Hmm, This is gonna seem odd but

Hey, guys

long time no see. The reason for me leaving is because of my band.

Anyhow, I wanted to ask a favor of you guys…can someone make a Logo, for my band? the band name is Sylent 3ck0. Anything will do. My photoshop days are long and gone…so If anyone would wanna take this up…Thanks a lot (hint hint, Blackadde, Kairi, Vulcan?)

Damn…:frowning: no love

i could try if you dont mind :).

Sure man, you can…I’m open for any and all ideas. Thanks a lot for the effort and reply bro.

hmmm i got no idea what to do can ya gimmie some specs?

or a logo you want it to look like?

If so thanks alot it would help (sorry i suk)