Homage to Street Fighter Wallpapers

Here’s some art in wallpaper format that I’ve been working on for the past few months. I’ll keep posting here and at http://everymoveisspecial.tumblr.com/. Let me know what you guys think. :slight_smile:

Tiiiiger Uppercut!


Great stuff, looking forward to seeing more!

This should technically go into the media subforum but nice work nonetheless.

I’d like to see the power and poise of Chun-Li please.

My bad, should I go ahead and create a new thread over there? <- noob

Here’s an older Chun-li piece. I’ll be retouching them this weekend (fingers crossed).

I’ve got another one at http://everymoveisspecial.tumblr.com/post/21782178847/went-back-and-retackled-the-chun-li-this-one . Hope you like em!