ghost attack, u can jump back hard kick


stand weak punch pull back is extremely important for this match. it can beat fei cut down
once get very close u can use jesus chop to beat his croach hard punch
block fei 2nd punch combo can release croach weak hands hhs.
When he do dash punch, you can stand weak punch then hhs
Block fire punch can do ex headbutt
Jesus chop can beat his dragon kick
Zero jump. Let fei long to attack you first and then beat him using croach hands hhs. Suggest to walk front and back to waste time. Don’t let him knock u down
Let him attack 1st, coach weak punch can win this match
fei uses medium cut down kick, use weak headbutt
when honda wakeup in the corner, fei likes to use jump weak kick to cross up u, u can use jump back weak kick


croach hard punch, croach medium punch, stand hard punch
when Ken stright jump at a little far distance, dont press any button, they can input ultra or shroyuken
or beat u using straight jump. You can try to do sumo during his upward stage ie. not yet start his straight jump strong kick
no sumo splash
far distance, jump hp croach hp
block Ken jump in, u must jump after Ken landing
very close must use ex headbutt
hit back air tastu also do ex headbutt
be careful his croach weak kick hit your striaght jump hk, if u need stright jump, u can use jump lp instead

Step kick, use focus attack level 1
lpmphplk for tech throw(u have extra 1 more frame to release throw and u will release stand hard punch after blocking 3 croach weak punch)
let Ken attack 1st counter him
move backward when he attacks or walks forward then u use stand hard kick.
use croach weak punch to beat his dash kick for far
and stand weak punch for close then croach weak punch(let Ken attacks you, then u press button to hit back)
Ken uses jump weak kick to hit your wake up, u can use weak headbutt

pull to back of the wall, weak headbutt can beat his jump. he cannot go to your back except rufus

When you do straight jump hp push back, you press croach weak punch is your best position
Let ken to do step kick first, then you can attack.
Croach weak punch cancel into strong headbutt
step kick on block is minus 2 for ken
His cut down is minus 5
Straight jump hp move backward then press croach weak punch is your sure win distance.
lplkmphp for tech throw
when u are wake up, Ken uses jump weak kick.
Block him and then ex headbutt or jump back weak kick then ex headbutt

block his step kick, croach weak punch cancel into strong headbutt

you can use focus attack level 1 to absorb his step kick . if ken is down, u can orchit throw. if ken is not down, not to move. dont use croach weak punch, u may eat his shroyuken

block his overhead kick

sumo splash is not suggest to use

After ryu, ken, evil ryu or other characters press 2 times weak punch, you press croach weak punch, u can hit them immediately

block 3 weak punch then u can stand block

block the jump weak kick then ex headbutt
or jump back weak kick then ex headbutt

After blocking jump weak kick, I suggest to use ex headbutt

You can use the win lose button to guess the player air tastu direction, if it is in front of the win loss button, it is front attack. If it goes to your back, the jump start after the win lose display

stand medium punch can beat jump medium kick to your back

you can use delay weak sumo splash for ken jump weak kick

Ken use far forward jump hard kick, U can use focus attack back dash. If u block, u can use back dash or jump back hard kick

jump front medium punch can beat ken or Ryu far air tastu

when ken jump weak kick in the corner, jump back weak punch is safe. Jump front will have chances to eat shroyuken.


He likes to stand stright hard punch, u can croach wp ex headbutt or hhs
only use your normal, zero jump
Must get close for this game
Feel free to do ex sumo splash at close distance when guide is standing, That is the distance raises up sumo splash which can hit him with 2 hits
walk very close can do jump medium punch.
Play in medium sumo splash distance, when he release sonic bomb, medium sumo splash. Once knock him down, jump medium kick with coach hard punch to beat his back dash focus escape.
Use weak sumo splash, if he jumps to your back during honda wakeup
when u knock him down, honda jump in mk, guide usually focus attack and back dash, you can use croach hard punch to beat him
When Honda wake up, guide wants to use weak lp hit your back, you can use delay weak sumo splash, it works for all characters except shroyuken types characters
once knock him down, jump mk croach hp
Ex sumo splash to get in and ready for ex headbutt or backdash
stand hard kick him, if he release fireball, stright jump croach weak punch, stand hard kick (looping to do)
Stright hp jump for sonic bomb weak punch and then stand hard kick
dont use medium sumo if guide use sonic bomb. weak sumo during guide wake up


ex sumo splash to beat his stand tiger shot
force him into wall and becareful his tiger knee when u walk front.
Some sagat likes to use stand weak kick to beat your normal, you can use stand hard punch
far away can do neutral jump for downward fireball, high fireball can croach. Do more medium headbutt to pass through fireball. When u jump in use hard kick can do combo. Use more croach hard punch
coach weak punch Hhs and weak headbutt to beat the tiger knee.
weak punch can trade his tiger knee
ex sumo splash can beat tiger knee and upward close fireball
Ex sumo splash for sugar cross up
when u push sagat into corner, if he use tiger knee, u can use weak headbutt or ex headbutt


you can back dash for his jump weak kick then u can use croach weak punch hhs immediately
poham method just use croach weak punch hhs is good.
Whether u win this match depends on your approach when zangief knocked u down
Not to straight jump even you knock him down
when he jump hp, Honda jump diagonal towards medium punch or hard kick
stand weak punch, stand hard punch and stand hard kick can do for normal
when he knocked you down, try to do ex sumo splash
ex headbutt also works in some situations
All stand hard.punch counter can combo with ex headbutt
jump back to eat his jump weak kick and then jump back again to hit him
Waste your time walk to and back, dont let him knock u down
jump weak kick, his next move is 360 throw. u can back dash and then jump back. If you block, you can press straight jump immediately. Ex headbutt also ok.
Jump hard punch, u may focus attack backdash and then jump away. The most good method is block and then block alll his normal. If time is right, ex sumo splash can beat him.
360 larrit u can use ex headbutt
Ultra 2 can catch his setting position using green hands after hit you down and then starting to wake up.
When zangief has ultra 2, you can use jesus chop to beat his jump. Remember not to jump.
Weak headbutt can reduce his blood.
medium sumo splash can beat zangief green hands

croach hard punch

Once zangief knocked you down and want to cross up you and do ultra 2, ex headbutt can help u escape

If he start u1, u can immediately start u2


When you in the corner, opponent wants to attack you, you can try front dash
weak headbutt beat his phychocrasher
sometimes he will step kick fall in front then physchrocrasher or ultra 1
Some bison likes to phycho cancel in your front
Jesus chop beats his stand kick, but u need to predict distance.
starting do phychro, u can croach weak punch hhs
becareful his phychrocrasher cancel
feel free to do weak headbutt when bison is down
weak headbutt when bison is close
croach medium punch when bison is far let him kick 1st and then u press it.(croach mp is a key to beat bison)
when bison uses air punch, u can stand to seduce him to press punch, you use croach hard punch immediately
After stepping you, u may try back dash then jump hard kick to escape
When Bison dash in forward, it is time to jump mp or jump hk
easy matchup
medium sumo splash when he is in the corner.
let him attack first. use croach weak punch
His air fire hand dropping can use headbutt
When he was down, he will use ex steps to escape you can use straight jump hk belly to hit him.
use weak headbutt when very close and use ex headbutt if he counter you.
If he uses physnocrusher during honda wakeup, u can use ultra or strong sumo splash
all his air hands can use croach hard punch or kick to beat him

when u hit him down, u can use straight jump hard kick then croach weak punch hhs


weak headbutt can beat his burning kick
medium distance feel free to do medium headbutt
very high burning kick, u can use close stand hard punch
weak headbutt to escape air burning dance
After blocking burning dance, jump away immediately. Once viper knocked you down, press down and then press 4 buttons twice , u will wake up fast and you can front or back dash immediately to escape.
If cviper read you to perform sumo splash, they will do high burning kick, you just need to front or back dash can escape
when she has ultra 2, dont jump in
For super high burning kick, this is to beat your sumo splash. You can press dash forward or backward to escspe

Jump foward fierce kick can beat all dive kick, jesus chop can beat yun dive kick, when they left the ground start to jump immediately.
Stand hp can beat his thunder dash ground punch


You must force her to the wall before starting attack.
Dont play normal with her.
Once u walk close, becareful she dash in to throw you.
only use jump forward medium punch, no need stright jump hp for 5 super level bar distances.
if she uses stand punch or kick, u just need to using croach weak punch. If she uses punch or kick, u just do ex headbutt to beat all her normal
If u do medium headbutt, she will do soul spiral, u can use weak sumo splash to beat her.
All the dive kick go to your back, u can do ultra 2 immediately.
Stand close medium punch can beat his ex spiral punch. Use croach hard punch to play normal

Dee Jay

walk in to let him attack you
block his fireball, it costs you 30 per hit. just walk in
play a close distance using croach weak punch can win
You can use empty jump to prevent his slide down attack. His jump in just block is ok.
Dee jay Close distance jump, you can use weak punch or kick to hit him.


All his wall jump can use jump back hp or straight jump hp to beat. He jump you jump
Another way is to wait him go down to the group do headbutt or ultra
Block all his attack when he has super
After block stright dive kick, you can croach weak punch hhs
use ex headbutt and weak headbutt
Better not to touch him during his wakeup to prevent eating cycle kick
His straight jump and diagonal jump can hit 2 hits need to becareful
weak headbutt beat all hits jump
one leg step kick only ex 28k can escape
cycle kick to the air, u can use any headbutt to beat the kick recovery, but he can control when he goes down, I suggest to use ex headbutt when he comes down
same as claw use croach weak punch beat his long normal
let him attack 1st
use medium punch
Let him attack and play counter. croach weak punch and weak headbutt
if he has super zero jump
close hard punch can hit his forward jump
only weak headbutt can vs his jump hit back
weak headbutt for his st. jump
Dont jump when he has super or ultra


HhsHhs. Don’t let him to have oil, ex headbutt him if he uses oil


You can do ex sumo splash rufus dive when u are during wakeup and in the corner
Ultra 2 to catch him after dive kick to your back, even he hits you with one weak punch can catch him
Ex sumo can beat his dive kick to your back
After blocking dive kick, u can use jump back medium punch, as rufus may use jump hard kick to hit to kill u in an ultra. weak kick is to reduce hit box.
For your stright jump hk or hp u must be careful about his air rotating kick
weak sumo splash is useful when u knock him down
After blocking air rotation kick, u can ex sumo medium sumo or focus attack. jump back hk, striaght jump hp
diagonal jump use weak punch
stright jump also good to escape from kick
medium sumo splash vs his dive or get close
stand hard punch can do
Rufus in high, dive kick will hit back
Rufus in low, dive kick to front
Ambiguous use focus front dash and then croach weak punch
jump back weak kick can beat rotating air kick
medium sumo beat his medium distance dive
medium headbutt to beat his far dive
weak heabutt or jump back for close dive
if he does ex kick, you can jump back
Dive to your back, your can use delay ultra 2, by pressing the 3 punch button without release
his rotating air kick connects with cut down, u can use focus attack or stand block it then croach weak punch


release ball is your jump in time
use jump weak punch is she uses stand weak kick to hit your jump in
When she jumps back ultra
Do fireball ultra
block her fireball before attack
weak sumo is useful, once you knock her down


use croach weak punch
weak for close distance
backdash to absorb the fireball is safe


u can stand block or back dash his dive kick. and ready for ex headbutt. The dive kick can hit the front only.
Slow sonic bomb dont jump
Ex sonic bomb u can jump
seth absorb then throw, Honda st. jump
if seth uses punch, u can block

when he jumps forward to you, you just need to move upwards for normal jump, it can give you big return. Sit down and let him attack 1st.
sit down to wait for chance to attack


If he uses ultra 2, no sumo splash or straight jump.
if u do ex headbutt 1st, abel ultra will be hitted by you.
when Abel down use 28k
jump back hard kick to not let him setup when you wake up
u do more normal throw when he is down or after normal jump in.
Those character who like to do focus attack to absorb your normals, you can do weak punch into ex hhs because it is quicker than hhs to release.
When abel uses dash front medium kick, you can move backward and then move to neutral position and then move backward again. then use croach lp hhs. This is honda special move.
wheel kick, you can use close hp
medium sumo splash or ex sumo splash
ex punch 3 hits , you can use strong headbutt for far distance
close one, you can block 1st hit and then weak sumo splash
For abel cross up jump or roll to your back, u can use ex sumo splash
After you jump in or sumo splash blocked, they will use ex throw, u can straight jump or normal throw


keep headbutt distance to let hawk do headbutt on you and then hit him.
Turtle , feel free to do weak headbutt when hawk jump
once get close, weak punch strong headbutt
jump back can beat thawk jump to my back
condor drive, u can walk front stand hard kick
Jump in when he do condor dive
weak headbutt can beat close condor dive
Straight jump hp weak punch hhs
When you hit him down, just cross up him with jump mk strong orchit throw or mix up with hhs combo

If he uses jump eagle attack your back when u are during wake up, u can use strong sumo splash or reverse ultra 1 (press the 3 buttons without release)
or you can reverse block and then croach weak punch hhs or stand hard kick


She usually throw you and then ultra
If she does ultra without throw, you just like to block. Press punch or jump away will eat her ultra.
weak headbutt, medium sumo splash
croach weak punch
jump mk into front can use
Dont let her get the chance to do air cut down
wait the cut down in the ground then ex headbutt
use jump mp, she jumps u jump
block her medium punches twice before u attack
ultra her if u knock her down and she uses back dash
force her to the wall when she doesn’t have ex
better to keep 8 characters distance, once he dash in, you can use stand hk
If she catches nothing, you can ultra
Her ex cut down and ex hayate are armour breaks
ex cut down needs to stand block, other cut down can croach and stand block
u can focus attack the normal cut down and hayate.
All her hand cut overhead are armour breaks
All blocked hayate, hand cut overhead can use croach weak punch to attack
Keep 5 characters distance
you can croach down to bait her to do cut down and then close stand hard punch
close stand hard punch can beat her close cut down
close stand hard punch can counter with her cut down together and then ex headbutt immediately for combo.
jump diagonaly weak kick to beat cut down for hhs distance
for hhs distance, you can use level 1 focus attack to beat her far cut down
Ex cut down, I suggest to block.
only far cut down can use medium sumo splash
After makoto uses 2 times medium punch, you can use croach weak punch hhs
weak punch hhs for blocked hayate
hayate blocked can use ultra 2
no headbutt except anti air
You can use focus attack to absorb her air kick.
Front dash to escape for air kick during honda wakeup
block and then throw her
You can use close hp to hit her jump
close hp around light punch hand distance above honda head. dont use jesus chop for her far jump in
better not to jump
sumo splash can do for hhs distance
close distance does not good to use


same as Ryu method distance, jump in when she fireball
croach block all her kicks.
ex headbutt can escape her one leg dive
stand hard punch will hit each other for the one leg dive
weak punch
walk in to play
Remember to block high for her quick jump in dive
play at medium headbutt distance
After blocking the wheels kick, u can use croach weak punch


stand medium punch hit the air attract him to do stand stright punch, jesus chop to beat dudley
medium headbutt
let him attack 1st, croach weak punch and croach hard punch

El furte

Backdash can escape, except he hits your back
he jumps then you jump. focus attack and jump.
headbutt beat his ex wakeup escape
Use stand hard kick after u block his down.
orchit throw can catch his running butt press down


only use croach weak punch and weak headbutt
Guide when he is not down, just neutral jump hp and then use normal. Jump in when he is hit by sumo splash. Diagonal jump mk croach fierce punch can beat his backdash


front dash and then jesus chop
once he stright jump ex sumo splash no need to think
dash back attack can use normal throw or focus attack. Dive kick u can use stand weak punch, for jump dash punch block it and them croach weak punch hhs , if croach weak punch is early, u can then press dash throw. It is not suggest to do ex headbutt for yun 1st jump setup. Block it 1st and do ex.headbutt for 2nd jump. you can jump forward to beat Yun startup of dive kick with forward jump hard You can hold on the end screen do neutral jump hard punch. once he gets very close, you can prepare to do ex sumo splash to knock him down.
Yun do dash fly punch, you only need to do fierce headbutt to trade.
if he gets very close, u can ex headbutt
Yun dive kick hits your back can be hitted by ex headbutt, u can move your stick 6436pp

block 3 321321 3 punches


Yang is more easy to play
stand weak punch, headbutt, sumo splash, jump front or jump back
medium sumo splash is useful


Dash backward to escape her dive then croach lp
ex dive can ultra 2 using stand block
momo dash front works, u can do headbutt vs him even strong headbutt
once jump in or he tries to dive, back dash and then croach weak punch
far straight jump hp is useful
block one dive then do ex headbutt immediately
cammy hits back or jump back, u can front dash
only ex dive kick can go to back
cammy walk front, u can jump hard punch or kick. she is unable to shroyuken
jump back hard kick can beat dive kick 55
or double kill
use hit back normal
ex dive can beat Honda o
Stand hard kick for normal
ready to jump back hard punch for wakeup dive kick(it needs time to startup especially for non ex dive kick)
Use straight jump hp to set distance and then use jesus chop after landing
after eating cammy one dive, u can use straight jump lp after getting close
After dive close to Honda, u can use stand weak punch to prevent her 2nd dive or 2nd jump
use medium sumo splash vs non knock down dive kick or use back dash or jump front hard kick. Focus attack for far dive kick. 90 percent of dive kick is front side. For knock down dive kick, u can focus dash front.
Use close stand hard punch trade his dive kick.
You can try ultra if u are in the corner
when she uses croach hard kick, use st. hard kick or block it better. For medium kick, u can use medium kick to beat her
She dive then headbutt
block 1st dive move backward and attack her later or 2nd chance is good when honda is wakeup
suggest to use croach hhs croach hhs when she is standing
Her normal dive needs to jump front and then dive(when cammy jump, u can use jump hard kick to trade)
Her ex dive kick, she jump up can dive immediately, dont press release throw lplk, I suggest to use ex headbutt or straight jump lp or just stand block for this

when she dive and just pass to your back, u have to start doing the half circle and press 3 punches
3 123123 lpmphp press without release

jump back mp is important after blocking 1st attack and 2 croach weak punch

her air rotation canon ball has to croach block


Just press croach weak punch can win
When he slide down, u can do headbutt
Once you wakeup, press downward and 2 punch button twice and then ultra for blanka ultra 2
croach downward hard kick can beat blanka ball
overhead ball can be blocked
use short to beat long.


He dash punch with good distance, just hit you, you can use weak hesdbutt to hit him after blocking the punch, you will hit him by just touching him. If distance is far away, same as Yun dash punch, you can use strong headbutt trade with him.
neutral jump and focus attack when he dash punch. Stand hk for far distance. Hit back when he is down. Jump in when he is standing only. Jesus chop to reverse his croach weak punch. Walk in and ready to throw. Use stand weak punch to beat his dash, but need quick reaction. Dash overhead one can throw him
When he is start to wakeup, honda uses jump mk, claw will focus backdash, honda can use jump hard punch move forward to continue the attack
You can use ex sumo splash when he uses safe jump


orchit throw her stand hard kick for far good distance
let rose stand the attack
croach weak punch when rose do normal.
croach weak punch twice and then medium headbutt. if she tries to counter you by spiral punch, you can use weak sumo splash to counter her.
empty jump and go to her front
neutral jump downward fierce or croach weak punch. Stand hard kick.
Ex or weak or medium sumo splash to beat her standing far normals. Jesus chop can beat her down normals
Jump weak punch can help u to get in
Philipnoman movie

Evil ryu

only evil Ryu walk front can do stand hard kick
weak punch is into stand hard kick or headbutt if he focus
weak punch to bait focus attack for headbutt
weak punch can add with stand hard kick
ex headbutt or ultra for ex air tastu
His dive kick, you can use back dash and then stand hard punch
Evil ryu does not have ryu stand hard kick, stand hard punch to hit your stand hard punch
Your pull back straight jump hard punch can best his stand hard kick
He has stand weak kick likes honda stand weak kick which can beat your croach weak punch and stand hard kick. (Use stand jump hp get close to him, Use stand hard punch can beat his stand weak kick and croach medium punch also good.
Straight jump hp is important to beat his close fireball
get close and then jump in. (5.5 level bar)
Zero focus attack
focus his fireball
either weak punch or orchit throw
if he jumps, u may do st. jump hp or diagonal jump mp
dont do strong headbutt, u will have chances eat 1 set combo
Evil ryu performs focus attack, you can use croach weak punch ex hhs
If evil gets close, croach weak punch cancel into ex headbutt
croach weak punch cannot hit his focus attack area. only hit his legs or hands
dont jump when he has ultra and 2 meters, he can cancel into ultra especially near the corner

His dive kick uses stand front block

when u wake up, ryu uses fireball u can do sumo splash

when he is coaching, u can do headbutt

After blocking ken Ryu evil ryu akuma croach medium punch, u can use croach weak punch cancel into headbutt immediately

Evil ryu likes to use dive kick when you wake up, u can use ex headbutt, block or back dash then press stand hp

Evil ryu jump hard kick can use stand hard punch to anti air

Once evil ryu is down and wake up, you can use weak sumo splash
If you wait for his escape fly to the back, you have to use delay headbutt

Wakeup sumo splash can do, if u are sure to hit him

when evil ryu walks towards u, u need to do headbutt


ground game croach weak punch and medium headbutt when she doesn’t have ultra
after hit back and stand hard punch, Honda needs to fo back dash immediately
use weak sumo splash to trade then ex headbutt.
ex sumo splash beat the jump attack
Focus attack dash front to escape knock u down.
weak headbutt to beat her forward overhead medium kick.
Jesus chop beat air weapons
Ibuki has 3 consecutive kicks, the 3rd kick
honda can do focus attack or croach weak punch with headbutt combo
st. jump hp croach weak punch st. hard kick
For ultra 1, I suggest to press the 3 punch button without release.


Try to keep yourself and Ryu with the starting screen distance or more
Once you jump in u can only use jump hk croach medium kick fierce headbutt.
stand weak punch is important. it attracts for fireball and recover fast
Always stay at the position that ryu just cannot hit you when are croaching or straight jump, this is the best position for Honda. Then Honda can do
croach weak punch, stand weak punch

select 1
Ryu focus attack, dash in or walk in, Honda ex headbutt
select 2
walk in croach medium kick or croach, Honda weak headbutt or croach weak punch
select 3
croach only or 1212 up down up down, Honda stand hard kick just a touch only is perfect position
select 4
ex fireball, Honda jump in

The position that ryu just cannot hit Honda is the ex fireball position

Ryu is hitted by ex headbutt, Honda walk in is another ex fireball

ryu forward hard punch, it should not jump or headbutt
u can stand hard kick

focus type
croach weak punch headbutt or stand hard kick
ryu jump weak kick can use close hard punch
jump to back need to block
whole defensive play
keep 5 people distance
when Honda is down, some ryu like to use early jump to your back and then do weak punch, if u press stand hard punch early, u can hit him.
jump weak punch beat his stand hard kick
:Use coach medium kick to beat ryu medium kick.
I m not sako movie. Don’t jump. coach weak punch . If ryu knows Focus attack the hard kick, then only do weak punch. jump backward. no need to do focus attack the fireball can win this match. Some ryu likes to use jump weak kick, you can use stand jump weak punch, jump forward weak punch or kick. If it is close distances, Use straight jump weak punch is safe
His diagonal jump hard kick, you have to block, if u jump he will use strong shruoken
When you wakeup, when he do air tastu with 1 body distance, it hits your back. You can use back dash to escape
for 1.5 body distance or more, it hits your front, you have to block front and then he will go to your back
Actually for those jump just touch you a bit and can walk to throw you, I suggest you use focus attack and then back dash away better. It does not give chance to option select you
For Ryu medium jump which hard kick which hit you a bit, you can use jump mk (for medium to far distance)
jump mp for close to medium distance
hit box problems

use the startup of match distance as an example
1st fireball st. jump hp
2nd fireball st. jump hk(for those no jump ryu stay st the ground)
3. Honda can jump in the 3rd fireball distance

for those Ryu likes to do fireball doing croach weak punch are the exception case

when ryu does a honda wakeup air tastu
when ryu at the head of honda 1 body distance
honda can do a ultra when you press 3 button with 1 second, it can hit ryu

if you press the 3 buttons without release, the ultra will release at 1.5 sec, this may not hit ryu for his air tastu

If u don’t have power to block reverse air tastu, you can back dash or use stand medium punch for those air tastu to your back

Those ryu know to use stand hard punch to beat your stright jump hp, you need to play ground game, focus attack cancel orchit throw or croach weak punch stand hard kick


zero or few headbutt
Diagonal jump mp for 2 characters distance can beat his stand hk, you better hit him with stand lp or stand lk before you jump.
Jesus chop can beat land roll
jump mk is good for good position
Stright jump hp is good to chase his escape roll back
Dont press too much lp
After hhs, you can try ex headbutt
When he jumps to the wall, immediately press jesus chop 1st, his air rotating claw is super fast
you still have time to block his cross hand claw
Let claw hit you 1st then u can hit him
Dont attack 1st
claw press 2 weak punch, then it is your chances to press croach weak punch

after beat him down, u can use front dash hhs to chase or weak punch hhs

reverse block when he jumps to your back wall for ex flying rotation claw

When claw uses land rowing claw, u can use weak headbutt

seldom medium headbutt
Sumo splash get in, u can do ultra 1 if he jumps back
Jump hp, claw may uses focus attack, u can ready ultra 2

croach weak punch>stand block then croach weak punch again
croach weak punch then medium sumo splash
Use fierce headbutt to trade his far attack
Jesus chop can beat flying rotating claw or straight jump
When he uses land rotating claw, you can jump front using mk. or use strong headbutt to trade
His Barcelona flying cross claw on his side (does not attack you)can use strong headbutt
I suggest honda sit in the corner to play this matchup

If he uses hands up 1st ex, he will go to your back
if he uses leg raise up 1st, he will go to front

his backward back dash roll, u can use front dash orchit throw

delay sumo splash is good to beat his air cross up claw or air throw。

if he goes to your back and you cannot block, u can use focus dash to or backward. Jump back is another option. I prefer stay in the ground to punish


weak headbutt vs non ex scissors
his ultra needs to stand block

ex headbutt vs ex scissors
Honda play at defensive mode
weak headbutt can beat scissors hands during wakeup
toward hp -9 on block 0 on hit
toward mk step kick -1 on block

toward hp, when you see him press
you press focus level 1 immediately
2nd time, you can focus attack backdash, because oni will do shroyuken

toward mk usually will do shroyuken, throw
you can use weak hesdbutt, if oni does not do shruoken. after blocking step kick, u can move 2323 to bait shroyuken

better not to jump oni fireball. his fireball loses your blood so less

all scissors hands can use weak headbutt or sp headbutt to beat

stand medium punch if oni know to use stand medium kick
croach weak punch hhs
after block croach weak punch twice, remember to do ex sumo splash
focus attack his hit ground punch
ultra 2 to catch his dash scissor hands
let him attack 1st.
If you eat his combo, remember to jump back and don’t block, because oni can do strong scissors hands to your back.
pull all back into corner can beat his scissors hands at all positions
weak headbutt in the corner can best all scissor hands
Use croach medium punch to induce him to release stand hard punch, that croach medium does not need to hit him. After that, if you see him to use stand hard punch then ex headbutt. If nothing is release, u can stand hard kick

after blocking croach weak punch twice, oni uses stand hard punch, you can use stand hard punch to reverse

oni jump, u can jump mk

usually oni will use a step kick like ken to start up attack, you can use ex hesdbutt

if he use a oni splash after step kick, u can use focus attack
or step kick croach weak punch splash, u can use sumo splash
stand hard punch can beat his step kick
step kick stand weak kick fireball
step kick jump hard kick hit your back honda ex headbutt or jump back hard punch
step kick croach weak punch stand weak punch scissor hands honda ultra 2 or weak headbutt


Air jump when you get close
Stright jump can escape up and down fireball
when you knock him down, let guoken attack 1st. His invincible can beat you, except ex headbutt.
better not do sumo splash frequently, his invincible can beat you
Delay to press lplk
use strong headbutt
once you knock him down, get ready to use stand lp to combo into hhs, as he likes to use ex jump to escape
use focus attack to absorb fireball
Striaght jump with good timing can escape 2 up and down fireball
Guoken jump usually slow, suggest ultra 1 him
When honda is down in the corner, he will jump towards weak kick, u can jump back weak kick and then wait or ex headbutt
block his hands can do croach lp cancel into headbutt
after sumo splash on block, u can press croach weak punch
All his dive can use sumo
close dive kick use ex headbutt
Better not to keep yourself into corner, he can combo with high damage
when he gets close, you may ex headbutt or better jump back hk to prevent his throw.
No jump for far distance more than 5 characters.


after blocking wall dick kick, u can do weak sumo splash
jagar kick on wakeup, u can do focus attack and dash forward. Block his jaguar kick then u can coach weak punch into hhs
Stand close hard punch is good to trade dive kick and beat hit back.
U can use back dash if he does jaguar kick, then orchit throw him
u can use ex headbutt to beat his wall dive kick

non corner stright jump for adon
you can use back dash

Stand weak punch can beat jaguar kick in close distance
stand hard punch can beat far jaguar kick

ex headbutt for his far jaguar kick

Far jaguar kick, Honda can use straight jump to see whether it can hit his jaguar for far distance

I seldom see Honda use crossup or diagonal jump for this matchup

Use block his jaguar kick to start attack is not easy to win back the blood, it needs a little bit offensive for this matchup

safe type adon
Medium headbutt when he is coaching or walk front to u or falling down when he do stright jump
hard sumo splash when he stright jump (ready to back dash)
press back for this matchup
ex headbutt is for all of the jaguar kick
Adon likes to do a st. jump setup when he knocks u down. His option select can use ultra 1
If his straight jump not good, u can ex headbutt.
If he presses it immediately, u need to block 1st
If he uses stright jump in and press the kick during falling, u can use close hard punch.
Adon hit back can try ex headbutt close hard punch or weak 28k

28hk hard sumo splash is really useful for trade, get in or beat his straight jump

when u are in the corner, he do air jaguar, u can use ex headbutt or weak headbutt or close hard punch for trade
This is a crashing together matchup

double press the stand hard punch button twice can speed up to input

Back dash for front jaguar kick during wakeup
front dash for ex hit back jagar kick for hitting your back during wakeup

His wall air dive kick, after u block u can ex headbutt or stright jump hp if he jumps

Option select input
press croach weak kick 13 weak punch 131 three punches

The last 1 is to delay the ultra, u can use your eyes to see whether the opponent does the backdash

Try to press weak punch for 13 weak headbutt
then u will 131 for ultra

Strong hhs left hand croach lp, right hand mphpmphp

ex hhs left hand lp right hand mphpmp fpr 1st 4 input
for 5th input
left hand lp plus right hand hp or right hand lp+hp

I use it on wakeup weight some of the time…

@akimoehonda I just saw this HUGE GUIDE now!! OH MY GOD MAN thank you so much for posting this!!! I wish I had known about this sooner!!!

I didn’t know if anyone else was still playing Honda. I have still been competing and working very hard playing in tournaments in Canada. Are you still playing a lot in Japan??? I have a few new techs I have been working on. Safe jump vs. 4fr DP. makes DP whiff on Quick Rise, safe jump on Delayed Rise:

example in match: honda post super tech in action - YouTube

I have been always looking for people to talk about honda with at high level so if anyone sees this and is still playing SF4 Honda I havea discord going here with lots of great tech (most comes from this forum but its well organized)

Hi Mike, does your super combo only works in corner?
Hhs into strong super, May I know the sumo splash is strong or medium?
Let me finish the guide 1st. Once I reply you, I cannot amend the content.

Why some hondas does not have hhs still can win many matches, because they have good normal

All the normal give you chance to beat. You have to study the hit box and recovering time. Using sumo splash, headbutt or normal to fight back. It is high level Honda must have.

Combos and setup are standard, you can learn from other thread about it.

My guide does not contain so much combo and safe jump. Please go to another threads to learn those combos. A strong Honda must has good combo. My guide can be used for those Honda on how to better using the normal, jump, defence and strategy. If you vs some trouble characters and does not know how to play, it can give you some ideas. It suits for sf4, sf4 super, sf4 ae, 2012, usf4.

wakeup Honda can consider to use weak sumo splash for some case

close stand hp>far stand mk>close stand mk


Her corner dive kick hit your back, you can use stand guard punch even ex dive kick
You can use any diagonal jump attack to beat cammy dive kick due to her poor hit box.
Cammy jump mk hit your back, you can use stand hp
In the distance that you can touch him using focus attack, release the focus attack and push towards to her.
Stright jump lp can beat her croach hard kick

If she uses dive kick, focus and then release push to her. Back dash is also a good way. If you are in the corner, u can dash front or use ex headbutt

cammy close distance jump, u can use straight jump lp

For those dive kick goes to your back, you can try to press the quickest stand attack to hit her. For me I will use stand weak kick


Diagonal jump weak punch is the get in key for this match. You must jump in.
When you get close and see him jump, dont immediately press button. He will invisible to other side close to you. It is time to stright jump hp or stand hp.

Once you get close the match is ended.

For dhalism, you should use some moves to get close, for me, I will use weak headbutt, use blood to get distance.
After getting in, try to use jump in set play to kill him.
or strong sumo splash.
At the focus attack distance which can release in front of him and can touch him after release, feel free to do it
If dhalisim jump back, try to use focus attack dash front to get close
I always think that even without release of fire, you can still jump, because if your timing is wrong during jumping of fire, you will have chance to eat his normal and fire which cause double damage of blood.


His diagonal jump weak kick, u can use stand medium kick for far distance and close stand mk or hp for medium close positions. If it is very close, I suggest you to use weak sumo splash, but it has chances to eat his shroyuken. You can also use straight jump weak kick or straight jump weak punch.

For ryu jump back weak kick, feel free to use stand hard punch

For those Ryu likes to dash or move front, you can use croach weak punch and stand hard punch. It is very good to uses to vs evil ryu, as evil ryu moves forward really fast, it can hit him easily

For ryu jumps up and then use air tastu in far distance, you can use stand hard kick when he moves down to a horizontal position to you then press stand hard kick

If ryu blocks your diagonal jump medium punch, you can dash back and then croach weak punch hhs
Be patient dont diagonal jump at least 2 fireball
and wait for opponent come

When ryu stand up, move front or dash it is time to move your stright jump punch to front

For those ryu knows to use stand hard kick, never jump in front of him for his hard kick distance. once get into that distance, u can use croach weak punch only.

For those ryu knows to use stand hard punch, you need to pull far from him.

In stand weak punch distance, u can use dash in normal throw. Few Honda do it but it works. u can stand weak punch twice and then dash in to throw

Jump hard punch then when u want to easy to link up with stand hard punch, u dont need to move the joy stick to press the hard punch.

When you stright jump and falling to ground, some Ryu Jump towards you, you can back dash immediately and then croach weak punch hhs

Use straight jump hp to get close and then walk close to him, the purpose is to force him to the wall and you will get chance to jump in and use standing normal.

When ryu is standing and walk towards, stright jump hp works.

When you diagonal jump to the characters croaching, you can link up with croach hard kick

jump mk can link with croach mk if the opponent is croaching


stand downward punch during your wake up, you can use back dash to escape for it. The best move is jump back and the 2nd best move is stright jump.

Dudley stright punch, you can use stand mk and croach hp or ultra 1

Dudley jumps back hard punch, you can use jump mp and

Diagonal jump hard punch and hard kick is good to vs Dudley
Croach weak punch attack stand medium kick , you can use ex headbutt if Dudley stright punch
weak punch st. hard kick

Once you finish your normal or combo, they really like to do stand punch, it is your time to do ex sumo splash or medium kick

El furte

Honda jump front and then jump back with hard kick immediately
Stand block his sit down land attack, you can throw him


Jump to your back, u can use stand hp
Her flying object, you can jump in to beat her. Beat her upper body
Choose those hit high hitbox to beat


Stand hard kick suggest you to use croach hard punch


His croach hard punch, you can use stand hard punch
Air rotating kick, you can ready to press focus attack to hit him
Ballet rotating can use jesus chop
Air rotation can use focus attack to hit is cut down and hit low.

You can use sumo splash for snake stride
His jump hard kick is super good hit box better not to jump for very close distance


He uses stand mk, you can only use stand hard punch or ex sumo splash or headbutt


Stand lp, stand hp

Viper armpit

Stand lp stand mk close stand hp

All Yun Yang

All their dive can use stand hard punch or normal to beat.
All jump front can beat him

All Yun dash punch can use forward normal such as cr. weak punchltra 2

During wakeup, some opponents will jump in attack. At this moment, you can jump too. For those opponents who dont have safe jump options selects, you can jump to eat his jumping hit and then do ultra 2

When you stright jump and opponent also jump and hit nothing, Time for ultra 2, you should judge the distance by yourself when both characters falling down

Another option is when opponent jumping, you jump front mp, if you lose in the jumping, you can also use ultra 2.

The above 2 cases are to eat his hit in the air not in the ground and they are unable to do a combo.

Normal to beat dive kick

For close jump
Stand weak punch go to hit close dive kick
Stand medium kick

For medium close jump
Far stand mk

Beat strong opponents normal

Diagonal jump weak punch in certain angle
Jump weak kick at very close distance

For Far jump, easy to win use Diagonal jump weak punch
For close jump use diagonal jump lk

You must do those jump only during the opponent recovery such as doing fireball.

Beat fast close jump during wakeup

Stright jump weak punch or weak kick

After you force people to the wall and opponent at wake up

Croach weak kick into throw or hhs combo

Back dash attack

All hhs opponent back dash can link to ex headbutt in the wall

Opponent will good stand normal

stand hard punch hit the air croach hard punch
stand medium kick if opponent attack you immediately ex headbutt

Opponent close jump

eg. Evil ryu dive kick
Stright jump lp is the 1st choice, lk is also fine

Opponent far jump

Diagonal jump mp is the 1st choice, most opponent has their hit box in the upper position during jumping

Far opponent normal

Time for headbutt or ex headbutt
For eg. Rose are pressing stand hk, guide press the stand hp

Close standing opponent

Characters like sagat and guide, you can do ex 28k
The best attack for standing bulky opponent

Vs characters rely on setup during wakeup

For eg. Guide
Once they fireball, u immediately do ex 28k then it is your setup time for jumping to his back.

Quick move vs dive kick character to your back

Once dive to your back,
You can use stand weak kick to start your hhs combo、

Hi Akimo :slight_smile: great to hear from you again

  1. HHS xx Super - I don’t think it matters if its Jab / Strong / Fierce version
  2. This setup is meant for corner, but actually might work mid screen. Never thought to try it mid screen. Let me test tonight. I know it will NOT cross up in mid-screen. I dont know if the jump will reach him or not.
  3. Note that this is specifically to beat Delayed Wakeup.
  4. The Sumo Splash is MK that I use to frame kill to time the jump.

When you do it in the corner, even if they Quick Rise, they will still often lose if they reversal DP (honda post super tech in action - YouTube for example ONI Quick Rise DP me here, I still win or trade LOL and creates very confusing situation for opponent)

This is very Nasty vs. Dictator EX Psycho Crusher Wakeup in corner!!! (makes it go wrong way back into the corner + Opens him up for HUGE PUNISH!!! LOL)

If you want an option for Mid Screen after landing a Super, I have 2 that I have tested.

  1. Jump > micro step > Jump Roundhouse or Jump Fierce. Manually Timed and kind of obvious, doesnt often bait anything imo but good for putting you back into position safely.

  2. HP Headbutt Frame Kill > Oicho. The HP Head will cross over their Body on the ground, then the moment they wakeup you should be able to oicho. This is DANGEROUS because sometimes the HP head leaves you very far away and no chance to oicho and you just built small amount of bar and maybe give up good position :frowning:

It depends where you land the super, I still havent exactly figured out how each one works. Sometimes I just do MP Head now to build bar and put me in good position close to their body on the ground.

1 more thing ill put in here hopefully people see:

Great combo I found only confirmed works vs. Cammy and Gouken (maybe more)
Cl HP > cr jab xx HP HHS > st HK
Have found cl HP often pushes you very far away on Meaty / CH so no chance to do big damage, but on these 2 characters for some reason you get the full hits for HUGE meter build (1/2 a bar at least) this meaty often trade with DP like ppl mentioned above and has so many active frame, very easy to use after landing EX Buttslam (just wait a couple frame then press it)

haha yep it is sadly :frowning: almost never get to use it but adds up over 600 stun too i forgot to say lol

will weak headbutt beat Bison Ultra 1?

you ever played against this guy ^ ??

I heard lots of people still playing SF4 in Japan. I talk to Reizu2012 on youtube stream sometimes. Also Hamteo100kan ? (maybe got the name wrong) We have maybe ~20 strong players left in Canada only now in SF4 :frowning: but still playing a lot

Technic for using Honda
Never start attack 1st by pressing weak normal, orchit throw in far distance
Use focus backdash to escape from jump in attack in order to create attack. Too close, u may use jesus chop.
Every jump in need to charge immediately
Vs air ball characters, only try to walk in when they release fireball.
Even hit down the characters, u only press normal in front of him and let them do incorrect special for punish.


You can get close to normal throw.
Abel jump escape, diagonal jump mp straight jump lp
jesus chop vs wheel kick dash front kick

He has 5 ways to do after he knocks u down
when u wakeup:
1/ abel croach hard punch into ultra
2/ roll+ close stand strong punch at your back and then combo> ultra
3/ command grab
4/ ex command grab
5/ croach weak punch 5 hits combo

ex headbutt or sumo splash can beat them.


use croach weak punch weak headbutt cab win
when abel walk front immediately headbutt him

You may use focus attack to absorb his dash medium kick

Jesus chop can beat his jagar kick.
when u in the corner, he use jagar kick, u can use ex sumo splash to beat him
It is suggest not to play normal with him, u should wait him press button 1st. u can use weak headbutt to best his stand 2 hits kick. focus attack absorb his kick to do orchit throw.
In far position, it is not suggest to use jesus chop.
Stright jump hp can beat his ex jaguar kick, u have to press button 1st.

2 weak punch and then jagar to your back, you need to have very quick reaction to do reverse ultra or medium sumo splash to go to another side

Forward downward hk can step rising jagar during his wakeup
Adon ex jaguar kick , you have to beat him early in the start up using straight jump hp or diagonal jump front hk

Ehonda wake up, Adon uses straight jump hk and then jagar kick. After ehonda block his straight jump hk, ehonda can press close mp to beat him
Adon jump to your back during wakeup, jump back mp or stand hp
ex sumo can beat when adon start up
Jump back hk can beat ex jagar kick
st. jump lk vs adon wall ex dive kick
normal dive can use stand hp
strong headbutt vs jaguar kick
ex Jaguar need to use ex headbutt
stand hp can beat jagur
stand hp can beat jagur kick hit back
Delay ultra 1 can beat his ex jump air jagar kick hit back or sumo splash


If you are in the ground walking, blanka does ultra 2 , u can do ultra 1 on him.
When blanka is knocked down in the corner, you can stand weak punch and then croach weak punch to beat all his special.

Croach weak punch can win
After blanka wakes up, he will use ex up and down roll, it is armour breaking. You can use stand close Hp to beat him. If it is close u can try press croach weak punch or any headbutt before his wakeup.

If the up and down roll, not a wakeup, you can use focus attack dash in to punish him.

His ultra 2, you can press 3 hard kicks to move the stick for quick wakeup and then use ultra 1 to punish him


The distance he cannot hit you, u can jump hp, either AA or he will on hit
if he walks front, u can do headbutt
once u jump in ready to use weak headbutt


Ehonda needs to jump in this game and learn how to throw barlog when he dashes to you.

downforward hard kick can step his dash punch except ex dash punch

Headbutt can beat his dash punch. U can use focus backdash also.


Dont play normal with her. unless she use far croach kick u can kick her back

Always prepare to anti air, use straight jump lp is good especially for close distance, .the that we dont let her jump in to do 1 set of combo. Sometimes stright jump hp is too slow

When she knocked u down in the corner, if she dives to.your back, u can use ultra1 or stand close hp

When she just start dive kick during your wakeup, u can 28hk, maybe help u for escape, if she doesn’t know.

Weak 28k can beat dive kick, you need to think about her dive kick position.

If she did an early dive and you see she is in your back, you can immediately ex headbutt

Blocking cammy shoe on your head and falling in front can use ex headbutt
Stright jump or back jump to eat one hit, you can charge to do ex headbutt


When he walk to press button, u can focus to absorb 1 hit and then throw or jump in attack. Dont focus attack if he is charging.

mainly use weak punch and weak headbutt
if you pressed croach weak punch, u have to stop pressing, as his claw can attack you

Better force him in the wall
After knocked him down use front dash to force him to the wall and wait for his back dash or do scaler terror roll. usually he will dash back. Always get ready with ex headbutt
His straight jump, u can use stand hk or 28hk
weak headbutt can beat his low claw

pf focus attack will release without dash cancel, time for ultra

Claw has kara throw, once you jump in and hit nothing, he always use kara throw to throw you.

Case 1, you can press hk lklp
Case 2, stright jump hp and then combo, straight jump lp also ok
Case 3, backdash
Case 4, ultra, it is dangerous

Dont do orchit throw for every knock down, he has enough time to do ex knee press attack to the wall.

use croach weak punch to prevent him get close to throw

If he use Barcelona claw cross attack, he may hit another side, it is better use delay sumo splash or auto correct ex headbutt.

When claw uses ex penetration rotating claw, you can 1st blow his ex and then pull back.
You can also use delay ultra 1, it has chances to AA if the timing is incorrect
Sky high claw when he goes to the wall, u can start to press stand hp.
Get close to jump mp
No attack in the claw area.
Becareful of his moving throw when he gets close
Dont walk to him when he has ex

Claw likes to ex jump to the wall and rotating himself to penetrate you. 1p to 2p side of the wall. When he jumps from 1p and to the 2p side wall, (The timing that u do stright jump is when claw is in 2p side in the air not yet touching the wall) Ehonda can use straight jump and then move to the punch to 1p side. It can hit him.

Roll back one time

Sumo splash 2nd hit can beat his back roll one time but u need to find a right timing, early can use normal one, late, u may do ex sumo splash

Wakeup sumo splash is armour breaking

It is very welcome to do this, you need to hit him correctly, once he is croaching, it is not easy to sit on him accurately

Force him in the wall but dont do anything

It is because he will do ultra 2

Becareful for his kara throw

he will do it when u just landing or after croach weak punch.

Rolling crystal in the land

  1. 28hk escape
  2. jesus chop
  3. ex headbutt

Flying ex claw attack when you just wakeup

  1. 28hk when he ready to penetrate, Escape
  2. Stand far mk, AA mode you hit him 80, he hits you 50
    When you are croaching,
  3. jump back hk for escape
  4. 28hk has chance to AA
  5. Stright jump hp
  6. ultra 1
  7. jump front without pressing anything, 2nd jump mk
  8. If u dont have any ultra and u will die even you block, you can try to use back dash(he jumps from your front wall) or front dash (he jumps at your back wall)

Other flying attack

When claw reach the wall, you can do 28hk
close hp or any 28k can beat Barcelona attack
or back dash after he opens his claw, usually your stick will move opposite to the wall that he bounce from

When he uses stright jump

u can diagonal jump mp or walk close to use stand hk

wakeup scarlett terror

weak 28lk beat scarlett terror

non wakeup, you can use medium sumo splash beat him when his head faces the sky.

28hk get in, claw uses stand hk

you can use weak headbutt or sumo splash to beat his stand 2 hit kicks. weak headbutt looks safe.

Normal attack

2hits croach weak punch then u may try croach medium punch or weak headbutt

Walk close to go to his head

jump mp can hit his head, his head does not have hit box, prefer to jump when he is not croaching.

Force him to the wall to do combo.

When you knock him down, wait a bit while before attack him, when he dash backward, prefer to use orchit throw.

suggest to do croach weak punch hhs, walk a little bit and then croach weak punch hhs again

Claw has chances jump to your back and make one roll back to fake you do normal and then ex kick to the wall

you better do weak sumo splash to hit him in the air before his landing.

croach weak punch, jesus chop and stright jump hp can beat his ex kick(when u want to get close to him)

When u can jump in hit his abdomen part, use jump front hk or hp, head part use jump front mp
Use front jump lp also works.

After jump mp or mk, you can try normal throw, it is safe.


Cody likes to use stand hk, u can use downward hard punch. Actually all kinds of kicks for all characters can use downward hard punch to hit him.
If he uses stand mk, u can use weak headbutt.
He may use two hits and then hurricane, time for your ultra.

Croach block his ultra will not lose more blood.

Chun li

Use weak punch to jump in to beat her stand weak kick


Striaght jump and then immediately diagonal jump.
if u wakeup, he uses a fireball, you can striaght jump.
You must play attack mode, u should not play defensive mode. jump in to hit him
Do ultra 1 when he start to absorb you to his side.
If you or seth are wake up, you can use weak sumo splash for seth jump in or his wakeup case

Dee Jay

Stand hk is useful for medium distance
Usually use croch punch and stand hard kick to play
walk , use stand hk or far medium headbutt or ex headbutt to beat his far croach hk
you can use focus attack level 2 to absorb his croach downward kick
when you are in the corner, u can weak sumo splash.
28k then ex headbutt

Dee Jay close to u press 2 times croach weak punch, it is time for u to press croach weak kick to hit him back

Use the short beat the long


Ex headbutt is safe to do in the middle of the screen
Ex headbutt is not safe when you close to corner

Once Dudley getting close try to use croach weak kick and ready your combo

Pull back jesus chop hit his straight punch or use pull back stand hk to hit his walk in

ex sumo splash can be used to change positions in the corner and then jump back go away
ex headbutt to beat his stand punch

coach medium kick can use and ready for ex headbutt

medium punch can ex headbutt
If your medium punch is hitted by Dudley punch, you can ex headbutt to prevent him walk towards you
If Dudley does not eat the medium punch, you can stand hard kick to prevent him move towards.
You can use backward 363636 up down up down up down to attract him to do ultra 1

His straight jump safe jump setup can use ex.sumo splash to change position

Stright jump lp

His up and down punch has chances to hit your back, u can use delay headbutt or sumo splash


You must jump mp during start of the game to gain distance
and then 28hk to get in
If he use ultra 2, u need to becareful when u jump in, you may use focus attack dash in hhs to get in.
For some cases, u need to stand block his jump back hp
U can use straight jump hp, it can beat his jump hands
once you knocked him down always stand lp or hp to link combo.
Dont let him to get away.
or wait him invisible to do ultra 1
When dhalisim wakes up, u can use close stand hp. He cannot jump, backdash, it is excellent as he does not have shroyuken to hit you back.

Once you knock him down, always prepare to do ultra 1

in far distance, you can see dhalisim press button, u can use croach weak punch to hit his downward hands and stand weak punch to hit his stand punch
Remember let him to press button then u press it later

Air jump, jump weak kick and weak punch can be used to hit air and then let him use stand hard kick, next u can croach weak punch hhs in the ground

All the invisible can use stand weak punch to beat him

EL furte

Once he jumps, u can use diagonal jump front lk, it can beat all his air attack except his anti air throw. he jump you jump sure win. Especially his repell wall jump punch.
After his croach medium kick, he usually will use air throw, u must ready to jump back

Case scenario
once you dash in, he will air throw u ( u can jump back hk)
After close weak kick, he will front jump splash (u can focus attack) If it is in the wall, u can ultra 1
Once he is down, he usually use the absorb hit technique and then air throw (u can 9 ex headbutt or use those attack which can armour break to break him)
Once you are down, he likes to use his hip sit on u(u must stand block or ex headbutt)
After blocking 3 times weak punch he will use croach medium kick again and then air splash to your back (u need to focus attack)
After your stright jump hit nothing, he will use air throw(u can jump again to hit him)
When u start to wakeup, he use his jump arm blow, u can focus dash front or invisible
He uses jump two legs kick to hit your dash in. It is your fault as he reads your move, u need to becareful with this
After your stand hard kick hit nothing, he uses air throw you immediately(u can jump back)
Usually, u can hit him when he wakes up, he absorbs one hit and air throw u again(u should jump back hk)
After u wake up, he will air splash to your back(u can focus attack)
when u dash in, he uses croach hard kick(u should croach block)
When he jumps back, u follows his jump back and u will eat his ultra(u should not follow him to jump, try to dash in)
Once your headbutt on block, he will use his run dash throat crush on you(you can ex headbutt)

Evil ryu

croach weak punch with hhs
It can use jump Hp at close position for evil ryu, but vs Ryu cannot.
You dont need to use diagonal jump medium punch or medium kick vs ryu, eryu characters because they can throw you after landing. Diagonal jump medium punch is for vs Ken only.

Only use jump hard punch or hard kick to get in.
Once get close, always prepare ultra 1 as evil ryu like to use focus attack to trap your normal
Dive kick, you can use close stand hp, jump weak punch
st. jump lp or stand hard punch or jump front lk for air tastu
stand hp vs evil ryu cut down

Use weak headbutt to do option select during evil ryu wake up

Always remember ex sumo splash is to change positions when you force into corner. Remember only use it when your character press medium or hard button, dont use it when they press weak button.

After blocking half circle yellow fireball, sometimes evil ryu will do blue quarter fireball again, it is time to ultra

Fei long

Jesus chop is important. Let him attack first.

You must always stand to play for this matchup
always start to do stand lp, especially you block his 1st dash punch
When you want to croach, you must ready to have meter to do ex headbutt beat fei long cut down overhead kick. If you don’t have meter, you can use stand medium punch to beat him

Always prepare ultra 1 when he get close, as they like to trap your normal


When u hit him twice he might jump front, u can stright jump hp.
When he hit your back he might straight jump, you can stright jump or ex headbutt
Becareful to block low , as he can super into ultra
dont stright jump, if he has super.
When he just wakeup, he may use his cycle kick, dont get close to press button

When he do cycle kick he may go to the top, u press croach weak punch twice to confirm on hit when he fall to the ground


You can press croach weak punch first if you afraid his focus attack
Use medium sumo splash if u don’t know how to play.
Down forward hard kick can step his forward dash punch except he uses ex
28hk or stright jump can escape his 2 hits ex fireball
see 0.44. You must go sit action before his 2nd fireball comes out.


medium sumo splash non stop mode
Stright jump hp hhs

Need to keep close distance to play


Focus backdash to move your position when he condor dive.

Becareful his dash in, he can throw you or do anti air to hit you. Use ex headbutt if you have, usually he will dash in at close distance or after hit you 3 times and then dash in.
Actually just croach weak punch and weak headbutt can win this match, actually, he doesn’t have way to win u
weak headbutt can escape his jump headbutt attack
when he walks close to you, it is time to stand hard kick
when he hits your back always prepare to jump away
when he press focus, ex headbutt
Jesus chop can beat his jump up headbutt attack.
Keep stand in ground and just use jesus chop
Stright jump hp is required to beat his jump

When you jump to his back during wakeup, if he press focus and cancel, u can stright jump hp. If he press focus and release, u will hit by him, you should not try to jump again, if thawk knows.


For his ground slide or jump into your head to step attack, you can use back dash, when she touch you
When she uses kick her legs to her head position, you can hit her immediately, there are not hit box, you may close hp immediately


Walk close or use medium headbutt to beat her fireball.
just wait for her wheel kick and then punish her


Use focus attack absorb his stand step kick

stright jump hp might eat ken jump forward hard kick

Opponent in the corner needs to becareful


If he does ultra 2 at close distance, you can immediately ultra 1. it can beat him.

Not to use jesus chop alone to beat his towards hard punch. Better use croach weak punch and then stand hard kick.

You can use headbutt to beat his towards hard punch
stand medium punch or use ultra 1.

If he knocks u down, he will use jump high and then hard punch, you can use weak sumo splash. Usually use 2nd hit to hit him.

u can stright jump to escape his scissors hands
Once u block his hands he may do shroyuken, u have to block and then ultra.


Never play normal to her, her normal has a very good hit box. Let her press 1st. Just ex headbutt, medium headbutt can beat her normal and dash punch.

When she dash in, it is time to jump medium kick to hit her back

weak headbutt can beat her dash punch

Stand block her dash green punch then use croach lp hhs
You can do ultra for his stand hard kick and forward hard kick, it is too slow for recovery.

Use ex headbutt vs her normal better not to play normal with her.


28hk to escape for some cases, but u cannot use it frequently.
Sometimes u block one time his ex rotating kick and cut down, he will use rotating kick again. becareful with this, actually u have to press focus attack to absorb his cut down.
for all those cut down player, focus attack is essential for close distance
and jump mp for far distance
use jesus chop to hit him back for keeping distance
focus front dash if he goes to your back
ultra 1 if he goes to your front
Rufus hit box is in the tip of his leg, ex headbutt for close. If u want to hit him, u must hit his head and tummy position.
medium sumo splash for far.
Jump front is another good option
If rufus land in a poor position, stand hard punch can beat him
Rufus croach hard punch, Honda can use jesus chop, croach weak punch or stand mk
Block croach hard punch is -10 frame
tip of leg can beat has a small hit box
stright jump lp can beat dive kick
jump back mp can beat rufus hit back
straight jump lp hp vs rotating kick
leg flash kick can use croach weak punch
cut down jump back hk hitbox on his head
down attack, u can use ex headbutt or jesus chop
normal land rotate, jesus chop
ex land rotate jump hp or ex sumo splash
snake strike stand hp or mk
sumo splash, hitbox on his head ex sumo splash
focus attack for hit high and low
if he does flash kick, after you block you can ultra
weak punch vs weak punch if he just croaching and block.
Stand hk to beat his croach hp


When u are down, he will use diagonal jump weak kick to your back, you can use delay weak headbutt to headbutt him, he is unable to shroyuken.
Train yourself excellent to absorb fireball 1st to orchit throw for the catching distance
After focus attack absorb the fireball in far distance even you walk in ryu cannot use his normal to attack you. At this distance, u should stand after you dash in and ready to jump for the fireball when u see the spark in ryu back.

Focus attack absorb fireball in medium far distance you can croach lp or stand lk, use those 4 frames attack to hit him.

Focus attack absorb fireball in close distance, use orchit throw.

If you check his hit box, all his normal was beaten by jesus chop. You will ask me why it is not safe because ryu will use ex fireball before you startup and after your jesus chop recovery. You need to becareful with this.
Usually jesus chop is use after stand weak punch or hit croach medium kick when u see ryu startup his croach medium kick in his croach medium kick distance.

Coach weak punch may be hitted by his stand weak kick, u can use croach medium punch for medium distance.

If your dash in distance is close, you can use far weak kick to stand your attack.

I really suggest you dont jump in when he has two meters and ultra.

Stright jump will a fall down distance that he is unable to use croach medium kick or stand hard kick to kick you. It needs your experiences. If he fireball, you focus and then get in or jump in. After you dash in, you may try croach weak punch, croach medium punch and dash in again with croach weak kick or punch hhs.

If no fireball, you can walk one step and try to jump to to his back.

If he jumps in after your landing, try to use jesus chop or close hp to AA

Will the half screen distance, you can listen to ball cat, when you hear ball, it is time to do ultra and you have to release it on the time of the cat sound. It needs to train your ears.

Use stand mp to hit fireball hands and then stand hk
Stand mp does not require to confirm hit ryu, or it is just to attract opponents to press the buttons or jump in. Becareful on the distance, it uses to bait your opponent. The main point is to use stand hard kick or headbutt (If he jump) after stand medium punch.

Stand mp better use during opponent is croaching

You can also use croach mp for charging for your sumo splash (if he jump in)

You can try to use croach medium kick and then weak sumo splash during air tastu especially you are standing not in wakeup status.

Stand close hk to beat over middle head air tastu
go to your front of the chest, you can press croach weak punch hit when he lands and then croach weak kick croach weak punch

When you jump in, he will do air tastu immediately, you may jump back mp

After he lands the air tastu, he may jump front mk, you try to AA jump mp with him

Not to use ex headbutt after ryu hit you twice using croach weak punch, u may use straight jump hp or 28hk chase

Ryu jump back will ex fireball, it is time to jump in
After stand close hp or 2 croach lp, Ryu will escape using hurricane kick
28k to his back immediately weak punch
after fireball u stright jump, he will use air tastu get close
u can croach medium kick to escape
After straight jump, Ryu will do a fireball
oni ing once go back to the ground, he will press focus
All far jump try to use focus attack back dash to escape, press lklp, once it is not block, you try to press back dash, backdash can include hhs
If Honda eat one air tastu, Ryu may jump in croach medium kick, it is time for you to do wakeup medium headbutt, ex headbutt or ultra
press croach weak punch and then croach weak kick for chest air tastu
after ryu is down and he has 2 bar of air, press stand weak punch backdash, his shroyuken will go to air
after backdash his throw, u can immediately croach weak punch cancel into orchit
after ryu is down u can immediately press stand weak punch hit the air then croach weak punch orchit
jesus chop for above head air tastu
after fireball air tastu, stright jump hp can beat
dropping needs to use stand lp
stright jump lp

After jump mk u can try stand mp lklp

Dont jump at close position his stand hard punch and stand hard kick can beat you.
Ex sumo splash is good to change position.
For all fireball characters, I suggest not to press normal
except croach weak kick and stand weak p9unch. It is because you will eat their ex fireball in close distance, you can only do those normal at close distance which confirm u can touch them, those normal unable to touch better not to press button.
Hundred hands ex headbutt for new

some ryu likes to croach weak punch one hit and then walk back to wait u to press croach weak kick and then walk front to throw you

some ryu may like to jump weak punch croach weak punch walk back and then walk front to throw you, always becareful with this

Ryu jump lk to hit your back will still appear in your front to attack u

When ryu knocks you down in the wall, he will use diagonal jump weak kick, you have to block at the back at 4 position and then move back to block croaching 3 position. Ryu will not go to your corner unless you croaching then let him fall and do weak 28k.

Some ryu, akuma, Ken like to use jump weak kick for easy to get his throw setup in the ground, you can use focus backdash to get away, better not to absorb his hit to backdash, u can croach weak punch hhs to punish his jump in


walk in to play, focus absorb fireball
Look at his downward hands, once it move back, it is your jumping time for his fireball. Actually, you better jump in far distance, as his stand weak kick is quite strong, I suggest you use jesus chop to play medium distance normal.

After blocking tiger knee, you can back dash first
use ex sumo splash to beat his tiger knee attack
Croach hard punch is really useful for this matchup

Fake the opponent to do special cancel

After knock your opponent down, press stand weak punch and then backdash. Shroyuken flies into the sky.

Jump mk or jump mp tries to backdash immediately

Empty jump(2.5 square AA with hard kick or hit nothing without pressing nothing)

becareful if they walk in to throw you after landing especially claw, Ken who has kara throw

you can take a look with this

Focus attack can beat focus cancel

It needs to know.

After you knock component down

Prepare a straight jump and then ultra 2 setup but it is non safe move.

Jump front or back was hitted by the opponent for air to air

For eg. Evil Ryu jump you lose in the air to air, If they jump again, you can press focus attack and release.
You can prepare the setup of ultra 2

Croach weak punch on block x 2 then press croach hard punch

Focus attack dash in

Prefer to use croach weak punch to follow

Far air tastu standing Honda case

Air hurricane kicks 2 frame hit the front and 6 frame hit the back, you have 6 frame chances to hit him in the front. We needs to think about how to hit him in the front. 3 kicks to the front and 3 kicks to the back

Stand hk is also fine, if the kick is far away.
usually stand hk 2nd hit will hit ryu, although not much but it is good

You can jump mp to hit him air to air.
If Ryu land in front of you, you can stand lp into something.
You can croach or stand block
Striaght jump lp hit his head into something also works.

Croach medium punch then ex headbutt
If croach medium punch cannot hit, headbutt with beat him
Another option is to use focus attack absorb one hit and then push forward usually it for his last hit

You can try croach medium kick to escape his air tastu
and then 28lk

Read Fireball for eye training (His downward hands move to his back

For dhalisim, look at his head movement to do ultra or ex headbutt, because if u look at his hand, the fireball always come out already. For invisible, you can look at his legs once you get close to do ultra when he is in the ground to do invisible. If he is in the air, it is better not to jump in his first jump. When he hits you early in his jump, you still have time to ultra or ex headbutt him.
You better hit him in the second invisible using standing jesus drop, straight jump hp for close distance or 28hk for medium distance or ultra for far distance for dhalisim 2nd invisible. For ultra, some dhalisim know to use air rotating dive roll to escape.

Please see the video of Ryu special, what you watch is his downward hand, when he moves to his back, it is time for u to jump. It is valid for ryu, ken, evil ryu akuma, sakura, sagat You should see the special movies for Ryu’s downward hands for the whole matches and train your eyes to see his fireball before competition.

For akuma jump fireball, you have to look at his upper hands, once he punch his upper hands, ready for ultra or headbutt

For ibuki, you can look at her head and hands and body will be moved down suddenly

For oni, guoken, dan, you can look at their upper hands move to horizontal and push front. But guoken is useless he will do upper or normal fireball. But his ex fireball is your time to ultra

For oni and akuma charge strong fireball, he will move to two hands to his waist position, it has enough time to do ultra 1. They usually do it when you wake up to make you lose more blood.

For oni scissor hands, you can see his upper hands whether it has flash light. Once he starts you can jump back. If you are wakeup and unable to jump, you may use back dash for front scissor when he turn around
If he does hp scissors hands and it is the last hits you may try front dash if he is already passes through you, if he has not pass through you, u can back dash.

For sagat, you can look at his downward hands go to his back to jump in, but he has chances to do tiger knee.

For rose, you can look at her upper hands, it will disappear and it is time for jump

For juri, you have to look at her legs and body rotation

Read fireball for charging characters for jumping in

Seth, you look at his dowanward hands, he will move to his back.

Guile and Dee Jay, u can look at his upper hands move to backwards

Chun li, look at her rotation of hands and head

Dont do ex headbutt after Ryu hit twice

He will jump back and shroyuken cancel into ultra

Dont do sumo splash vs ryu

He can use croach hard punch. or focus attack and u will eat full set of combo

After stand hard punchor HHS on block by ryu

Ready your ultra 1

How to read air tastu

I use Ryu as an example, what you do is to read his downward hand for the whole match, when he is jump and his downward hands go to his back, it is air tastu.

If you can read his air tastu and you are not down, you can headbutt to the another side if you have charge.
Jump back, back dash… please see my below suggestion.

When will Ryu use air tastu

When you jump to medium distance, sometimes you will croach, he will immediately use air tastu go to your back, for this case, u need 2nd straight jump or jump back

You eat the front air tastu will reduce less meter and less chances to get hurt by ryu

early air tastu standing Honda case

jump back mk, prefer jump back hk and then ex headbutt when u land
Jesus chop press twice hp quickly

Front air tastu, stand hard kick or weak normal headbutt

Corner air tastu Honda wakeup case
Try to use jump back mk

For air tastu when to do ultra

front back front back front < your ultra time
The 3rd front kicks
His weakness is the 3rd front kick, you should see his 3 circles and then start doing ultra or ex or focus dash back.
If someone dont want to count they can use a normal croach weak kick and then immediately ultra
croach weak kick is 14 frames, The 3rd kick starts at 16 frames for you to hit.

Air tastu hit your back and u are in 1p side, your input method is 13131 pop

you can look at Ryu footsteps how to set up the air tastu for your easy prediction

Close air tastu hit Honda wakeup to his back

Some people will try to use stand mp, this one needs you to press early when 2 4 1, you need to press accurately. usually the last hit of mp will hit ryu. The case successfully if ryu air tastu does not kick your head for those 6 frames and the last hit one frame will bingo.

If you have ex, wait for his 3rd hurranican kicks then ex headbutt

croach and then focus attack dash front for his 3rd hurricane kick.

If u are walking, you can try stand lp to hit him even he goes to your back

Air tastu setup after normal throw or croach hard kick

you can take a look with this and becareful

You can croach block like this

close jumping attack

jump back mp

Jump in during your wakeup for dive kick hit your back position

You can front dash and then push stand medium punch

Corner ultra 1

When you are at corner, opponent wants to hit your back and the opponent walks close to you and jump, you can do the ultra without thinking, the corner will lock your position and wait for the opponent fall down to eat the full ultra

Diagonal jump mp
Only vs Sagat, Guoken, Ken and Chun li need to use mp. Other characters do not require and better increase the damage
Sometimes honda require to use diagonal jump hp to beat guile croach hp

Attract shroyuken during opponent wakeup

once you knock down an opponent use sumo splash or throw, you can use croach weak punch then croach hard kick

Croach medium punch ensure charging

After u do stright jump, croach medium punch can ensure charging , if your opponent blocks it, it means you can start your headbutt as your opponent is croaching

Press focus attack

you should not walk and press focus attack like medium punch and kick. If you croach 1st and then press medium punch and kick to prevent hitted by the fireball and accuracy

when to press focus attack

In far hard kick distance only.
You can use the green color V as the book mark, once u walk into it immediately orchit throw or press croach weak punch

Focus attack for close distance

two time croach weak kick then focus attack press with frame advantage and release

Focus attack absorb 1 hit and front dash to attack

U can use medium orchit throw or do a jump in attack.

Focus absorb and back dash

When opponent jumps in, u better not to absorb his jump in attack and back dash. Once opponent fall in the ground, u can croach weak punch hhs or throw him. This is trick to let your defence change to offence.

For some characters like Thawk, Dan, Adon, Abel, if u backdash, they will hit nothing using the special, this is your punish time

Focus backdash to escape viper burning kick

Hhs focus cancel technical

You should cancel hhs in the 1st hit in order to catch the opponent. If u cancel in 2nd hit it will be too slow, u may use 2 hits croach weak punch and then hhs in these case, if u are cancel it in 2nd or 3rd hits.You must practice it very fast to improve your Honda.

Here is one of the top 10 Honda in psn channel

Focus attack absorb fireball for ryu Ken sagat

Just use ears, if u hear ball or tie, you can immediately press the mp mk after that use your eyes to see the fireball absorbed then dash in
It just like use headbutt vs sagat, once you hear tie , u immediately do strong headbutt

Always charge in the air and move to back when you forward jump

After that, you ca headbutt immediately it is good to vs back dash characters like claw

Stright jump and move backward immediately for charging

once you fall down, you only press croach weak punch will have charge to do ex headbutt

Jump mk hit the characters back how to charge

in 1p position jump to hit back, move your stick to 3 in the air
in 2p position jump to hit back, move your stick to 1 in the air


In the middle screen walk block and walk and block, once go into distance that you can grab, you will focus and dash into to grab or croach weak punch
no jump
Becareful in tiger knee position

You take a look with this will not fall into Sagat fireball trap.

AA with his fireball safe and will not eat full set of combo

in most far distance, once sagat voice out tiger, u can do strong headbutt immediately, u will only eat the fireball for unsuccessful.

in middle distance, low fireball can do medium headbutt, stand fireball can use sumo splash

usually weak punch is very useful vs sagat to hit his fireball hand

Confirm has air in ground

croach medium punch, that is 2.5 seconds

Store air in the air for straight jump
once you jump, you need to press down backwards
once you land the ground, u still need to press croach weak punch for air confirmation


Let him press normal 1st

When he releases fireball, it is time to jump in

Some ryu likes to use croach hard punch to beat your 28k or ex headbutt, when u see it u can ultra 1 immediately.

Walk and block in medium distance
green v signal focus and dash in orchit throw
better press croach weak punch only, dont press stand hard kick to make the distance far and hard to get in

Once get close and u are able to focus attack to absorb the fireball, use stand hk

Stand weak punch weak punch then ex headbutt
Absorb ball stand hk or orchit only

work back must ready ultra 1 all the time
You must success for this one

He may like to use jump medium kick and then normal throw to you, you can block his kick and then front dash orchit throw

Sometimes you hit him with your tips with your normal or hhs, you may cancel into orchit throw

Use ex headbutt to trade with Ryu jump back hk

Do it, it is worth to trade even both of the characters will on hit, but you beat him more blood


When do fireball in far position snd then invisible, u can use backdash to escape his invisible and then stand weak punch or stand hard punch

diagonal jump medium punch
When u jump in, you need to move back to block his jump back hp

When he is in the air, free feel to do jesus chop

Block and jump in
Invisible and then jump back or stand close hard kick

1º Torneio do Leilão - Binop (E.Honda) vs AllanGamer (Dhalsim) - SSF4 AE - YouTube

always prepare to use dash backward croach weak punch HHS cancel into orchit throw. Dont let her setup on you to play.
If u are knocked down, u can stand block for dive kick or weak headbutt (backward>forward>backward + weak punch) her jump back weak kick or use stand medium punch to hit her jump back weak kick. After hit her one hit, better not to hit her continue she will press focus attack.

If she does not knocked down, u can jump back even jump front hk, if u can spot her jump.
Her hitbox is on his top of body and her leg. Her attack area only on her toes area.


Use jesus chop to play looks safer, as the recovery time shorter to prevent eat his full set combo.

Wait for his straight punch, it is your time to press jesus chop.

It is welcome to do croach weak punch hhs, if u touch him.

Use diagonal weak punch to jump in is ok


Claw weakness is his knocked down. Once he is down, jump in hk immediately, u must press early, otherwise u may hit by his ex attack. Unless, he do ultra 2 u may get hurt for that.

If he jumps back, u better use walk in croach weak punch to catch his rotate backwards. croach weak.punch hit nothing your second coach weak pjnch can do hhs.

Jump in when he does not have charge, especially when he jumps back and walk in to press standing normal.

When u press one or two croach weak punch, the next is to do weak headbutt to hit his claw.

For non ex sky high claw attack, you can press focus attack to beat him

ex sky high has 1 hits can break your focus

After block his air rotating claw, you can ex headbutt, ex sumo splash, front dash weak punch hhs or front dash orchit throw
If you jump in, claw will roll back you can immediately dash into orchit throw or use ex headbutt when you land in the group, remember to charge when u start to jump

Block ex penetration claw, assume you stand on player 1 side, 1st block Vega knee raising part, you can move you stick to 4 and immediately move to 6. After that vega in your front, you can dash and then orchit him

diagonal jump punch he will roll backwards, you use diagonal jump again and then croach medium kick, that medium confirm it can hit claw

Jump in to hit claw, claw will do the 3 things
case1: he will roll back 1 loop, once u in the ground, u can immediately front dash croach hard punch or do croach weak punch hhs, if the croach weak punch does not confirm hit, dont do hhs, just sit down and not to do anything. For roll back 1 loop, he does not have negative frame and becareful his ex.

1 loop is dangerous when u chase him

case2: he will roll back 2 loop, front dash and then normal throw or weak punch into hhs. For roll back twice, it has frame disadvantages, feel free to hit him

You can try to hit him will jumping hk twice.
2 loop roll back is safe for Honda to attack

Claw presses 3 legs 3 punches to input either 1 loop or 2 loop roll back

When you use jump mk wants to hit claw back, but he use focus back dash. you can do anything or do weak headbutt when u in the ground,as he is still backdash, he don’t have time to charge.


Use ultra 1 when he uses dash fly punch better and more safe than do ultra 1 when he do dive kick
For the honda non wakeup case
Stright jump to eat one hit and then immediately move back for charge. once you land u can ex headbutt
Better jump back or back dash eat one hit rather than full set combo during wake up

For wakeup case, if he wants to step your back, he will get closest to you. ex headbutt can beat his step.


You need to walk in to play and becareful her jump up dive 3 hits kick
block her wheel kick and try to hit her with croach weak punch


Just walk to and fro and try to not be the first one to press normal, use focus back dash to escape his attack

When u stright jump, u need to press hp early, otherwise u have chance get hurt by him. You can also use it during his wakeup, becareful if he gets meter to cancel

When he knocks you down and do jump knee press, you use focus attack backdash and then jump back hk

Characters in the wall

Free free to do stand hp croach weak punch hhs and then stand hard kick. only characters in the corner in the wall will eat while set of combo

Different between back dash and focus backdash

For pressing focus to backdash, you have extra 2 frame charge

Focus attack is an option select

  1. Opponent press normal, Focus absorb 1 hit to attack
  2. Opponent jump in, Focus back dash and then croach weak punch hhs

It is very safe.

Diagonal Jump charging

You can charge in the air, once you go down, u can ready your headbutt


1 set of jump in combo and jump hk stand hp
Actually you should do more close stand hp to make characters dizzy

All cut down or dive kick character
close distance

Focus attack backdash

Far distance

use jump mp

If he lands to in front you without hitting u, u can jesus chop

For fireball characters Ryu, Ken, Sagat

move to the farest distance and stand jump in
After jumping in, walk close and then start to walk close.

Case 1: fireball focus absorb cancel into orchit throw
Case 2: walk in and then stand hk

For evil ryu, he may like to trap your stand hk by pressing focus attack. You can use stand weak punch and then stand weak kick hit the air when u see his
focus , u can immediately ex headbutt or ultra1
After forcing the characters in the corner, you may just sit down and charge for ex headbutt or ex sumo splash

Few free to do ultra 1 when air tastu goes to the wall.

When the character is very close, better not to jump, for eg. if you do stright jump go, ryu can do diagonal jump hk to hit u down. I suggest u to press croach weak punch to hit the the hand of fireball.

Honda is in the walks to backward, some Ryu/Ken likes to use air tastu in far distance in front your face, in this case when ryu lands near your head, you press stand hk twice immediately, it has chance to hit him twice with close hk, if it lands little bit far, he will eat the stand hk.
Another case is to use jesus chop or close hp, I think it is not quite safe.

Honda diagonal jump mk or mp, some ryu block your punch and then try to throw you, I suggest you press stand hk lp lk by pressing these 3 buttons together to avoid throw by him.

Diagonal jump medium punch

Usually use this when ryu wake up, it is better use this when he wakes up at around stand position to hit front and hit his back also the same, he will shroyuken to the front and you will go to his back without hit.

Another use case is they eat your stand hp or work close and block your croach weak punch.

Focus attack backdash

Press mkmp 1st plink with lklp after on hit back dash

Seth, Akuma, Evil Ryu diagonal jump in dive kick

After you block you can ex headbutt

You can also back dash their dive kick

Close set of combo, vs those player know how to jump away your orchit

Croach weak kick, croach weak punch, croach weak punch, (better use this when the croach weak punch is croaching) stand medium punch, stand hard kick or ex headbutt(if opponent jumps)

Two croach weak punch

After doing two croach weak punch, some ryu will jump front mwdium kick or air tastu, good choice is stright jump hp if u can read or jump back medium punch(air to air)

Why need to take video and watch video?

  1. Learn how to offense
  2. Learn how to defense and then punish
  3. Learn what kinds of attack help you to beat your opponent
  4. Learn what kinds of things you have done cause you to have big punishment.
  5. Learn your competition players habits. Some players like to jump up or jump back and then do fireball immediately, that is your jump in time. After doing stand hard punch and HHS not in full hits, ryu will do ex fireball immediately and that is your ultra time.
    For example:
    eg 1.sumo splash is punished by focus attack
    eg 2. headbutt is punished by jump back and eat a full set combo into ultra.
    eg 3. jump in and croaching down or croach weak punch, ryu will setup an air tastu to your back
    For eg 3, it is for you to think how to beat him if he do this air tastu and punish him. (Your thinking time)
  6. Learn your stupid things that you have done cause you lose the match. Dont do next time.

Actually safe Honda just plays normal. All the special moves have their frame disadvantages. You should think about how to play good normal in order to upgrade your ehonda.

Watch other characters special and normal

you will know which one you can use backdash to escape and able to beat their normal

Dash into ultra 1

assume u are in 1p
46646 ppp

Walk one step for special

All your special can press one time the forward or backward before you press the button

For eg. sumo splash is 28hk
You can 2 6 8 hk walk one step and then sumo splash

You can press weak kick when you move to 6, it will release stand weak kick and then sumo splash, if the stand weak kick touch the opponent

For headbutt, you can 46 6p it will walk forward one step then headbutt

Orchit throw, but it does not encourage to do

Close fireball can punish on block

it is -4 to -7
You can croach lp to startup your attack
croach lp link with headbutt

One combo for non shroyuken character on block when Honda jump in

Jump hk>stand lp>stand lk>croach lp hhs or ex hhs
Opponent may jump after stand lp and lk

Read your opponents characters in startup frame action rather than active frame action

You can go to YouTube to find opponent normal and special to see.
For fireball characters, you can use YouTube ryu matchup to see his startup action, actually you can find his hand move to his back and there are sparks at his back, that is your jump in time. You can find YouTube movie to practice to test your eyes how many times the jump you guess are correct.

Once u see the sparks, u say jump. Mark a tick if it is correct and cross for incorrect. You try it repeatedly with different movies. It is very good for you, the next is to read some normal like dhalsim croach far punch or his yoga fire.

Here is the sf2 frame data, it shows each action move. It can help you to read your opponents move.

All fast dash characters knock you down and dash in the corner using their croach weak kick

You must block at this case, opponent dash in to force u into corner, it will cancel your ex headbutt. If u press any commands, u will eat their croach weak kick
Akuma, cammy, ryu, oni are able to cancel your input command by dashing forcing you to the corner

Special techniques which can pass through fast fireball using kara headbutt

8hk headbutt
The fireball is near highest distance of the 8hk foot then fierce or strong or weak headbutt. It is especially good vs sagat ex fireball.
Backward>Down forward + HK>Backward + punch

Far stand hard kick

It is not a safe move. You will have chances to full set of jump in combo.

Although my opinion above are for sf4, actually it can apply sf5. It is useful to give you an idea on how to play Honda.

After jump in you can use close hp, it will counter

Except ryu and sagat, their shroyuken are stright up. Other characters can try it.

Vs ryu fireball

You can press croach weak punch at some distance, if u read Ryu starting a fireball, u can input the remaining hhs. The distance is around the starting 90 seconds distance. Spacing is important when u do this.

u can watch 4:24

Advanced level of focus attack

Vs charge type of characters:
it can use focus attack to absorb the 1 hit when the trap air type characters walk in to attack you such as Vega. Vega is unable to trap enough air to jump into the wall.

You can either orchit throw or jump in to attack him

When opponent jump in, u can try to focus and backdash immediately and then do orchit throw or croach weak punch hhs. It works especially vs oni