@HOME S.I.N Room meet up w/ other SRK'ers

I had been on home only once prior and thought it was totally garbage. Recently I went to check it out it and its still pretty much lame other than the fact that you can start up a game right from home. I was in the S.I.N room and there were some people on there and its pretty cool that you can create an endless game lobby right from in there and play with the people from there as well which I thought was pretty cool. What I thought would be even better was that if the room was filled w/ SRK’ folk and just jump into games from there. Instead of filling up your friends list w/ people you will only realistically play with once or twice, it be nice to meet other srk people and play with them right from there. So I ask you guys check it out and maybe can become a regular thing and possible easier way to play srk competition.